
Chapter 9

Caspian had been gone for nearly two weeks now and his absence was being felt in the red keep every day and no one felt it more than his younger siblings and his uncle Tyrion, the former of whom had been hearing some strange things regarding the two of them and their brother Joffrey.

It had started when Myrcella and Tommen happened to overhear a whispered conversation between two servants regarding notices that had been posted by spies of Stannis Baratheon throughout King's Landing.

The whole keep was buzzing about them though everyone was very quiet not to mention any of this when Cersei was around as heads would roll if the word bastard was so much as mentioned. And speaking of bastards, odd things had been happening throughout the city as well regarding certain children.

Uncle Tyrion had been attempting to keep the information away from them but there were just some things that filtered through.

Myrcella who had just turned twelve was smarter than most people in the keep gave her credit for. Most only said she looked like a younger version of the queen and was as quiet and fragile and beautiful as a doll, but there was a working brain in that pretty blonde head of hers and it had been speculating for weeks since Caspian left as to why things were happening the way they were happening.

Myrcella was no idiot. She didn't particularly indulge in reading as much as her older brother did but she did find it a nice pastime when she wasn't being forced to sew with her mother and the other ladies of the court.

As far as the pretty blonde was concerned, stitching was boring and a waste of time. It didn't test the skills of a person whatsoever and all it really proved was that she could hold a weapon. Caspian had taught her long ago that everything was a weapon as long as it was used correctly.

When she had been in Winterfell several months ago, Myrcella had been rather envious of Arya Stark because her parents gave her so much freedom. She was allowed to do things that Myrcella was never able to. She was learning how to fight with a sword, she could ride a horse and she didn't always have to wear dresses. Myrcella had always liked pretty things but that didn't mean she didn't like practical things as well.

And with Caspian's disappearance and Joffrey's asinine leadership as nothing more than a crown with a mouth, Myrcella was beginning to wonder about certain things.

Her mother hadn't allowed her to go out into the streets of King's Landing even with her Lannister guards since Lord Stark and his daughters had escaped. She claimed that there were enemies all over the place and they wouldn't hesitate to try and hurt her as a way to get to Joffrey.

Myrcella wanted to scoff. It wasn't like Joffrey would care. He had taken time off bullying and harassing her and Tommen since he had become King certainly. But as far as she was concerned, it had just made him more evil and depraved.

Myrcella hated Joffrey.

She hated him with every fibre of her being since she had come upon him slaughtering Tommen's cat.

And her mother hadn't done a thing. Her ten year old brother was so gentle and sweet, he had never done anything to anyone and yet Joffrey had done an unspeakably cruel act just because he could.

Myrcella had never hated anyone so much since she saw the tears in her little brother's eyes. He was only ten years old and had expressed a private desire to be a knight when he became older like their uncle Jaime. He deserved to believe that life was bright a beautiful even for a little while until he became a knight and was introduced to the horrors of the world they lived in.

Caspian had always tried to shelter her and Tommen from Joffrey's cruelty and then one day he was just gone. There was no explanation, no goodbyes, no promises to write, nothing.

All Myrcella knew was that one day Uncle Tyrion had taken her older brother down to the docks with a group of Lannister soldiers, put him on a ship and he had sailed away. Her mother refused to talk about it and Myrcella knew Cersei well enough to know that her silence was not a good sign.

Myrcella knew Robert hadn't been the greatest husband or father, anyone at court could tell that, but she also knew that he had never been inherently mean to her. He had ignored her and Tommen, but he had never raised his hand to them like he had sometimes done to mother. There were even times when she was a little girl, when Robert had taken her on his knee and bounced her for a while as he told her stories.

People would comment on how much she looked like her mother, but no had ever said that she and the late King Robert were alike.

Nor for that matter had they said he looked like Joffrey or Tommen. Everyone always said how the royal children took after their mother, but Myrcella had always compared herself to Caspian and seen the vast differences between them and wondered if something was wrong. She and Joffrey and Tommen all looked alike with their blonde hair and their green eyes so like their mother's.

But Caspian…..Caspian looked like King Robert. He was tall and lean and powerful with thick black hair and deep blue eyes. He looked more like a king than Joffrey ever did and when he walked beside them Myrcella had never been afraid of what Joffrey might try and do to her and Tommen.

There had been many times in the past two years when she wished that Caspian would be king instead of Joffrey. He had taken care of them.

And now he was gone.

