
Chapter 31

[Later that day]


"Oh, good afternoon, guys. Congratulations on the successful flight." Uwe said happily, seeing us walk into the dining room.


"Yo, thanks. Now, I can finally start exploring the world. Well, almost." I said, knowing I actually needed their permission to do that.


"Woah, hold your horses. Let's talk before you guys go off into the world." Leah said, shaking her hands in a waiting motion.


"Why did something happen?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.


"Well, not really, but a few things will happen for you in the next couple of weeks," Uwe said, putting his hands together and looking down at me.


"Hmm, I am all ears."


"Well, Duke White will be coming to meet you, and your potential betrothal will arrive anytime from now."


"Duke white? You mean Chief White's father?" I said, raising an eyebrow at them.


"Yes, their entire family will be here tomorrow," Uwe said, sounding quite serious.


"I see just one question. How old is she? Chief White." I said it curiously.


"Sigh, let's just say she is almost the same age as your maid," Leah said, gesturing at Selone.


"I see, and her sister."


"A few years younger," Leah said curtly, not answering one of my questions properly.


"Why are you asking this?" Uwe asked, confused.


"I just wanted to know; she never answered me when I asked. Though I do understand why she never did, it's just that she has this feeling of wisdom around her that someone who looks to be my age shouldn't have."


"Ah, that's true. You are going to feel that even more with her younger sister." Lina explained, making me a bit confused.




"She is already a general. To make you realise, the other generation's average age is about 80." Leah explained, making me raise an eyebrow at her.


"What? She is around 40 years old, and she is a general. Holy shit. That's insane. Ah, but you didn't mention the wife?" I said it thoughtfully.


"She passed away giving birth to Nyx, the youngest," Leah said, shaking her head.


"Ah, I see, so when will they be here?" I asked, knowing they already told me, but I wanted to confirm the time.


"Tomorrow morning."


"And why do they actually want to meet me? I know I have talked with Chief White a few times, but that isn't enough reason for her dad to come meet me." I said, looking at them as questionable.


"Well, that is another story and a story that is not for the dining hall."


"Alright then, let's start eating."


"I am starving," I said, looking at the good food in front of me.


[An hour later]


"Ren, let's talk before you go," Uwe said just before I went out of the dining hall with Sara and Selena.


"Alright, you guys, take this with you. I'll see you guys later." I said, giving Sara boxes for our kitchen and the tablet I use to run the entire warehouse.


"Oh, you trust us with this," Sara asked, tilting her head at me.


"No, I trust Selena with it. After all, I taught her everything she needed to know how to use it." I said, looking at Sara sternly.


"What about me? Why can't you trust me?" Sara said, deflated.


"Because you break stuff easily." I simply said, making everyone nod in agreement, knowing how clumsy Sara can be.


"Whatever, Sara, let's go. See you later, Ren," Selena said, dragging Sara out with her.


"So, how did you do it?"


"Do what?" I said, looking at Leah confusedly.


"Selena's attitude towards you is way better than it was two weeks ago."


"Oh, you mean that well. She made the same mistake I did by judging you guys." I said, shrugging.


"You mean demons in general," Leah said with a playful grin.


"Yes, she had bad experiences with quite a few halflings, so that's where it comes from. Though I am not quite a halfling." I said, chuckling, taking a seat again.


"But how did you change her so much with that little?" Uwe asked with a raised eyebrow.


"I didn't change her. She did it herself. I just pointed out that she is too quick to judge, like I was a few months ago." I explained.


"I see, that's good. So, are you going to call us mother and father yet?" Lina asked, teasing me.


"No, like I said, I am not calling you guys that," I said, shaking my head.


"Tsk, worth a try," Lina said, shrugging.


"So, what do you want to talk about, Uwe?" I said, wanting to get back to the main topic.


"Well, it's about the whites. They are dragons."


"I have dragon scales. Is that why?" I asked, touching the scales under my eye.


"The scales themselves aren't the problem, or that it's black; that's the problem." Leah continued.


"Okay, so what does that mean?" I said, tilting my head at


"So that you know, I have tried to keep it so myself, but these two are persistent, you know," Leah said, staring daggers at Uwe and Lina.


