
Morningstar’s Last Shine I

"You Stupid!!"


Alexia gave him one more whack on the head, after which she took another deep breath and spoke.

"Why the fuck are you giving me something dangerous so easily?!"

"Dangerous? It's just five magic spells."

"Did you say 'just'?!

The first of these spells can change the location of a whole damn universe!! There's no 'just' in this!"

Alexia paused to catch her breath before questioning Lucifer in a calmer voice.

"You do know we've already made enough enemies from the Eternals' and Aggressors' sides alike, right?"


"Then do tell, why are you giving me something that's going to irrevocably paint a huge target on my back?

The Watchers and Causality guardians are still after me because of that Candidate for Destruction I killed last two weeks, and you then want to give me a crystal with spells that would make the Eternal of Casualty come after me in person?

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