
Theo 2 & mysterious encounter

(AN:3k words)

it's a lot of words, and I'm pretty sure grammar errors will be present...so you can point them out for me


(General pov)

On the center of the arena, two boys were having a staring contest as both of them wait for the other one to take the first step.

"Come", said Madara as he signal Theo to come with his finger.

Theo quickly applied his gravity magic on himself so as to make himself lighter, with a smirk on his face. He dashed towards Madara.

As he was a few meters from him, he jumped up and stretched his hand forward and shouted.

"Downfall !!!!"

The gravity around Madara became heavier as he almost went on his knees.

'ooh, I almost forgot about his gravity magic ', thought Madara who just channeled chakra on his whole body so as to overcome the gravity effect.

Theo who was still mid air, saw that Madara was effected by his spell so he prepared an axe kick and apply gravity on it in order to make it heavier and sent it towards Madara.

But his eyes widen the moment his kick was about to Madara, a hand caught his kick.



The ground below Madara's feet cracked but his body didn't even move.

"that was good kick, but…..not a perfect one"

With one hook kick from Madara's right leg, Theo was sent flying a few meters away. But since he managed to guard himself with his hands, he didn't receive much damage from the kick.

'since he's using gravity magic to apply more force on his attacks, then I'll also apply more force to my attacks ….Tsunade styles', thought Madara as he looked at Theo smiling.

Again, Theo made his body lighter then shot towards Madara, his speed was so incredible that even left a trailer of dust behind him.

'even with my speed, he can't keep up', thought Theo as he looked at Madara taking a step. Then the next thing he saw was a hand right in front of his face.


Theo was slammed on the ground by Madara who appeared beside him, his face still covered by Madara's hand that was holding him on the ground.

"aaahahh!!!!", Theo let out a war cry as he spin his body so as to his Madara who was beside him. But Madara jumped away before he could do that.

"aargg!!!", the ground under Theo's feet cracked as he add gravity on his whole body.


Madara dashed towards him and send a punch towards Theo, but the latter managed to dodged it and send his own punch towards Madara's torso.

His punch met Madara's other hand.

"Downfall!!!!", yelled Theo,.

"that won't work again", said Madara as he started sending his punches which were way faster for Theo to react.

Madara sent his series of punches towards Theo's stomach. The punch were dangerous and with every hit, Theo was vomiting blood, with each punch, Theo's body was being lifted up, then Madara did a finishing upper front kick on his chin.

Theo was sent crashing on the walls of the arena.

'This kid is good , it would be wise to end this fight', thought Professor Richard who looking at the fight below him.

'I didn't use the full strength of my punch since I don't want to kill him, but I'm sure they caused enough damage on him', thought Madara as he looked at Theo unmovable body that was laying on the ground.

Just when everyone thought that the fight was over, They saw Madara walking towards Theo, something like a wind ball was forming on his hand, but before the wind ball could be completely visible,Madara was forced to canceled it due to Professor Richard who jumped right in front of him.

"That's enough boy, the fight is over".

"but you said the fight will be over once the opponent admit defeat".

"does he look like he can even say that?, you knocked him out with your finally kick…can't you see it".

'well that was boring '.

"Go take a seat, let the other fight as well", said Professor Richard while walking towards Theo the carried him.

"You two, come take him to the infirmary!!".

Two students who were sitting on the first roll jumped from the their seats and walked towards the Professor.

'he didn't even used any spell but he was able to put his opponent in this condition…not bad for a first year, now let's see what the rest of these four year students will do', thought Professor Richard while looking at Madara walking towards an empty seat beside his bond.




(2 hours later)

"that was my last class of the day…I feel like I need a real stretch today, maybe I should a visit some dungeon tonight", said Madara while looking at the sunset.

Currently, he was sitting on a bench just outside the dining hall, why you ask?. Well he was waiting for Tess to show up since he didn't saw her the whole day.

"There you are, I've been looking for you all around the school". Said a female voice behind Madara.

Madara turned to look at the person who said that, what he saw were two girl wearing the DC uniforms, Claire and Kathylin.

"Come on, we have meeting today and I need everyone there", said Claire as she signal Madara to stand up and follow her.

"I'm waiting for someone here", Madara's words caused Claire to stop on her tracks and turn to look at Madara.

"ooh, you mean the S.C.P?",


"As a member of DC, I think it would be wise for all of us to attend a meeting", said Kathylin who this whole time was busy looking at Madara and his nine tails fox.

Madara looked at Kathylin for a few seconds before replying to her.