And Myrcella was angry about it. She wanted to know why her favorite older brother had just disappeared without even a word of goodbye one morning. She didn't even know where he was or if he was ever coming back and she was tired of people giving her vague answers. Tommen had been asking questions lately that she didn't know how to answer.

But there was one person who did. And she was walking to the Tower of the Hand right now to ask him.

Since her Uncle Tyrion had returned from the Vale where he had nearly been thrown through the moon door by Lysa Arryn, he had a new sense of purpose about him.

He didn't let Joffrey cow him and Myrcella was glad of that. Joffrey was a snotty vicious, bully but Tyrion had effectively stripped away the power from him making the only thing Joffrey could decree was when to have tourneys.

Myrcella had delighted in watching Joffrey be taken down a peg by her sly uncle and she hoped Tyrion would continue to strip Joffrey of what little influence he had.

In her hand, Myrcella had gripped one of the notices that had been posted throughout the city. She had sent one of her maids out to fetch it, the only one she trusted who wouldn't report back to her mother and she now held the scrap of paper in her hand tightly so that no one would be able to see it.

On it were Stannis Baratheon's claims about their illegitimacy and she wanted to talk to Uncle Tyrion and ask him not only if they were true but if that was why Caspian had left.

And she didn't want lies or pretty words, she wanted the truth. And that was something that only Uncle Tyrion would give her.

When she got to the door of his office, she wrapped twice on the wood and waited for his familiar voice to call out telling her to enter. When it did so she stepped inside, and shut the door behind her as the Lannister guards took up residence on either side.

Tyrion who was pouring over several letter, looked up from his desk at her in surprise.

"My dear niece, what are you doing here? I thought you might be out in the gardens enjoying this lovely weather."

Myrcella strode toward the chair on the opposite side of the desk and strove to get to the point before she lost her nerve. She had to know.

"I need to ask you something Uncle," she said in a strong voice that didn't betray how terrified she felt inside. "And I want you to be completely honest with me. Don't try and spare my feelings, don't try and tell me something you think I want to hear. I need to know the answer to this and I'm not leaving here until I get it."

Tyrion raised an eyebrow at her, obviously surprised by the vehemence in her tone and put the letter he had been reading sensing that something was important. "Very well then. I will endeavor to be frank. What is it that you wish to know?"

Myrcella took a deep breath and unrumpled the notice that she had been holding tightly in her fist. She held it up for her uncle to see and watched as his expression went completely blank.

"Uncle, is this the reason that Caspian's gone? Did he leave because of what Uncle Stannis said? And if he did…..than is what Stannis said true?"

Tyrion opened his mouth to answer but Myrcella held up a hand stopping him. "If you don't tell me the truth, I will go to the library and look up our family tree. I'm not a reader like Caspian is, but I do know how to search for things. Caspian and I don't look alike at all and I've always wondered why. Whenever I asked him, he always told me that he was my brother and I was his sister and that we just look like our parents."

She paused here and took in Tyrion's expression which hadn't changed at all since she had started speaking. "Uncle Tyrion I look like my mother but…..I don't look like my father. Caspian is the only one who looks like him. So I'll ask again, is what Uncle Stannis posted on these notices true?"

Tyrion was quiet for a very long time and as the thunderous silence in the room mounted so too did Myrcella's own sense of dread. Because this was a yes or no question and because her uncle hadn't replied in the negative right away as she had been secretly hoping he would do, was all the answer that she needed to confirm her terrifying fears.

She felt as if her whole world began to tilt and she gripped the handles of the chair, the notice slipping to the floor. She was barely aware that Tyrion had gotten up from his seat, seized the piece of paper and thrown it into the fire on the opposite side of the room.

"It's true," she whispered. "Robert wasn't my father. We're bastards. Joffrey, Tommen and I are all bastards."

"Stop that," Tyrion said fiercely taking her hands in his. "You are not. You are my niece who means a great deal to me."

Myrcella laughed bitterly. "I thought I asked you not to say what you think I want to hear uncle. I asked for the truth and your silence was all the answer that I needed. If it wasn't true you would have told me right away and I would have been able to tell. Is that why Caspian left? Is that why my brother's gone?"

Tyrion tilted her chin up, forcing her to look at him. "I sent your brother away to keep him safe. There are people who aren't convinced that how your father died was an accident and those people are powerful enough to have armies behind them and start a war to avenge him. That's why I sent your brother away."

