
One more time..

Heads up. I'm trying a new pov style. Narrators Pov. I've never seen it on webnovel before so I'm sure I'm one of if not the first person to write a narrator's perspective on here. Basically it's an objective third party. A reader like you guys describing the events unfolding before his eyes. He has all the knowledge that you would being a reader and some of the knowledge I do being the author. He is also more then a simple narrative way to drive the story forward. He will have his opinions on certain matters and give insight on reasons why certain characters think the way they do or act the way they act. Tell me if you guys enjoy it.

Also I'm back if you haven't noticed.



"I'm sorry! i'm sorry. i'm sorry. i'm sorry. i'm sorry. i'm sorry. i'm sorry. i'm sorry." Says Pamala.

5 whole minutes of non-stop apologizing.

like jeez if you wanted to apologize maybe do something to try and make me feel better?

Lying on me crying while apologizing in such a sorry state almost makes me sorry for using you to learn about my powers.

Who am I kidding? No, it doesn't.

I slowly reach out my right hand and lay it on her head.

Everything stopped.

The tsunami, the crying, even her breathing.

Slowly she brings her head that was buried in my stomach up, staring at me with wide, red and glossy eyes from crying.

I move my hand slowly and gently around her beautiful red hair, caressing her while smiling down at her.

"It's alright baby. I mean how was you supposed to protect me? I'm with WonderWoman getting raped and abused all the time so I can't expect much from you can't I? I'm not mad it's just what to be expected from you really! When I wake up and she continues to rape and abuse me I just want you to know that even if it's your fault for being weak and not being able to protect me. I forgive you."

A deathly silence permeates throughout this dream space.

My sickly sweet smile never leaves my face as hers contorts into a multitude of emotions.

A black deathly aura of emotion seeps through her skin as the waves of vines all around us start up again with much more strength.

A small voice, almost a whisper, escapes from Pamela's mouth.

"I'm sorry.."

Even through the loud crashes of vines all around us her voice cuts through and assaults my ears as if it was the only noise in this space.

"I'll make it up to you.." She says.

"I promise."

A small glint comes from her eyes, so small that I wouldn't have noticed if I hadn't been paying attention.

I respond, keeping the same smile all throughout.

"I'm sure you will."

The vines encompassing our floor starts coming together in front of us forming a giant woman, like the time I and Pamela met in this dream space except, well… gigantic.

The writhing vines compact and create a spitting image of the woman laying atop me. Horns grow and compress on this woman and an aura hundreds of times as strong as the one coming from Pamela hits way harder than the waves of vines could ever dream of. This is Pamela. This is her anger.

This is her wrath.

This was her obsession.

Her crazy and unstable love taking shape to form what I can only assume to be an avatar of hatred and unsettling determination.

The avatar screamed, vibrating the air of the whole dream space. Shrieking a high pitched frequency that hurt my head.

The avatars features started to change, no longer looking like Pamala with horns, the avatar looked more like a she-devil. A hideous mug that even a mother couldn't love, claws replaced it's fingers, it's teeth grew sharp and jagged, it's tongue grew long and slithery.

If one were to describe a demon from the top of their head, this would be it.

This was all of Pamalas negative emotions literally taking form.

And this just gave me so many more theories about how to possibly use my powers.

'I'm a fucking retard. Like come on now. Plant constructs are basically plant powers 101. It's so basic yet so affective that i'm annoyed that I didn't think of it myself. Welp, better late then never.'

I look down at the insane plant laying on me to see her drifting off to unconsciousness, probably drained from the intense emotional turmoil she's in.

The screaming pile of vines finally shut up and started to dissipate back into the floor.

And with the final vine meshing into the floor, I see Pamala disperse into a multitude of petals, flowing away in the nonexistent wind of this space.

'Dramatic much?'

I sigh.

'That was… eventful.'

I look at the serene and quiet place around me, just as beautiful as when I first saw it. If you weren't here to witness it, you wouldn't believe the chaos that just encompassed this space.

