
12. Weapon Creation 3.

After Kiba is finished it's time for the final weapon.

"Hiramekarei, Twinswords. They don't have any real blade. Instead they channel chakra into blades and constructs. The chakra can also be used to boost the person wielding the blades at high speed. The constructs can be anything from hammers to swords or even axes." Kind of like a controllable lightsaber.

The entire blade looks like a seashell with two handles coming from the bottom. The blade can be split in half to dual wield.

"This is the last one?" Valerie asks.

"Yes, I have other weapons I could make but I want to put in time to learn these ones first. I only have so many bodies after all." Besides I'm probably im pretty bad debt with all the money Valerie has given me. I have no intention of just letting her pay for everything. So I plan to start making cash.

Besides all this weapon making has drained me of most of my chakra.

The final seal lights up as the Twinsword comes together. The recall seal on the scroll lights up and I roll it up before storing them in the gate.

This sword will be going to the Preta Path, i might be able to find a way to use the chakra absorption to work with the new swords.

Kiba will be going to my bloodline path, and the helm splitter to the Deva path.

The only one without a blade would be the Asura path. However its entire body is a mechanized weapon. I also plan on having it work with puppets. This could be a monstrous combo, plus I'm sure I could find some nice improvement for the mechanical body.

I pass out the scrolls containing the Kenjutsu style for each respective blade. They can practice while I have a nap. I also give over the puppeting scrolls to my Asura path to read.

It rather odd sleeping since I can subconsciously control the other bodies which dont need sleep.

"I'm going to take a nap." I say with a yawn before heading up the stairs with Samehada slithering behind me.

During the past week I havent slacked at all, I've personally been working on shurikenjutsu, which I'm exceptionally good at. There are multiple targets in the back yard that I use to practice. I've also got the basics down for the Rasengan. I havent worked on elemental manipulation at all, however I have been working on the Big Rasengan.

Other than that, I practice the basic taijutsu to improve my body.

The silent killing has been coming along well, or atleast silent movement. Most of the time my paths walk around using a bit of chakra to silence thier footfalls. Trying to make it a habit so that my body does it automatically.

They also practice various taijutsu styles, The Uchiha interceptor fist, The Hyuuga soft fist, The Inuzuka beast style, Might Guy's strong fist, Tsunade's Smashing fist, there are hundreds of taijutsu style's in the gate.

The first time I tried out the Smashing fist, surprisingly it exploded my paths arm, obliterating the chakra network, muscles, bones, everything. Luckily I dont really feel pain from the paths. Had to repair it it with the hell king.

Valerie was more than happy to spar with my paths. You see for the most part, adventurers don't do things like train martial arts or with manuals. They dive right into the dungeon and just rely on excelia from thier gods and ranks. If that doesnt work, rely on magic weapons and armor, if that doesnt work get a strong party. Most people barely do training before entering the dungeon.

I didnt have to worry about Valerie getting hurt because she was much faster and much stronger than me. I couldn't even land a single hit no matter how hard I tried.

Plus the Paths could spar against each other using the same style and point out flaws and fix them. I was by no means going to become a martial arts master anytime soon. But I was getting the basics down.

After my nap I gathered up all the blades I had on hand and stored them in the storage scroll before approaching Valerie. "How much do I owe you exactly for all the materials you bought?" I ask.

"Hmm? You don't owe me anything, you already taught me your magic which is helping me tremendously." She denies instantly.

"I don't like feeling in debt. How much did we spend on materials?" I ask once again.

She let's out a sigh, "Around 13 million valis. Mostly on raw ore and ingots."

That is by no means a small sum of money. But I have a couple of plans on earning it back plus extra. I need more items anyway.

"Alright then let's go visit Hephaestus." I tell her walking towards the entrance.

"Going to show her your weapon manuals?" Valerie asks.

"No there are special seals on each of the weapons that block people from seeing how they were made." Things like the Byakugan and other eye bloodlines existed in the naruto world. So special seals were designed for weapons so others couldn't see how they were made or make out the seals used.

There are things like that in this world as well to prevent gods and goddesses from stealing others work or having thier work stolen.

"So you plan to charge her to see the finished product, you know that's going to drive her crazy right?" Valerie asks with a giggle.

"Yes, however I also have a business proposition for her. I've been working on it the past week. It will also probably drive her crazy." I laugh.

"Oh? Now you've really got me interested." Valerie says picking me up.

Its really not bad being carried around by a pale skinned beauty. Well before she starts hopping through the air and jumping from building to building.

It only takes a few minutes to land in Hephaestus's territory and have one of her familia notify her of our arrival. She doesnt look very happy to see me.

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