He wasn't my father, Myrcella thought bitterly. My mother's lied to me my entire life and now that Joffrey's on the throne she's ignored us too. I wish Uncle Tyrion had sent me away with Caspian. He would protect me.

It suddenly occurred to Myrcella then that if she and all the rest of her siblings were bastards than Caspian was the true heir to the throne. He was Robert's only son and now he was gone from King's Landing.

If what her uncle had said was right than there were people who didn't believe the former King's death was an accident and they believed it so much they were going to fight for it.

"But if it wasn't an accident," Myrcella asked in a whisper barely moving her lips. "Than who might have killed him?"

Tyrion shrugged. "That I do not know my dear. I'm not even entirely sure that his death wasn't an accident. My opinion on what happened doesn't matter. But there are people who believe it and those people have armies. Their opinion and what they do with it is all that matters."

Myrcella nodded, glad she had paid attention in her lessons with her septa and her maester.

Caspian's the true heir to the throne…..and Joffrey's an imposter. That's why Stannis Baratheon has put notices up declaring the illegitimacy of the king. He knows Joffrey is a bastard. That's why Uncle Tyrion sent Caspian away, to keep the only heir to the crown safe.

Myrcella didn't know what Stannis would do if he gathered an army and breached the walls of the city but she had a guess. She remembered hearing stories about what had happened the day her grandfather sacked King's Landing and the murder of Elia Martell and her children. They had always made her cringe but now she had a horrible certainty that if Stannis breached the walls of the city the same thing would happen.

And she couldn't depend on anyone to save her now. She had to look out for herself and Tommen no matter what the cost.

The pretty blonde turned to Tyrion who was watching her with concern. "I need you to promise me something uncle."

He frowned. "And what is that?"

Myrcella bit her lip, afraid but determined she was going to follow through with her sudden plans to protect herself and Tommen.

With Caspian gone the task of the keeping the two of them safe fell to her and she didn't trust her mother anymore. She had just found out that her entire life was a lie and she didn't even want to know who her father was.

No the only people she could trust were the ones sitting in this room and she couldn't fail her brother. Caspian would understand.

She looked Tyrion square in the face. "I want you to promise me to find some way to get me and my brother out of this city. If Stannis Baratheon comes to King's Landing, I don't want to be here and I don't want Tommen to be here either. I need you to promise me uncle that you'll help me and him escape. Even if Stannis never comes I don't want to be around my mother anymore. I can't."

Tyrion looked pained and she could see that he was going to try and convince her otherwise but she held out a hand stopping him again. "Don't try and talk me out of it uncle. I've lived in a glass castle my entire life and I need to get out. If what I've heard in here today is true than my mother's put me and my brother in danger and I can't trust her anymore. Promise me that you'll help me."

The dwarf was quiet for a long time and he stared down at their joined hands that Myrcella had grabbed in desperation. The tension in the room was thick despite the calm atmosphere and Myrcella could feel tears prick at the edges of her eyes. But she held them back.

I am almost thirteen name days old, I can't be a child anymore, she thought. I need to be strong for Tommen. I can't let him down.

Finally Tyrion looked up at her and tightened his grip on her hands. The look in his eyes was also pained but he looked determined as well.

"Very well my dear niece. I will help you."


The news from King's Landing was rapidly becoming worse and worse.

Every time Caspian received a raven from his Uncle Tyrion he dreaded opening and seeing what it said.

The Starks and their bannermen were amassing in the north and Caspian felt acute relief that Sansa, Arya and Lord Stark had made it to Dragonstone and were thus beyond his brother's clutches. From there they had probably met with his Uncle Stannis, told him the horrible truth and then taken a ship to White Harbor where they might meet with Lord Manderly who would then spirit them back to Winterfell.

He hadn't received any letters from Dragonstone since the Starks had escaped and he didn't expect to as it would be too dangerous and letters could easily fall into the wrong hands.

However on the sixth day since he had arrived in Storm's End the maester brought him a letter that had been sent from White Harbor. The seal was unbroken so Caspian was pretty sure that it had not been read, but just in case he waited until he had arrived in chambers with the door bolted behind him before he broke the seal and pulled out the letter.

It was from the last person he would have expected.

Prince Caspian Baratheon,

I must express my deepest thanks your grace for your actions in King's Landing. Not only for myself but on behalf of my daughters as well. House Stark is in your debt and because of the love I bore for your father I would consider it my last service to him by helping to see his only trueborn son seated on the Iron Throne. I bore no ill will towards your mother but the actions of the Lannisters have cost the realm their king and now his blood has had the throne stolen from him by an imposter.

