
Chapter 33: Mums The Word

In case you were wondering what's going on around town, Horace is having a Welcome Home Celebration. While there are still some areas under construction, most of the residents have moved home, and businesses are opening back up. The celebration will take place on Saturday afternoon with a carnival for the kids, dinner that evening on the library's lawn. You don't want to miss the concert given that evening by Innominate featuring our own Austin King. Sunday there will be a community church service on the lawn of the courthouse. We hope you'll come out and join us and celebrate coming home!

"Welcome home!" Shelby all but sang as Laura hobbled through the front door on her cane.

Wide-eyed, Laura looked around. "Austin King, I tell you I don't want anything more than what I had, and you give me this! It's huge!" When she looked over at Austin who had a big smile on his face, she smiled back and said, "I love it. Thank you, darling."

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