"you two can go ahead first, I'll follow you after I finish my business here".

Hearing Madara's words, Kathylin left without saying a word, leaving Claire behind.

"sigh, what's wrong with everyone today?....remember to come to the meeting", said Claire as she walked away.

Madara watched as the two girls disappeared from his sight.

"come on, let's go to the School Council building, She might be there", said Madara as he stood up and started walking away while Kurama followed him from behind.


Standing in front of School Council building, Madara was about to opened the door but someone beat him.

The door opened up a boy walked out of it and looked at Madara. The boy was none other than the Vice president of the school council, Clive.

"Is Tess inside?", asked Madara while looking at Clive.

"No, she's not", said Clive with an annoying look on his face.

"then do you know where she is?".

"huh?, how should I know that?, weren't you two together just yesterday",

Madara looked at Clive with his indifferent face then spoke,

"what is your problem?, if you have a grudge against me then say, if you don't then stop acting like a jealous girl".

Madara's last words made Clive angry, at first he was annoying by Madara but now he was angry.

"Don't you dare talk to me like that, you don't know who I am"

"do you think I care who you are?".

"That's it, I challenge you to a duel!!".

"I don't have to waste my time on you….beside, it's seems like you forgot what happened last time". Said Madara as he released his killing intent which he aimed on Clive.


Clive went down on all four as he breath heavily.

"Remember, next time…I won't just hit you with my intent", said Madara as he walked away.




Inside the DC room everyone was present, except for Madara and Theo.

"where's Theo?", said Arthur while looking around the table that everyone was sitting.

"he just got beat up from one of his class and now he is inside the infirmary healing up", said Claire who already have the report about Theo.

"who beat him?", said Kai who was sitting beside Curtis.


Everyone was quiet for a few seconds as they think about Claire's words.


The first one to speak was Kai.

"I know everyone is surprised but that's not what I want to talk about…I called this meeting because I want to discuss about our work as DC".

"wouldn't it be better if everyone was here…you know, both Madara and Theo", said Fey as he pointed his finger towards the two empty seats.

"Don't worry, Madara will be here…."

Suddenly the door opened up, walking inside the room was Madara with Kurama on his shoulder.

"Just in time Madara", said Claire as she looked at Madara sitting on his seat.

"Now, since Madara is also here, let's continue our meeting".


(1 hour later)(already night)

The DC meeting ended an hour ago and right now Madara was inside his room, sitting on his bed while looking at the three crystal tubes in front of him.

'I don't think It will hard to find a body to test my reanimation jutsu on it', thought Madara as he returned the three tubes in his dimension ring.

"But first, I need to visit a few places tonight".

Getting off his bed, Madara summon a wood clone.

"you two stay here, just incase someone come to pay a visit",, said Madara as he took out a hooded cloak and a black pants, shirt and boots.

"mhm", nodded the wood clone and Kurama.

He changed his clothes and wear the black cloak,

[Flying Raijin ]




On the streets of Xyrus city which were still filled with people even though it was night time, people were busy walking, talking and laughing.

On one particular alley, just behind a Inn, a hooded figure suddenly appeared out of nowhere.

He looked left and right as if to make sure that no one saw him. Seeing no presence of anyone, he turned and started walking out of the alley.

'now, to find a shop where the sell scythe', thought Madara as he walked on the busy street.

Since he was wearing a hooded cloak, a few guards who were patrolling the streets looked at him with curiosity eyes.

Madara didn't bother with them, his destination was a weapon shop that was few meters away from him.

Arriving in front of the store, Madara opened the door and went inside.

A fat man with an Italian mustache, welcomed him the moment he step inside the shop.

"welcome young man, how can I help you?".

"I'm looking for a weapon", said Madara as he started looking around the shop.

"well, we have a lot of weapons here, maybe you can tell me what kind a weapon you want", said the shopkeeper.

"A Scythe".

"ooh, we gotta those, please come this way".

Madara followed him as the fat man lead him to weapons shelf.

"here they are".

Madara looked at the Scythes that were placed on the shelf, none of them were of his taste, some were huge while some were small and thin.

But his eyes landed on one of the scythes which was a little better looking, he picked it up and started looking at it careful.

"you got good eyes young man, that scythe is made up with the best mineral that can only be found in the Drawves kingdom.

"mm, how much is it?".

"Just twenty golds", said the fat man while showing his business smile.

Madara looked at him then the weapon on his hand.

'let's see if it can handle my chakra '. Thought Madara as he started sending chakra to the scythe.