The north will rally to your cause your grace. You are the heir to the Iron Throne and I feel that it would be the wish of the late King Robert to see you take your rightful place as Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm.

I and my daughters are newly arrived in Winterfell and my son and I have begun calling our banners to your cause. It is my understanding that Renly Baratheon is mustering the banners of Storm's End to your cause as well.

Justice will be done.

Lord Eddard Stark of Winterfell,

Lord Paramount and Warden of the North.

It was a simple enough letter, there was no flowery language or outpourings of gratification. He was simple and to the point, stated his intentions and thanked Caspian for the service he had done him.

Caspian had known in the back of his head that the Seven Kingdoms were about to go to war with each other, but privately it was the last thing he wanted. He was prepared to suffer many things for his family but he wasn't sure if war was the cost he wanted to pay.

The Iron Throne would not be won without bloodshed and strife and he knew that nothing worthwhile was done easily. The question was, did he want the throne badly enough to have to go to war and have men die for him. The North was clearly for him and the Stormlands as well. He had the Westerlands by blood and the South as whole….was still undecided.

But he had a feeling that his grandfather wouldn't believe the filthy allegations that he had heard had been posted all over King's Landing even though the truth was staring him in the face and he would fight to keep Joffrey on the throne if only to retain Lannister control in King's Landing.

He wouldn't care if Joffrey died, but until that happened he would fight to keep the oldest boy on the throne. He's a Lannister, he would say. He won't keep the throne if he runs and hides. He'll stand and fight.

Caspian wasn't sure whether to laugh at his grandfather's delusions or be blown away by his abject wilfulness to see what he wanted to see. If he couldn't see the visible proof that his own son and daughter had been screwing each other for years and had three children as a result of it, then Caspian truly believed Tywin Lannister had gone senile.

Caspian was the only legitimate legacy he had and if the truth were to ever reach him that his own daughter and son had corrupted the Lannister name to this extent, the second prince believed that there was nothing that would stop Tywin from strangling the both of them with his bare hands.

He might refrain from doing anything to Jaime as he was his heir but all bets were off when it came to his daughter. At this point, Caspian wasn't sure if he should feel sick or be excited.

Perhaps a bit of both.

The North was the largest territory in Westeros and if they were prepared to back him for the throne out of the love Lord Stark had borne his father than Caspian had a feeling that within a year or two he might be the one sitting on the Iron Throne and wearing the crown instead of his brother.


But before that happened he needed to ensure the safety of Tommen and Myrcella. He was beginning to feel very guilty about leaving them alone in King's Landing with an increasingly erratic king and a neglectful mother. Particularly without any goodbye or note explaining his departure.

Joffrey had always been Cersei's favorite and Caspian knew it had something to do with him being the firstborn. However if she was seeking comfort and his uncle Jaime wasn't around, she always sought him out. Perhaps it was because he was honest with her and tried to speak to her as if he at least respected her somewhat.

But then he opened the next letter which was from Uncle Tyrion and read about the chaos in the city and his opinion of his mother took a nosedive.

Apparently in his absence and in the week preceding the escape of Ned Stark and his daughters she had sent the gold cloaks throughout the city and had them slay any fatherless children who had the misfortune of being born with black hair and blue eyes.

Just like him…..

Caspian felt the paper in hands begin to shake when he read that and he wasn't sure if he was supposed to feel cold apathy or abject fury.

He had known that his mother was slightly unstable. She would have to be in order to sleep with her own twin and for him to get three children on her, but this…..this was going too far.

He had known she had hated his father for his unfaithfulness to her on top of the fights and the abuse but to kill children? Children that weren't much younger than the ones she had already had?

Caspian was then suddenly reminded with horror that had his mother been a different woman he might have shared the very same fate as those black haired blue eyes bastards in the Capital.

This was one act it appeared that Joffrey didn't have anything to do with but if his mother's intent was to make it impossible for people to tell the difference between the royal children and the bastards than she was doing a rather noticeable and sloppy job of it.

This would never have happened if Grandfather was in King's Landing, Caspian noted gravely to himself. Tyrion could only do so much and the slaughter had begun not long before he had come to the city.

