

A farmer is driving his tractor all around his field. As he stops to wipe the sweat from his forehead, he looks up and sees something in the sky. He then realizes that, whatever it is, it's heading right for him. The farmer quickly runs out of the way as the object from the sky crashes down, destroying his tractor.

"Wow, that was close. What was that anyway?"

The farmer slowly approaches the crater, staring at the space pod. As it opens, he cowers in fear, scared of what could come out. Soon a young woman with long black hair, Saiyan armor, a scouter, and a tail, reveals herself. She presses a button on her scouter, reading the farmers power level.

"Eh, just five? That's disappointing. I know I tracked down another Saiyan pod to this planet, so why isn't the lifeforms wiped out yet?"

The farmer is confused and scared.

"E-E- Excuse me- miss? Can you please- leave my property, please?"

The woman stares at the farmer intensely, intimidating him. She then slowly levitates in the sky and flies away while the farmer faints. The female Saiyan looks through her scouter again, looking for the possible Saiyan survivor. Soon she comes across a large power level.

"A very sizeable power level nearby. Maybe that's the Saiyan that survived Planet Vegeta's destruction."

She flies to the power level with great speed.

Meanwhile, Piccolo stands alone in the waste land, thinking about Shallot leaving earth soon. He then turns around when he senses someone with incredible power( almost as strong as Shallots).

"What is this power I'm sensing? It's not Shallot, it's still lower than his level of energy. So- who is it?"

Soon the female Saiyan lands infront of Piccolo, surprising him even more.

"A Saiyan? But- that's impossible."

"Huh? A Namakian? I'm surprised to see one of you on this planet. Is this your idea of a vacation from your own world?" She asks.

Piccolo stays silent.

"The silent type, huh? I guess your kind were never the conversationalist. Anyway, I was looking for a Saiyan. A pod that hasn't been active in years, popped back on our radar and I tracked it here."

Piccolo notices that she said "our" implying that there's more than just her. The Namakian keeps his guard up around her.

"Sorry, I'm afraid I don't know what you're talking about. So unless you're in a hurry to die, I suggest you keep moving."

The female Saiyan laughs at Piccolo.

"Woah, I've never heard a Namek talk like that before. Relax, I didn't come here to fight. Yet."

She then reads another power level on her scouter.

"Seems like another large power level. The biggest one on this planet by far. It must be the Saiyan."

She then flies off towards Kame house. Piccolo looks on, still confused by everything that just happened.

Meanwhile, as Shallot steps outside after waking up, he sees Bulma's helicopter flying towards the island. When she lands and gets out of the helicopter, Shallot notices the anger and tears in her eyes. The Saiyan sighs.

"You know. Don't you?"

Bulma slaps Shallot across the face.

"How the hell could you?! How could you plan on leaving without telling us?!" Bulma yells.

Shallot doesn't answer, feeling remorse for hurting Bulma. At that moment, everyone comes outside.

"Hey Bulma, what's going on?" Yamcha asks.

Bulma wipes her tears, but is still angry.

"Shallot was planning on leaving the planet without telling any of us."

Everyone(except for Roshi who already knew) looks at Shallot in shock.

"Oh my, is this true Shallot?" Launch asks.

Shallot can hear the sadness in Launch's voice, and is visibly sadend by it.


Yamcha and Krillin both get mad at this.

"What the hell man! Were you just gonna leave without saying a word? Just like that?" Yamcha says.

"I thought we were friends." Krillin adds.

Shallot clenches his fists out of frustration, anger, and fear. Everyone notices this and looks at him with worry in their eyes.

"Five years. I've been pushing my body- my mind- my soul, to the absolute limits. Training day in, day out, all to bring that bastard to his knees. But there's a sizable chance I'm still not strong enough to beat Frieza."

Everyone is stunned by this.

"Shallot." Bulma says.

"I still have to see this through. But I refuse to put anyone of your lives on the line for my own cause. I lost people that I cared about once. I won't let it happen again."

Bulma gets irritated by this.

"But- it's not like our lives weren't put in danger before." She argues.

"That was different- Frieza's different. The red ribbon army, Dr. Gero, Piccolo, I can protect you all from that. If you go with me- I don't know if I can protect you- not from him."

Everyone is shocked, never seeing the Saiyan like this at all.

"I apologize for keeping this from you all. But this isn't up for debate. I'm going alone."

Before anyone can put up an argument, Shallot, Roshi, Krillin, and Yamcha senses something coming from the distance.

"Woah- do you guys feel that?" Krillin asks.

Roshi nods.

"Whatever it is, it's coming in fast." Roshi adds.

"But who the hell is it? Piccolo, maybe?" Yamcha asks Shallot.

"No, Piccolo's gotten way stronger this past year, but he's not this strong yet." Shallot says.

"This strength- it's closer to me at full power. But who is it? And why are they coming here?" Shallot thinks to himself.

As the four fighters take a fighting stance, the female Saiyan lands infront of them. When Shallot sees the scouter, the Saiyan armor, and the tail around her waist, stunned by the sight.

"What the- that's- Impossible." Shallot says, unable to believe that another Saiyan is standing right infront of him.

The female Saiyan smirks, causing Shallot to recognize her and be even more stunned.

"Well, looks like I finally found you. So another Saiyan did survive after all." She says.

Everyone is shocked when they hear what she says.

"Did she say- what I think she did?" Bulma asks.

"Yes. This woman is another Saiyan. And a pretty one at that." Roshi says, covering his nose bleed.

The mystery Saiyan chuckles.

"So I see you know who we are. Which is even more confusing why this one hasn't conquered your planet by now." She says.

While everyone is still processing this information, Shallot takes a few steps forward, trembling.

"Hey, what the hells your problem?" She asks.

Shallot stares at the woman, unable to speak for a moment.

"Yuna-ly?" He finally says.

The female Saiyan is surprised.

"Funny. I don't remember saying my name, so how do you know it?"

"What's going on? Do you know this chick, Shallot?" Yamcha asks.

When Yunaly hears Shallots name, her eyes widen.

"What the hell did you say, earthling?"

Yamcha and Krillin both jump back in fear as Yunaly looks closer at the Saiyan, taking off her scouter.

"No- No it can't be. Shallot was on the planet when it was destroyed, he died with everyone else, you're lying, he can't be alive."

Shallot takes a few more steps forward.

"My parents got me off the planet before it exploded. Put me in a space pod and sent me here. It's me- Yunaly. It's really me."

When Shallot says this, Yunaly starts to tremble as tears start to form in her eyes.


Shallot smiles and nods, tears also forming in his eyes. Yunaly then gets mad at the young man.

"What the hell have you been doing all this time, you dumbass!? Why didn't you tell anyone of us that you were alive!? Why didn't you try to find us!?"

As Yunaly yells at him, Shallot slowly walks towards her, still with a smile on his face.

"We all mourned your death! Me, Raditz, even Vegeta(no matter how much he wants to deny it)! But you've been alive this whole time! Sitting on your ass and hanging around these Earthlings?! You're such an idiot, you know that!?"

Shallot continues to move closer to Yunaly.

"Well?! Are you going to say something, or are you just gonna stare at me like that!?"

When Shallot finally gets close enough, he puts his hand on the side of her face and wipes her tear away.

"You are so beautiful." He says with a kind smile.

Yunaly looks up at Shallot, more tears falling down her face, and she hugs him.

"I missed you. Dummy."

Shallot smile gets even bigger and he hugs her back, thinking to himself that if this is a dream, he never wants to wake up.

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