
The King's Choice

Aisha wanted the ground to open up and eat her whole right now.

"Why do I have to get caught up in this mess? I only want to come back home," She grumbled as her eyes darted from one party to another.

She admitted that she was glad to see the King again. It was as if he was her knight in shining armor.

Or not. Because he has a higher position than a knight.

Or another not, because he has a different agenda why he was here. He must have been finding her an inconvenience, a sabotage to his plans.

Still, she was thankful, as she really didn't want to stay at this Manor.

No matter how beautiful it is. It just appeared like a glamorous coffin, with dead bones inside.

But then, why did it feel like she was being torn apart?

If she chose to leave the Manor, does that mean that the King would not get what he was after?

She stared at him with his towering height. His smoldering eyes were penetrating into hers.

Her heart thumped an irregular heartbeat. And she knew it was not out of fear.

She did not want to trouble him. But she didn't want to stay in this land either.

Just then, a bright idea came to her mind.

"With all due respect, my lord, Your Majesty," she bowed down to everyone. "Your servant is a loyal subject of Gaea. Whatever the decision of the King is, I would gladly oblige."

Her head remained in a bowed position as a sign of her humility before the royalties in front of her.

Lord Emilio seconded the motion as he also made a formal bow and declared in a loud voice, "We are at your disposal, your Majesty."

Lord Lycano's men looked at each other and decided to do the same.

It seemed that Lord Lycano was left with no choice. With a growl, his shoulder-length black wavy hair went down as he bowed down to him.

Aisha clamped her lips to compress a smile from showing. It seems that it's working!

Now, everyone's back to honor their King.

However, the ball was now in the King's Court. If he chose for her to stay, he would get what he was after. If not, he would lose it. But still, it wouldn't be her fault.

Of course, she wanted to leave. But not to the point that something important for the King would be compromised. She's not that stupid and selfish.

She readied herself for whatever his decision would be.

She looked around her. It's not so bad to live here. Maybe she could adjust. For a month or so. And then she would try to escape again if she could.

She was lost in planning her survival when the King cleared his throat. It was as if he was already ready to state his decision.

"Thank you for your devotion to the King, my lady, and everyone present," Leandro bowed down to them. "It is my decision then for Lady Aisha to live in the Northern Gaea."

"But, your Majesty," Lord Emilio stepped nearer to him as if he was about to say something.

But the King has already made up his mind. He lifted his royal rod as a signal for Aisha to step forward and obey his command.

Aisha was stunned. Did he really say it right? Does that mean he chose her freedom over his kingdom?

Aisha's usually talkative mouth couldn't utter a single word. She felt relieved that she wouldn't have to stay on this side of Gaea.

But she felt guilty that there is a price that the King has paid.

She clearly recalled that the merchants came to the Southern Lands with their lives on the line. If they mentioned their death, their task must be too great. That means it is important for the King, too.

Lord Emilio, Lord Lycano, and his men knelt before the King as he raised his rod.

"Who am I to contend?" Aisha muttered to herself.

"Thank you for your grace, your Majesty," Aisha bowed down to him.

Then she slowly walked to his side of the Manor, the one nearer the door.

The King's aesthetically handsome face hypnotized her, making her see nothing but him. Her own heartbeat with her every step.

As she drew near him, she could smell his scent again, that rich, earthy, and manly scent. Slowly, her fears started to melt away.

She could see the King's plum lips curved in a tight smile as she walked to his side.

Her eyebrows furrowed as she wondered why he wanted her to leave this place. Was it because he wanted to protect her from Lord Lycano? Or because he wanted her for himself?

The King turned his back on Lord Lycano and was about to leave when Lord Lycano spoke up.

"Your Majesty, you said you were going to discuss something about land estates?" He followed up, with a sarcastic smile on his face.

Perhaps he wanted to emphasize the opportunity that the King lost because of her.

The King turned back to him and answered quickly, "I believe you already have your answer, Lord Lycano. Let us not waste each other's breath. Gaea is a prosperous and bountiful land, living independently of other realms for centuries. I believe it will continue to do so, with or without anyone's help."

Aisha could see the black veins in Lord Lycano's neck starting to creep up.

Fortunately, the King finished the conversation early.

"Anyway, thank you for your warm hospitality. I truly hope we would meet again at a more opportune time," he tilted his head in a half-bow to him, then he abruptly turned around and walked away, leaving a seething Lord behind.

She could hear him gruff, "Surely we will meet again, Your Majesty. I will get back what is mine."

She quickly ran forward to the King.

Lord Emilio followed after her, with him being the last in the queue.

"Your Majesty," Lord Lycano's servants that they passed through bowed down to him.

To Aisha's delight, she saw a Dracus and its huge wings. She recalled how it brought her to the Castle.

She was scared and itching to leave, then.

But this time, she felt peace and joy, as if she was even desiring to see it again.


Those who deny freedom to others deserve it not for themselves; and under the rule of a just God, cannot long retain it. Abraham Lincoln

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