
Chapter 15

Finally when they were out of the death room and outside on a balcony overlooking the ocean that wrapped around the cruise, Joe stopped, he had questions that needed answering.

"Why are we here?" He asked, she stopped and turned to look at him.

"It's this way to the elevator." She said.

"No, I mean, why'd you give Eddy the tickets?" he was serious, though he struggled to stand upright and he still had the dread feeling.

"Eddy? who's Eddy?" she said, playing dumb.

"My friend you gave him the tickets, you must've known he would bring me. Ever since I've boarded this cruise people have been staring at me, smelling me and... hitting me apparently." He pointed to his nose, now feeling the swelling but not quite sure how it happened. She raised an eyebrow at him, then squinted.

"I don't know an Eddy, but I've given out a lot of tickets, probably to half of the people on board." Joe waited for further explanation, she went on "My dad owns, the cruise line, I work for him."

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