
Chapter 38 Templar

As the days passed and spring became summer. The academy's tournament preparations had been completed for some time. All that was required now was the arrival of all who would participate. The year previous the tournament had been held at the academy in Feldrma. Every two years a different academy would host so it was a great opportunity for these students whom many would not see this spectacle again.

"So you will participate again this year Melryn."

Being lunch, the three siblings sat together as they always had with leinea making her way from the general academy to eat with them. Today there were some others with them some friends out of Melryn's class.

"Yes, I decided to take advantage of the opening that had been provided." [Melryn]

Even though he originally hated the idea a chance had come to him. With such an opportunity Melryn would be able to correct the mistake in not killing Lanmair Cousrlimin. The pressure that he felt heaped upon him was great. First to perform his best no matter the cost and Second to make sure when the time came to be prepared to kill his enemy.

"It must be troublesome having to fight provisionally, and receive only a little credit for your work." [Syrelia]

The youngest of the group sat close to Leinea as she always did. Having the ability to see parts of the future. She knew if she stuck to close to her brothers when something bad happened, they would not be able to respond quickly enough. Trying to ensure her safety. Staying close to Leinea was an easy path to safety while the other two could fight.

"While troublesome brother will likely be there to watch. So I can't just hold back because I don't feel interested in the fight at hand." [Melryn]

"True having our master return home if we show complacency we could be disciplined again." [Aldain]

Aldain looked tired ever since Lanthim had returned the amount of training. Both he and Melryn had to do every day quadrupled in its amount. Sleep was almost nonexistent to the both of them. That being said they both felt stronger in the body, since having the extra load put to them. That being so Lanthim's return was not common knowledge yet so it would be on the day of the opening ceremony of the tournament that the world would see him.

"The two of you should probably sleep during lunch instead of eating. We do have an hour before next classes start would likely do you both good." [Leinea]

"I think I shall." [Melryn]

"Yeah." [Aldain]

Laying back where they sat everyone around them was astounded at the speed in which they both feel asleep. Having spent the last four weeks running completely on fumes, they were spent. Syrelia just sat with a smile on her face while the rest chuckled softly at the sight presented to them.

"Who is this master that Aldain speaks of I would like to meet the person that taught them to fight as they do."

As one would expect, in an academy that prizes itself for providing powerful witches. Most of those friends that Melryn had in the academy were female. The one who asked was Almarin Deimantis same age as Melryn who seemed to attach herself to him where ever he went recently. Being a daughter of a minor clan did not afford her much in the way of fair treatment by those who's clan was higher up the social latter.

Melryn never seemed to trouble himself with the superiority of being an offshoot of the Strentolos clan afforded him. Always being friendly with everyone while. Openly despising his half sisters who continually tried to poison Syrelia's mind. With their grandmothers ideas on what proper society should be.

That being said, almost everything that was said to Syrelia. Whether it be about her place in the world. Or how she should look down on those who did not have the same status of herself. She always would use the same phrase to counter them.

"Since it would displease my older brother I shall not do as you say." [Syrelia]

For years since her abilities with mana, manipulation had become public. Her obedience to the teaching her brother had left her had stayed firm in the face of such opposition.

"A great man from the east taught my brothers to fight. He left some time ago but left his teachings behind for them to learn. Only recently has this person returned." [Syrelia]

Everyone turned from the two sleeping brothers to their sister as she enjoyed her lunch. Looking tired herself, she half leaned on leinea for support.

'They get to sleep but I have to wait till I get home. Why did big brother have to increase my training as well?' {Syrelia}

Truth be told on his return Lanthim tested their overall skill in the teachings he had left. Then increased what they would have to do next to compensate for time wastage. All of this to bring the three of them up to his acceptable standard.

"Yes, we are lucky that their master has returned. There was such complacency in Melryn's training. I was not sure he would be able to hold his top position among the male students." [Leinea]

It was true what Leinea had said. Ss many in the group nodded in agreement. The competition was beginning to become fierce between the boys as many trained to be better then Melryn and Aldain.

"They were the first to receive their masters teachings. However, from the perspective of many others, who have received the same their failure weeks ago is a big blow."

Surprised by the sudden voice from behind her Leinea turned to see a person not dressed in an academy uniform standing just behind her. Syrelia did not seem afraid of this person, on the contrary, she seemed pleased to see this young woman who looked not much older than her brother.

"May I ask who you are? Only students are allowed on the academy grounds during school hours." [Leinea]

Standing between syrelia and this unknown person leinea was not going to pass her over to anyone without a fight.

"You misunderstand my lady, I am not her to harm my master's sister. As for being on academy grounds I have permission."

Showing her identification papers that had been prepared Leinea looked them through thoroughly to make sure there was no mistake.

"Keilsie Hylden I see everthing seems to be in order. What brings you to this academy, and how do you know my sister?" [Leinea]

Everyone gasped never had Leinea openly spoke concerning her relationship with the Frenost family. While at the same time there was a rumor. That she was to marry someone, but to which clan she was to marry into none knew.

"May we take this conversation elsewhere? I can assure you if the young miss stays here she will be safe. There are more here than just myself watching over her." [Kielsie]

"Everything is fine Leinea you should go I will be safe here." [Syrelia]

Smiling the little girl pointed towards seven different points in the courtyard at each spot stood a man dressed the same as the woman who was in front of her.

"Very well you seem to have prepared enough." [Leinea]

Following Keilsie, some distance from the rest of the group. Leinea felt a strange sensation as they both came closer to a group of trees. A blanket had been placed for them to sit on as they talked.

"Please sit this talk should not be too long. But I thought you would prefer to be somewhat comfortable." [Kielsie]

"Was that a barrier we entered I didn't even notice its deployment?" [Leinea]

Sitting as kielsie remained standing leinea felt oddly safe with this person.

"Yes, the barrier is meant to keep what we say from being heard by others." [Kielsie]

"I see so you have come to talk about Lanthim. You are careful not to reveal his return." [Leinea]

Someone who attached themselves to Lanthim was not something Leinea expected to meet at the academy. Even if it was tournament season Kielsie did not carry herself like a student from any academy leinea knew.

"You wished to talk with me about something. Well let's have it out then I have to watch Syrelia." [leinea]

"It is to protect Syrelia frenost that we have been summoned by our master. To come to this academy, my lady. With your marriage to come into effect within the next two weeks. My master desire you take less upon yourself and allow us to protect his sister." [Kielsie]

Bowing towards Leinea in complete reverence Kielsie sat upon the blanket. Leinea, on the other hand, was shocked by what she had heard.

"I can understand him wanting me to not tire myself, but who are you to think you can protect syrelia better than I?" [Leinea]

Looking kielsie directly in the eyes with a frustrated expression demanding an answer.

"My lady I do not doubt your ability, however, your husband my master has given his orders and we both must follow them." [Kielsie]

"Don't give me that, I want to know what you are that makes you better at protecting Syrelia." [Leinea]

Standing enraged leinea was not impressed with the answer in the slightest. With both of her hands shaking furiously the anger on her face as well as the mana she was radiating was a sight to behold.

"Myself and those here that have come with me are students of your husband Lanthim Frenost. After years of training in the forest of Legrcstim, all of us were able to achieve powers we, in the beginning, never thought possible." [Kielsie]

Both girls looked directly into each others eyes again. Neither was going to give in and be looked down upon by the other.

"We are templar beings more powerful then yourself." [Kielsie]

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