
Target On Ones Back.

After Kokushibo had recruited his first demon subordinate he had checked if he got the same control that Muzan had over his demons and it was the same. He could set up Blood Curses that would kill the rule breaker so he made a few.

At this moment he was in a restaurant with Roberto eating several Tacos with Fajita, Al Pastor while the amount seemed like a lot it was all digested into sustenance for him. Even Muan was enjoying the tacos all the while Roberto sat across him looking at the table.

"You should order something, as a Demon, you can still eat human food. Still, you will have to start eating humans soon."

Roberto clenched his hands making claw marks run on the table. He wanted nothing more than to kill Kokushibo, but every time he had the thought to run or do something to get away he was tortured with unimaginable pain.

"What do you mean a Demon? I am human."

Kokushibo glanced at him with his 6 eyes and smirked.

"No your not. You are now a blood-thirsty demon. Quite funny that now you look as ugly on the outside as the inside. Seeing your memories, you are the lowest of scum. Normally I would eat you, but I am in the need of good slaves, what a joke. Now you are nothing more than my pet, so do as your told."

Roberto grunted in agony as all of his nerves were firing in pain. Even as a Demon increased his pain resistance no matter how high it was Kokushibo could still make it feel like he was dying.

"Now that the fun stuff is out of the way we will be quite busy. As you are now you are disappointing to be one of my Demon Moons, so I order you to hunt down more of your fellow cartel members."

Roberto looked up while blood ran down his red eyes.

"Yes sir."

Kokushibo noticed how his thoughts of running away were reduced by quite a bit so once he finished eating he stood up and patted him on the shoulder.

"Ah, y una palabra a los sabios, no trates de correr. No importa lo lejos que estés de mí, lo sabré. (Oh, and a word to the wise, don't try to run. No matter how far you are from me, I will know.)"

When he started to walk away each step he took made Roberto relax just a bit before he had the courage to stand up. He felt that his freedom was done, it made him feel helpless. He glanced at his pale arms that made him look like a corpse and his eyes.

He was a demon now, and the Devil had robbed him of his humanity. He also left not long after to go do as he was told. He did not even think to disobey as the torture when Kokushibo was mad, was worse than getting burned.

He closed placed his hand over his right eye that had been branded like he as cattle. That was what it felt like to him, but now that his owner had ordered him he would do it. Unless he was brave enough to suffer the wrath of Kokushibo.

While Kokushibo was putting his new slave in his place the Cartel was not going to stay quiet now that a few of their warehouses were hit. They wanted to know anything about who did this to make an example of why heroes were nearly nonexistent.

In a luxurious mansion, a middle-aged was getting the report of what had happened, but as everyone was dead they did not know who did it. He cursed out loud and threw his cup of whiskey at the wall. He had a feral snarl on his face and the wall began to bend and compress around him.

Several men rushed in while armed with rifles seeing what had pissed him off. The man was named Ernesto Octavio Ramirez, the current leader of the Cartel and one of the strongest people in all of Mexico. His quirk was a telekinesis type that at max power could destroy buildings.

In a way he had a high amount of control over the government as most of them were in his pocket.

"Busque a este hijo de puta. Lo quiero frente a mí al final de la semana.(Look for this son of a bitch. I want him in front of me at the end of the week.)"

At that moment a massive manhunt for Kokushibo was underway, but the one responsible was walking toward another stronghold He knew there would be a lot, but he was surprised to see just how many there were in this country.

"Muzan, I knew this place was bad, but not this bad. Even in my last world, it was crap, but it just got a lot worse with quirs. Like giving wings to a tiger."

The rat did not get what he meant, but he agreed with his master. If his master said it, it had to be true. As he was walking the three eyes on his right side glanced at a building while they glowed white.

He looked through the building and saw that a man had hung himself not long ago. At most he had been dead for a few hours, but what took his attention was that the man had left an infant in the house.

He walked toward it as it would be wasteful to leave a body that he could eat hanging. As for the kid he was going to leave it there as he was not a babysitter. When he ripped the door off its hinges and saw the body he placed his hand on his chest and absorbed it.

"Quirkless. Killed himself because he was quirkless, as for the kid."

Kokushibo looked at the baby that was still crying and drew his sword. It would be a mercy to kill it before it grew up in a dump like this, but just as he was about to drive his sword into his head he noticed something odd.

The baby was looking at him while reaching out for his sword.

"Don't tell me this is supposed to be one of that cliche, 'I can't kill him and raise him as my own right?'"

Muzan titled his head as he did not get it. Kokushibo place dhis sword back in his sheath and shrugged.

"Oh well, take it as a whim of mine."

He drove his finger into the baby's heart and pumped it full of more blood than he had given to Roberto. The bay started to cry from the pain, but Kokushibo was without remorse as he watched.

