
Taking a glimpse of ‘his’ hell [2]

'…Aren't these the names of Ren's parents?'

Kevin had only met them a handful of times and didn't know them that well. The most vivid memory he had of them was seeing them cry at Ren's funeral. 

The image of Ren's sister crying in front of his picture left a big impact on him. 

'It's definitely their names, isn't it?' 

He couldn't exactly remember them, but as he took note of their last names and the pain that was permeating through Ren's chest, Kevin could tell that they were his parents.

The real question was, why were their names imprinted on the tombstone before him?

'It doesn't make sense.' 

Last Kevin recalled, they were still alive and well. He didn't remember hearing anything about Ren's parents ever passing away.

'How is this even possible…?'


Kevin's vision suddenly lowered as he fell to his knees and the scenery around him shifted. 

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