
Chapter 142: Or What

Rachel Davis was spotted out with Wil Harris's bodyguard. We're not sure what that means, but we're happy to speculate. The pair hasn't been seen together in public since the night of the benefit, but we're wondering if the last member of Innominate is off the market. Guess only time will tell.

Rachel looked through the job listings again. Nothing stood out to her. She loved her job at the bookstore and having to find something different didn't feel right. The last thing she wanted to do was take a job at a fast-food chain or be a hostess at a high-end restaurant. Would Joel even give her a good reference? He fired her after all.

It didn't matter what he'd say about her. She didn't have the luxury to wait around for a job to fall in her lap. Rent was coming due, and while she saved every bit she could, it only stretched so far.

"Hey, girl, how was your day?" Paige called as she came through the door.

"The same," she hollered back. "Contemplating joining a convent."

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