From what he saw the baby would survive. He left a note and wrote a name for the baby in blood. Agustin was all the note said as he started to walk away while waving.

"Survive kid. I will see you again. Do as you will, and come serve me when you grow."

He left the demon baby as he walked to another of the warehouses. He thought of something and in his time with Naomi, he had watched hundreds of the anime she had made and one of them was named from the Second Life Ranker.

The mc had a really cool outfit that he decided to make, his flesh started to devour his clothes and wrap all around him. As he was using it up his body regenerated what was lost and after a few minutes, the Gyges Eyes had been completed.

Not only was it as hard as his flesh, but it also could produce several eyes just like the original increasing his perception even further. At this moment he felt that even taking one a bomb to the chest would not damage his outfit.

Not only could it regenerate, but it was also at his minuscule control.

"Not only is it fashionable, but durable. Cool right?"

Muzan used his little hand to hit it and he smelled it as it smelled like his master. The rat nodded as he liked it. In his right hand, the same mask appeared in his right hand and he put it on his face.

It may draw attention to him, but that was just what he wanted right now. Of course, he made extra holes for his eye as all the eyes on his outfit opened up looking out. Everyone who he passed by felt they were being looked at and it made them leave.

His leg's tensed and he disappeared like he was never there. He appeared right at the next stronghold, but he did not draw his sword. He did not want to let his martial arts go to waste so he kicked the front door down.

When he burst through the guards all rushed toward him so he did something he wanted to do. As his blood purity was high he could copy and make other demons' abilities so he recreated Akaza's blood demon art.

It was one of his favorites in the Demon Slayer manga surpassed just by Kokushibo's. That was one of his few issues with the Demon Slayer manga. The fact that Akaza and Kokushibo only lost because they gave up was not a thing he accepted.

He slammed his foot in the ground while he got into a stance.

"Technique Development, Compass Needle."

Under his feet, a blood-red pentagram appeared under his feet. As his version was different from Akaza's its abilities also were different. For one it put his mind into a hyper-focused state and he combined it with the eyes all over his outfit.

'Destructive Death, MMA style.'

He charged forward at the biggest person there who looked like a humanoid rhino and before the unfortunate victim could react his head exploded like a watermelon. Kokushibo inhaled vast amounts of air and in a sprint kick launched waves of his burning blood slicing many of the unfortunate to take them in half.

'Why is everyone I fight so weak? Is no one going to give me a challenge or am I just too broken?'

He bounced off from the air and kicked into the head of a young guy. He could not have been older than 19, but at this moment he was nothing more than a pair of pants for Kokushibo.

He glanced around and noticed that the rest were either sniveling like girls or trying to run.

"You can't even fight back, you disgust me. None of your quirks are even worth taking. Muzan, you can eat them all."

He was madder at the fact that these guys had the audacity to act as they ruled over this country when they were weak. As for his pet, it jumped forward and unleashed his blood demon art sending toxic red mist into their numbers.

All of them did not even get a chance to beg as Muzan had increased the amount of blood he had used. All of them dropped dead like flies as Kokushibo sat down on a pile of drugs. He absorbed his mask as he looked at his pet feasting on them.

"This is boring. Maybe I should start going after top heroes. All Might is not hurt yet is he?"

A smile formed on his face as he licked his lips thinking of being the one to cripple All Might before All For One. He stood up and began to walk out while Muzan was forced to not enjoy the taste and just asborb the bodies.

When he went outside of the compound he pointed his right hand at it and blasted it with a wave of purple fire. He had taken in several fire quirks, but because of that, he would not take water or ice. Still, he managed to get wind and electricity as a takeaway.

While he walked away his instincts warned him of an attack so he titled his body to the side. Where he stood was now filed with metal scrap. He looked toward where it came from and saw a young woman who looked to be in her late 20s looking at him.

She was surrounded by many men who all felt to be much stronger than the many grunts he had been fighting. One of them had a powerful build and just from a feeling he was strong enough to match the strongest heroes' minutes All Might type.

As for the woman her eyes seemed a bit lifeless and he could guess she was groomed from a young age for her quirk and for other things. He saw how everytime she raised her hands the metal rooftops of the surrounding buildings, cars, and fences were raised in the air.

"So she is a Magneto type huh? She is perfect for number 18 for now. I will need to move around the rankings with Blood Battles."

He drew his sword and changed it's form into a greatsword that would make Guts' proud. His muscle mass increased and his height also grew to about 6'7. The eyes on his outfit opened up along with the ones on the sword making everyone who saw them feel gross.

He rested the blade on his shoulder and he started to walk forward with a giant snarl on his face. He really wanted to either eat or recruit her. He would decide if she was alive at the end.

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