"Well, explain then."


"You see, you are a half-black dragon. No, you aren't going to have more scales than you already have." Leah said, sighing in relief, remembering that my entire back was full of scales as well. Something I didn't like very much, though it felt wonderful and made me sleepy when someone gently rubbed it. We found that out when Lina did it to me. I slept like a little kid.


That was also the last time someone was allowed to touch them.


'She is lying about the scale part. I have seen more and more come around my body the more I grow.' I thought of telling her another time.


"Hmm, so as you said, my exterior is the only part that is human," I said, not knowing how to feel about it anymore.


"Did I tell you?" Leah said, not remembering the talk we had a few weeks ago.


"I do have ears, you know," I said, laughing.


"… sorry."


"Don't worry about it. I came to accept it a while back already." I said it, although it was not the full truth.


"That's good to hear."


"Anyways, can we get back to the main topic? Why do they need to meet me because of my blood?"


"Well, black dragons don't exist anymore at all," Leah said awkwardly, looking down.


"So, I am an ancient being to you guys?" I said it sarcastically.


"That's actually true. But then again, you look like a half-human demon, so no one will believe that." Leah said, shrugging, still a bit weirdly.


"If that's true, then why are the whites coming?" I said I was getting worried about what might happen tomorrow.


"Because they were the family that killed all the black dragons 1,000 years ago," Leah said, making the words hang in the air.


"…. What?"


"Don't worry. They won't try to kill you. They got cursed because of what they did." Leah said, making me sigh in relief.


"Like a real curse?" I said, tilting my head at his words.


"Not like that, but the entire world kind of turned their backs on them because of them; their closest allies became enemies. It took them 1000 years to get their honour back to what it is today." Uwe continued to explain.


"Huh, what an interesting story," I said, finding that there might be some holes in the story that she wasn't telling me.


"I know, right? I just thought about it." Leah said, smiling happily.


"So, it isn't true," I said, tilting my head at her.


"Black dragons went extinct is true, but not like I told you. Hahaha."


"Sigh, whatever, I am leaving," I said, standing up to leave.


"No, wait. The truth is, it's just because they value dragon blood quite highly, and seeing as Leah had some of them and they didn't know that, they are quite pissed off." Uwe quickly explained.


"So why do they want to meet me?"


"Just to know who you are. They are the head of the dragon clan, so they need to document every dragon's existence. Half dragon or not." Uwe explained seriously.


"Ugh, that just sounds annoying," I said, grunting in annoyance.


"Official stuff is always annoying, Ren," Lina mutters, sighing to herself.


"So, they will be here tomorrow morning?" I asked again.


"Yes, we will bring them to your warehouse if you want."


"So they will be here before breakfast," I said, knowing how much Uwe values family time.


"Most probably. Duke White will need to get back to earth before the afternoon, so he doesn't have much time." Uwe explained, making me nod.


"Whatever," I said, walking out of the dining hall, annoyed.


'Man, I just want to relax for a while. I really thought I would be able to explore by next week. But no, a fucking brothel is coming to try and woo me. Something I doubt will fucking happen. And now a duke family wants to meet me.' I thought while walking back to the warehouse.


A few minutes later, I ended up in front of the warehouse or well under it. Looking up at it, I raised an eyebrow, confused.


"Why didn't I just teleport here?" I said it out loud. Not waiting another second, I teleported up to the garden gazebo, where Sara and Selena should be. After all, it's our hang-out spot.


"Fuck! I hate when you teleport like that." Selena said, jumping in fright when I appeared in my chair under the gazebo.


"You are still not used to this. It has been 2 weeks already." I said, staring at her with a grin.


"It's not that simple." She said, grunting in frustration.


"Hey, Sara, why are you sleeping again?" I said, seeing Sara napping on the grass again.


"Because I am tired."


"But it's night already. Why don't you just go to your bed?"


"Because I don't want..." she said, only to disappear from her spot.




"Did you just teleport her to her bed?" Selena said, looking at the warehouse where the scream came from.




"But you didn't touch her." She said this, looking back at me.


"Heh, it's a cool trick I have," I said, grinning at her horrid face.


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