I Continued to follow the path for another 2h at this point i Was not only tired but it Was also getting late and the Sun was setting.
"Oh no its Slowly getting dark and i dont have anywhere to sleep its so windy if i just sleep on this path i would probably get blown off in my sleep.
"I should have stayed at the large area for the night! why am i so stupid??" I had no other choice than to keep moving and maybe find like a Cave entrance or something along the way.
(30 min later)
The Sun Set and the moon was slowly rising it Was dark with the Moon being the only light Source around i could barely see i mean it woulnt be that bad to fall off since i can fly but if i do get blown off the winds would knock me against the stone wall of the mountain with tremendous force and I would probably die immediately from the impact.
After for another 15 min i could Spot something notch in the Wall. It Wasnt big but just big enough for me to fit in "hm being small isnt all that bad huh?" i closed my eyes and sleeped.
The Bright Sun ended my sleep it Was brighter than usual Maybe because im this high up? Before i Was always under something like Audino's Cave or the tall trees in the Forest.
"Well i shouldnt waste time i have to get going on but damn am i hungry" I wasnt thirsty because i just ate the snow yes it wasnt really Tasty but its better than nothing. So i got on my feet and began walking. At least it wasnt getting Boring because the view from up there was Amazing! Yes Mostly i could see Forest but i could also see Little Hills here and there and Lakes.
Every so often i looked up above to see how far it still was to reach the top and to my Surprise i was actaually really close! like approximately another 20 min and ill be at the top!
I stopped walking and started Jogging because i Couldnt wait to reach the top i Just knew that there was something for some reason.
The the Path was getting very steep and it was very Hard to walk. Also the Snow was getting Deeper and Deeper before i was just walking on it now it Was waist level.
Then In Front of me about 15 meters Away i saw a Turn and the Path and i just knew it would be the last Turn before the Top.
I walked as fast as i could in this deep snow but it still took like 10 min to even walk these 15 meters.
When i Reached i was so Excited to see what was at the top and when i walked the Turn There was..."NOTHING????? YOU GOT TO BE KIDDING ME!!!!" there was nothing Just a Big Area of NOTHINGNESS But why? i swear i could feel that something was up here??
I Proceded to look around Till i found a weird symbol on the Wall "Oh what is this? it looks weird Should i Touch it maybe it activates something?" I decided to Touch the Symbol and when i did it Started Glow in a Pinkish
Tone the Ground began to shake and out of nowhere in the middle of the Big Area A Cave opening Literally came out of the ground.
"Wait this Actaully worked?" I walked over to the entrance and looked inside the cave was filled with crystals glowing in the same Pink Tone. I went in and It Led but it didnt look like a ordinary cave because the way down was with stairs? when i reached the end of the Staircase i got greeded with a Giant Room with Crystals Everywhere Glowing in all Colours Blue, Green, Pink and Red just to Name a few.
But in the Middle was floating Something? When i got closer my System Activated once again.
Name: Diancie
Rarity: Legendary/Mythic
Lv: 100
Type: Earth/Fairy
Titles: Warden of the Crystals
HP: 304
ATK: 328
DEF: 438
SP ATK: 328
SP DEF: 438
SPE: 218
"Wait A Second LEGENDARY!"