
Chapter 147: Time For a Change, Part 2

Spaulding Apartment, Chicago

April bundled herself up and went outside to sit on the cement stairs of the Callahan's old gray-stone apartment building. She leaned against the wrought iron banister. She knew Emily was in good hands with Kevie. When she left, he was sitting with her in the rocking chair that had belonged to Katherine Callahan. She thought about the irony of how Kevie was actually born eight years before his great-great-grandmother Kate.

April was transfixed on the snow as it gently cascaded past the street lights and thought about her parents. She wondered how their first reunion date was going. It was almost as if her father, Edmond somehow knew Helene would one day return. He'd placed his life on hold. April had never seen him so happy, and this made her happy, but lately, she started to notice a definite sadness creeping into herself. She wondered if she was feeling a touch of post-partum depression.

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