

Time stood still.

It was as if this was the first time Wan Hui looked at Bai Ju so closely.

He had always thought that she was pretty. But as he gazed at her now, he could see that she is very beautiful.

Her straight brows, long eyelashes, almond brown eyes that seemed to glitter. Her small adorable nose and mouth that seemed to perk up at this moment. Her blushing cheeks made her even more pretty.

He hadn't looked at her this closely before.

He had only seen her as a younger sister who is incredibly talented and capable. Among the subordinates of their Master, Bai Ju was remarkable. Wan Hui had always been proud of her. He even felt protective of her, not against enemies, since she could handle them in combat.

He only worried that some rouge would try to trick her out here and make a mess of her innocent heart.

He didn't think her twin brother would be able to shield her from these kinds of people. He's a mess himself.

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