
137. Ugly face and weird body

If not, then why would she like celebrating every birthday with them? Why was she so happy after spending time with those orphanage kids?

"I only like these kids. They have been deprived of their happiness since birth. That is why I try to give them all that I can do. In general I don't like all kids, I just try to make them happy." Kizy said.

"What about our kids?" Markus whispered in her ear.

And suddenly Kizy was blank. She had never thought about their future together. Not to mention about kids, she and Markus were not even engaged in a proper physical relationship.

"Stop troubling my sister in law." Nicole said.

"You go back home first. Nobody needs you here." Markus said monotonously.

"Stop being so rude to her. Nicole, come back whenever you want. And next time stay for some more time. We didn't even had a proper talk this time." Kizy said with a smile.

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