
Pain Never Forgotten

(Scene pans to Shi smiling and back to Kenta which the lightning strikes have stopped, Kenta is now wearing a trench coat with blue chains coming out of the the trench coat with black lightning sparking around the chains, the inner shirt is black, his pants are black, and his combat boots are black. Kentas hair is now white and his eyes are glowing bright blue with blue light energy coming from his eyes)

Everyone Besides Shi is scared to even move from the immense power coming from Kenta and Shi Yells in anger "This is what happens to a person when they have hurt so long! The people in this world are too corrupt you think your better than everyone else you idiotic Kings and higher ups!"

Shi sighs and says angrily "But when your true colors are revealed, you cower in fear because all your comfort is taken away from you, But Kenta he's never cowarded away from what I have seen! We haven't known each other for long, but I can tell from his attitude that he works hard even if he's hurt."

The king growls angrily and yells "How dare you speak to me and my army like that! You are a peasant and nothing more! Your only numbers in my kingdom you will always and only be numbers useless trash!!"

The King Turns to his army and yells "KNIGHTS! ARCHERS! AND MAGES! KILL THEM BOTH!! BRING ME THEIR HE-"

(The scene suddenly changes to Kenta and with a shadow covering his eyes his aura burst strongly with so much power in anger, the sky starts turning dark grey and lightning stroking down and the wind increasing)

Kenta starts walking towards his longsword with lightning striking every step he takes he grabs the handle of his longsword tightly and the thorns on the guard start wrapping around the blade and the thorns glow bright blue and blue light energy glows on the sword and Kenta yells angrily "I WILL NOT ACCEPT THIS!!"

(Kenta quickly takes his sword out of the ground and runs as fast as he can at the knights. He goes so fast that no one besides Shi is able to see him and Kenta Launches himself into the air and over the knights he starts coming down and slams his sword on the ground and a huge lightning bolt strikes the ground and sends knights flying. The knights start attacking him but he blocks all the knights attacks and Kenta senses 100 arrows coming his way so he uses his other and and does a gravity spell and sends the arrows back at the archers at extreme speeds)

(The scene pans to the archers by the king)

The king says impatiently "Did you shoot the arrows?"

The Archer Captain says confidently "Yes my lord we shot the arrows and I'm very confident they will be on target my lord"

Suddenly one of the archers yell "THE ARROWS ARE COMING BACK AT US!!"

*Both the King And Archer captain grunt in shock*

(The arrows slam down at extreme speeds and cause a explosion on impact and kills off half of the archers)

(An arrow is aiming at the king but the archer captain jumps in the way of the arrow and it his his heart and kills him)


(the king kneels down and takes the archer captains badge wanting to be captain, Then suddenly a head of one of his knights rolls to his feet and The king screeches in fear and looks at the crater seeing all of his knights dead and Shi and Kenta are standing in the middle of the body's)

I will be writing everyday if I can please give me tips as I’m new to this and I’m enjoying it.

I’ll try to publish chapters on a daily basis


Rudy_Gallegoscreators' thoughts
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