He hoped it still wasn't happening under his uncle's nose but he had a feeling that when Tyrion would know about it and he put a stop to it as it was. The common folk already hated Joffrey and Cersei for what they had done but they were also a fickle group. They didn't care who ruled over them, all they wanted was a full belly and a warm place to sleep at night without feeling constantly the yoke of highborn above them.

Keep vigil dear nephew. I do not know how many spies my sweet sister has and though she loves you in her own terms, do not underestimate her desire for power. You are her son, but you are also a tool she would use against her enemies. All of her children are. I am keeping a close eye on Tommen and Myrcella but with war coming I can only do so much. There is not one person in this snake pit of a city that I would trust without providing them the proper amount of gold first.

Caspian smirked as he read his uncles closing words. He read over the part of the letter where he had dismissed Janos Slynt, a corrupt leader of the gold cloaks who had gotten too lax in trying to cover his tracks with all the bribes he had taken.

Seven hells does no one in that city live to serve anyone but themselves? Caspian thought in bewilderment.

His uncle had him leave King's Landing so he would be out of way when harm inevitably came. It would have been easier for him to leave than it would be Tommen or Myrcella though he had wanted to take them with him.

His mother would immediately kick up a fuss when it came to her younger children however Caspian knew the real reason she wanted to keep them close. It was for insurance. As long as the children were in King's Landing and Joffrey was sitting on the throne, the Westerlands would fight for them. And as long as one of her children was guaranteed to sit on the throne than she had at least some leverage.

His mother knew that Caspian wouldn't make a move against her to end her life because he was her blood. Which explained why she hadn't tried to push too hard to have him stay in King's Landing.

However it had been a risky plan because he might just as easily have been influenced by his uncle into fighting against her and thus there would be no guarantee that he would spare her life upon reaching the Capital so that she could retain her power behind the throne as she was doing with Joffrey.

But she didn't know that Caspian knew the truth of her incest with Uncle Jaime nor that he would know about the slaying of his half siblings in the Capital. At the knowledge that this had been done in her name, Caspian felt himself go cold with fury.

They might be somewhat outnumbered if the south allied itself with the north but nothing in the way of treaties had been decided and Caspian didn't even want to think about what would happen when the bannermen began riding south to the capital.

He put the remaining letters from Lord Stark and his uncle away in the desk drawer by his bed and after ensuring that the rest of the castle was quiet, Caspian reached into a trunk under the bed that he ensured was locked whenever he left for the day so the maids would see it and pulled out the sword he had found in the Durrandon tombs.

He still didn't know its name. But if he has to guess then this was the StormBreaker. The jagged edge gave him a feeling that this sword would have been named something terrible if it were still being put to use as he was sure it would have been in the Age of Heroes.

Caspian had a feeling that Argillac the Arrogant had hidden the sword away before he had been slain by Orys Baratheon, as this was the type of weapon that would have hung in the great feasting hall of Storm's End. But the last Storm King hadn't had his name for his generosity. Even in death he must have been conceited enough to want to hide this sword from the man who would take his kingdom and his daughter and so he had sealed it away.

In the moonlight coming in from the window, Caspian took in the sword.

It was a bizarre and terrifying piece because it was like no great sword he had ever seen before and it made him wonder what on earth his ancestors had face in the Age of Heroes to merit more than a clean edged great sword.

He knew of men wielding lightning, slaying sea monsters and taking mermaids to wife. But the cynical part of him imagined that all to be a myth, a tall tale that his ancestors had made up to make themselves sound greater than they actually were, to make up for their lost pride at having been conquered by the Targaryens and the very man to have done it a bastard brother of the dragon conqueror himself.

To have their line ended by a bastard would have been a shameful thing even more so hundreds of years ago. Bastards weren't treated very well in Westeros apart from in Dorne. Caspian knew that the Red Viper himself had fathered many bastards and had only two interests: war and women.

He imagined the first part was a result of his sister dying but women seemed to be the hobby of choice for every red blooded man in Westeros. He turned the blade over in his hands, fingers running lightly along the serrated edges, careful not to cut himself. He was still having a difficult time lifting it although he had tried every single spare moment he had for the past two days.

He certainly knew this was no valyrian steel like Ice, particularly from the no smoky reflection. But the edge were sharp even after decades of erosion. Maybe their is legitimacy to some myth of Durrandons having spark of divinity in them.

Caspian had a terrible feeling he was going to need to learn had to wield it as there would be a time coming when he would need to take it into battle.

And he had a feeling it would be soon.