*crack…crack….shattered *.

The fat man's eyes widen in shock as he looked at the weapon on Madara's hand shattering into pieces.

"here is your money", said Madara as he gave the man a small bag with gold coins then left the shop.

The fat man looked at Madara leaving then he looked at the piece of the scythe on the ground.




'It seems like I have to go to the blacksmith, there I can tell him how I want my weapon to be', thought Madara who was walking towards a huge building written "The blacksmith".

A bell rung inside the blacksmith the moment he opened the door .

The whole place seem quiet…

"Aye, I'm coming….what you want lad?", said a man who seem to be in his forty, his whole body was covered with sweat and dirty. But what stand out the most was his height, he was short or to put it simple he was a dwarf.

"I want you to create a weapon for me"

"sigh..what kind of weapon?"

"A Scythe, one that will be able to withstand a huge amount of mana".

The dwarf looked at Madara up and down before speaking again.

"Aye, I can do that..but it will cost you".

"how much?".

"well, I'll have to add a few mana cores and ores…..mm, about a hundred gold coins".

"are you sure you're not scamming me?", said Madara who was doubting the amount of money the dwarf just said.

"don't believe me, then you can go and make a weapon for yourself".

"sigh, fine…just give me a paper and pencil so I can show how I want it to looks like".

The Dwarf, bend down and took a piece of paper and pencil from under his table and gave them to Madara who took them and started drawing the scythe with a chain on edge of the handle.

Finishing his drawing, Madara gave the piece of paper to the dwarf and then took out fifty gold coins and placed them on the table.

"how long will it take for it to be completed?".

"mhm, you can come tomorrow night".

"then I'll finish the last half of the payment tomorrow night", said Madara as he turned to leave the store.

"sucker, hahaha I just hit a gold mine ….young rich people of this city are so dumb", said the dwarf while laughing.

'one of these soldiers will do ', thought Madara who was now leaning on a building looking at one of the guards who was walking around left and right.

He slowly walked right towards him, the guard looked at the person who was wearing a hooded cloak walking right towards him.

"hey you!!...can't y…"

[Sharingan ]

Madara didn't want to attract to much attention, so he put the guard under his control and made the guard follow him to the dark alley. People didn't noticed anything wrong with the guard following the hooded figure.

Arriving on the dark alley, Madara made sure that they weren't followed by anyone before touching the guard's shoulder.

Both of them disappeared from the dark alley in second.

"Interesting", said a small black cat who was sitting on the rooftop of a building looking at the place where Madara and the guard just disappeared.


(beast glades)

Not far from the border of the Elf kingdom and the Beast glades, two figures appeared right beside a tree.

"it was a great idea to mark different places in beast glades when I was living here", said Madara as he sense the surrounding area.

After a few seconds of sensing, Madara turned to look at the guard who was now under his control.

"kneel down".

The guard kneeled with hesitation.

Madara took out two things from his ring, one was a large piece of paper which he stole it from one of his class, the other thing was the test tube with blood in it.

He placed the piece of paper on the ground then put his hand on it, suddenly a seal appeared on it.

"now to add the finishing touch".

He opened the test tube and poured the blood to the center of the seal on the paper.

The paper suddenly turned into a black ink that went towards the kneeling guard and surrounded him in a form of a seal.

Madara clapped both of his hand together, then…..the place where the guard was kneeling, things like pieces of paper started coming out of the ground and covering him.

The man let out a scream of pain, but his scream only lasted for a five seconds before being covered all the way up by the piece of papers.

Then the pieces of paper started grumbling down only to reveal another person…..It was Lisa Keysar.

Her body was a little gray and covered with cracks.

Madara walked behind her and placed his hand behind her head.

'I don't need those talisman because a direct seal is no different from them'.

A seal appeared on Madara's palm as he placed his hand on her head to plant the seal inside of her.


"Huh?, where? How?...it's you;!!", said Lisa as she looked at Madara.

"Welcome back", said Madara .

"What did you do me?, how am I still alive?"., said Lisa as she stood up and started looking at her hands.

"I brought you back….you should be grateful", said Madara with a smirk on his face.

Lisa didn't know why, but something was holding her, deleting her bad intentions on Madara.

"What do you want??".

"Nothing, I was just testing things so as to see if they wo….", Madara's words were cut short by a sound of flapping wings.

He and Lisa turned to look up and saw a figure standing on top of the Wyvern.

"seems like I do have a mission for you", said Madara while looking at the woman standing on top of the Wyvern.

'Director Goodsky'.

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