
Episode Thirteen - Sunakki (Part 1)

Chapter Song Suggestion "Memory by Com Truise"

*note : all dialogues like so {example} are spoken from the predator's perspective



He woke up to the sun beating on his back, the agonizing pain of his swollen eye reminded him of the previous night's events. The soldiers had been celebrating, imbibing bottles of imported liquor while exchanging carnal jokes. One of them had staggered to where he and Eira were huddled. In a blink of an eye, the soldier tore Eira from his arms and chaos ensued. She had fought like a wildcat, earning a backhanded slap.

Fury boiled through him in a violent wave, possessiveness lightning up his nerves and he had pummelled the soldier, not registering the sharp pain slicing over his face. Soon, the others joined in. He heard Eira screaming and found her pinned under three men. Roaring hoarsely, he slammed into them, knocking them off and blanketing his larger body over hers — protecting her. Lars had absorbed every kick and blow to his backside, listening to Eira's uneven sobs and pleading for them to stop. Blood from his wound blurred his vision, and eventually he passed out.

A soft mumble reeled him back to the present. Eira's head was tucked neatly into the crook of his neck, her arm wrapped around him as if she were afraid he would disappear. She stirred, tilting her head to grace him with a slumberous smile. Reaching out to cup his cheek, she surveyed his wound with a sad expression. Surprising him, she planted a gentle kiss on his lips, her thumb feathering his skin. "Kaaqa, Lars. Thank you for saving me."

He blinked, feeling a gentle heat rise in his cheeks. It was his first kiss, after all. Awkwardly, he cleared his throat. "You're welcome."



"I think that's the last of them." Anaelle fought to catch her breath, surveying the carnage of dismembered body parts. Deactivating her energy laser whip, she crouched beside a severed head and shone a light on it, perceiving a strange tattoo on the corpse's sunken, waxy skin.

How strange, she thought. This corpse seemed to have been bled dry before death, explaining the absence of blood but, it failed to reveal the reason for its reanimation. Blood was vital to keep the human body functioning. Without it, the answer was obvious. There was definitely more to this than meets the eye. Cutting a piece of decomposed tissue, Anaelle scanned it on her analyzer.

"Did you find anything?" Florian approached, frustration pouring off him in waves.

"This corpse is fresher than the ones we killed earlier," she confirmed. "I'd say it has been dead for at least four hours. Rigor mortis has only begun to set in, although I can't be certain with the external influence. I noticed some of the zombies that attacked us couldn't even walk in a straight line." She pocketed her analyzer. "I'll need to take this sample and a few corpses back to the lab for a detailed investigation. There's something about them that bothers me."

He inclined his head. "Go ahead. I think we've seen enough of this place. Take whatever you need. I'm hailing the phantom to pick us up."

"Are we finally getting the fuck out of here?" Koga called out, cleaning Shisui by the lake.

"Yes. I'm sure the Captain will agree that we have found what we're looking for," Florian mulled over the situation, scanning their destroyed camp. "We don't have a reason to stay any longer and our humpbacks have disappeared too. Waiting out here will turn us into sitting ducks."

Just then, Lars and Eira emerged from the forest belly, both looking like they could use a hot shower. Otherwise, they were whole and unharmed. Eira led Xue Long to the edge of the lake to clean the evidence of the horned lancer's gruesome murder off its maws — a blood red contrast against pristine, white scales.

"Captain, the phantom's on its way. I've activated the tracking beacon," Florian reported. "We're transporting some of the corpses back to the lab for a post-mortem. I believe it's no longer safe to camp here and we'll soon have a lead on who is behind this. We've searched the entire Oasis and found no other clues."

"Even if it's safe, I'm not keen on sleeping with the corpses," Koga added with mild disgust. "The stench is suffocating."

"Alright, let's move out," Lars conceded, his sweeping gaze landing on a fair-haired corpse. It wasn't the only one amongst the pile but, something about it called out to him. In rapid strides, he bent over the undamaged side of a familiar face. His lungs contracted.

"Lars, what's wrong?" Eira noticed his hand balling into an unforgiving fist.

"I hope I'm wrong, but I think I found Jade's mother." His tone brimmed with unconcealed anger. The one aspect of being Captain that he hated was telling a person that their loved one was dead. It never got easier over time, and the burden of failure only weighed on his shoulders.

Eira was beside him at once, taking in the familiar green orbs — now a dull, matte — and blonde hair — now limp, and colourless. This dead woman was an older replica of the little girl they had rescued from the treefolks village.

"Fucking hell," Koga swore under his breath. "So those two were responsible for the treefolks village demise?" He glanced around frantically. "Are these all the missing villagers?"

"I don't think it's just the treefolks who were victims," Anaelle announced, holding up a detached head she was transporting. She pointed to the inked pattern on the cheek. "This tattoo marks him as a Skocian tribesman."

"I know that tattoo." Eira rose in liquid motion, taking a closer look. "He was a member of the Xaosose tribe." She caught Lars's eye. "Kalina's tribe."

Lars's brows furrowed, trying to recall a similar tattoo on Kalina.

"Her tattoo is located at the base of her right ear," Eira elaborated as if she had read his mind. She had seen it several times when they had fought. Xaososean children received their tattoos as young as five years old, mostly symbols of their spirit animals for guidance and protection. The fact that Lars didn't know, brought an unexpected relief to her heart. It spoke volumes about how 'intimate' his carnal relationship with Kalina was.

Xue Long's sudden growl alerted everyone that they weren't alone. Its gaze was fixed on a clump of bushes in the dark.

"Who's there?" Lars demanded, trying to get a glimpse in the dull moonlight. "Show yourself."

Rustling teased their ears before a figure darted across the shadows — small and fast. Eira was already in pursuit, launching a series of arrows to waylay their unknown intruder. The short figure fell clumsily, a tell-tale sign that he or she wasn't an imposing threat. Closing off all routes of escape, Eira blocked the front while Xue Long impeded from behind. The figure desperately scrambled away, kicking up a pile of scattered leaves. "Doola! Uma zindari enh!"

It was a child! Eira mentally paused. An angry but frightened girl who spoke the Skocian tribal tongue. Bracing her reaper, she questioned vigilantly. "Peki douh? Who are you?"

"Uma Xaosose." The words trembled.

What was a tribe child doing out here in the Oasis of all places? "What are you doing here?" she demanded, switching to the common tongue so that everyone could understand.

"I am...looking...for my brother," the child answered in stilted English.

It was too dark to make out the girl's features but, Eira believed it was safe enough to lower the huntress. A bad move. Immediately, she was attacked with a hidden knife. Eira fluidly sidestepped and caught the fragile wrist, twisting hard enough for the girl to drop the blade. She held on fast, neither offended nor impressed. "It'll take a hundred years for you to take me off guard, anakki. Child." Eira jostled her. "What is your name? Tell me what you're doing here in the Oasis."

Anaelle shone her torchlight on the young girl, revealing a dirt smudged face and tattered leather garments. Her bedraggled appearance was unexpected, softening Eira's expression. The Xaosose tribe were known to treat their legitimate children like precious gems but, those who were born bastards were often condemned — an undesired reminder of a spouse's infidelity. She had an inkling to which group this child belonged to.

Lars opened his mouth to interrogate the girl but, Eira stopped him with a firm hand on his chest. Her gaze appealed for him to allow her to handle this. He begrudgingly nodded.

"Where are your parents?" she continued, loosening her grip, but not enough for the malnourished child to flee.

Young, fearful eyes roamed the strange faces surrounding her, primal panic setting in and her heart thrashed like a helpless bird caught in a net.

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