
Chapter 67: Old Time Reliability, Part 2


Katya and Cyrus had found a pub that not only allowed dogs but gave him a complimentary dish of dog food. Dickory had enjoyed his well-deserved meal as much as Katya and Cyrus delighted in their ploughman's lunch and pint.

After lunch they visited a wall that was inland but contained a plaque marking the spot where the original pilgrims had sailed from on the Mayflower. They were informed that at one time, the sea came all the way up to that spot.

They then visited the maritime museum and a great little shop called Cobwebs on Northam Road. Here was where they learned great stories about Titanic and her ill-fated sister ships. The RMS Olympic was lost at sea and presumed sunken during sea trials off Belfast And the HMHS Britannic which was reputedly renamed from her original designation Gigantic after Titanic had gone down. She hit a mine off the coast of the Greek Island and sunk in 1916.

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