She sat alone in her chambers with a half empty goblet of wine clasped between her fingers. There was a nearly empty pitcher beside her and she was absently considering calling for a new one as she sat there in silence.

Things were not going well for the Queen Regent.

A few weeks ago she had felt as if she were on top of the world. She was free of Robert, her son was sitting on the throne and she was the Queen Regent, finally free to wield the power she had longed for growing up. Those who had tried to stop her rise to power were in the black cells and she had one of Ned Stark's daughters as her hostage.

The north would be brought to heel to when they learned that their liege lord was imprisoned in the capital. Of course Cersei would never do something so foolish as to kill him and start a war, but negotiations with the north would have to be made before she released Lord Stark. But the king could not be seen of as weak so Stark would need to take the Black as a way to pay for his crimes.

Treason could not be tolerated.

And then someone….some blasted member of the palace that she had damned repeatedly to the seven hells had freed the quiet wolf from his cage and liberated his daughters and snuck them out of the city.

In the span of a few hours she had had three hostages and then had been reduced to zero. There was no bargaining chip now with the north and now notices from one of Stannis Baratheon's spies were being placed all over the city spreading filthy allegations about her children herself and Jaime who had been captured by Robb Stark shortly after his father had escaped the city.

And now Caspian was gone as well. Her second eldest who looked so much like Robert but was much more even tempered had fled the city to Storms End where he was no doubt meeting with his Uncle who was massing the banners.

She had already received word that Robb Stark had called the banners on behalf of his father and if Ned Stark had any kind of brain in his head he would be back in Winterfell by now from wherever he had fled to.

The soldiers hadn't reported seeing anyone who looked like him on the road out of the city or anywhere on the King's Road for that matter.

That must mean he had escaped by sea.

If he had made it to Dragonstone than he must have told Stannis bloody Baratheon everything and thus this would lead to notices being put up all over the city.

Everything was falling apart.

A war had begun and the entire realm was going to fight to put the rightful heir on the Iron Throne.


Robert wasn't even breathing anymore and yet he was still mocking her by the one son she had given him.

It was easier to love her other children as they reminded her of the only man she did love, her twin. But Caspian was more of a Lannister than a Baratheon and Robert had ignored all of his children including his second son by her.

She had thought Caspian might develop a hatred for his father as she had done, but instead he kept to himself and the only people she ever saw him smile around were Tommen and Myrcella.

In contrast he was the only one at court they enjoyed spending time with and now that he was gone, Cersei could see a visible difference in her younger children. They kept to themselves and she often saw them whispering together when they thought no one was listening.

Myrcella didn't even look her in the eyes anymore and when she did, Cersei was astonished to see the look of abject hate in her daughter's eyes. Tommen just looked confused, but Myrcella who was nearly fourteen name days old had more of a hold on her younger brother than Cersei ever would.

She kept her brother away from her and hovered over him like a mother hen. If she hadn't witness the change in her daughter first hand, Cersei would have thought it was simply Myrcella being protective.

But this was different.

She took another sip of the wine and considered the steps she had taken to rid the city of any fatherless black haired blue eyed children over the past several weeks. Perhaps it had been rash but she couldn't have people thinking that her son's claim to the throne wasn't legitimate or secure.

Of course Caspian was a problem that she couldn't get rid of but she had been hearing people comment about the differences in the royal children for nearly fifteen years and she had brushed it off, saying that Caspian simply took after his father in coloring.

But there was still one more child of Robert's that had not come from her loins that was going to be a threat. And he happened to be residing in the same place where her second son was currently dwelling.

Edric Storm.

He was a bastard yes, but a high born bastard taken from his mother Delena Florent and raised in the fortress by the castellan Ser Cortnay Penrose. Cersei's pride wouldn't allow her to let any more results of her husband's infidelity live and so she had taken the corrective steps to….remove them.

At first she had been worried about the removal of the Storm bastard given her own son's proximity to him but all she had to do was ensure that Caspian wasn't around or restrained before the men she had sent were able to do the task she had given them. She would have no more of Robert's infidelities alive to rise up against her and Joffrey.

And as soon as the Storm boy was eliminated…..then they could deal with the Starks and all the rest who would dare try and rise against the might of the Lannisters.

Here us roar, she thought with a small smirk on her face.

Well when Cersei plans all unpredictablity attacks the plot. 

Next episode shall be a drastic change for Caspian. 

Stay tuned for the next chapter, and also those who wanted to read the Naruto crossover story. They can subscribe my patron page.

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