

One of the tech guys from our old crew helped Lee and Craig rig up our equipment in the gym for our practice sessions. Dan and Lee had become buddies since the beginning of the first tour with Major ScAlz. It was good to know we had someone who knew what we needed and where to get something if we didn't have it.

Walking hand in hand to the rehearsal with Valerie was the best feeling I'd had in a long time. I already knew that Jonah and Lexi had arrived because we'd sent a car to pick them up, and I'd heard Craig and Simone leave the house as we were leaving our room. When we entered the gym Valerie was fucking cute when she stiffened her back and strode purposefully toward them.

"What's up, guys? Are you ready to get on this? Are we ready to rock?" I realized how cliched I'd sounded. Valerie smirked as I poured water from the water dispenser next to the door into a small white plastic cup.

A series of excited voices yelled back, "You, bet...Yep, can't wait."

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