I smile.

'And now it's my turn.'

I take a deep breath and close my eyes.

Even with all my gusto, I know that I don't know shit and don't even know where to begin with making something of that magnitude.

But that doesn't matter, as long as something happens, i'm fine. I'll eventually figure it out .

I start to concentrate, opting out of using my… telekinesis? telepathy? It doesn't matter. But I didn't use it to accelerate my brain processing speed.

I don't know if this world is truly separate or it's just like my mind palace. And i'd rather not let my local telepaths be alerted. Nor the woman who's probably using my sleeping body as a living dildo.

So I take it slow. I extend my hand out in front of me, palm facing the sky, as I picture what I wish to create.

Narrators POV-

Roger sits alone in this space with his hand out. Minutes pass with nothing happening.

*Slither* *Slither*

Almost as if coming out of his pores, small, thread like vines start poring out of Rogers extended hand.

They swirl around each other, extending and compacting at an increasing speed, fumbling over each other completely uncoordinated.

They would never be able to create a decent construct like that.

But Roger doesn't give up at the supposed failure.

The vines get better. Slowly but surely learning what their master wants and how to create it. They pile together, weaving through each other. Creating what can only be described as a long green stick. Before the movement stops.

"Huuuuh.." An audible sigh can be heard throughout the space.

"That.. was so fucking hard.. How the hell did Pamala even begin to make that demon???" Roger questions to no one in particular.

He stands up, holding the green stick that took so much energy out of him.

"I wanted to make a sword…" He says in a sad tone.

Suddenly he swings the stick, hitting the ground with all his might, which he now has a decent amount of.


The stick broke in two.


"Oh." He says listless.


"FUCKING BULLSHIT!!!!!" He screams off into space.


He was frustrated, mad, sad.

This wasn't how he should be acting. Something else was causing him to lash out. Whether it's all his emotions hitting him at once. Or that curse he seems to have amplifying his negative emotions. This wasn't him. But he didn't care. How could he with all that just happened to him?

He bottled it up thinking he was better. He wasn't a kid right? He's been through shit like this before. It shouldn't bother him right?

But he was wrong. He knew he was wrong. He's a fucking teen going through all this hardship. Who could blame him for throwing a tantrum?

Unbeknownst to him, all around in the space the vines react to his emotions.

They grow in a quick pace, slithering around each other creating.. something.

The vines changed colors, no longer a vibrant green, they change into a dark reddish color, perfectly exemplifying the unbridled rage that Roger was feeling.


The…. thing screeched behind Roger, taking him out of his stupor.

He turns around facing whatever it was that he had created wide eyed.

It was hard to describe with words. It was large. I mean HUGE. If Pamalas avatar was gigantic then this thing was humongous.

It didn't have a fixed form either, constantly writhing around, morphing from a humanoid to a animal esc..thing.

The only thing that stayed the same about this construct was it's outer layer.

It was horrifying.

A multitude of eyes riddled it's body along with mouths and tongues. It looked like a gigantic flesh monster.

The only thing this may resemble would be an eldritch abomination.

Unknown red liquids spilled out of all of it's orifices.

It was disgusting.

It was traumatizing.

It was-



I guess some might call it cool….

Rogers POV-

So fucking cool.

Maybe I went about this whole construct thing wrong. All I have to do is focus on me negative emotions.



"Ha ha ha.."



That was nice..

I feel refreshed, like a whole new person.

I take a deep breath and notice the construct start to disperse.

"One more time.."

This time I don't close my eyes. No I stare into my open palm with determination.

This time I don't try to coax a sword to form. I demand it to.

Not thinking of the sword in particular no. But thinking of how I would use it. Taking revenge on anyone and everyone that even slightly annoyed me.

I cringe. Edgy as fuck. But I don't push the cringe away. I use it to further fuel making the construct.

I think of my frustration. I'm weak, helpless against these women around me.

'But I don't have to be.'

Sure they might be and forever be stronger then me. But that doesn't mean I can't kill- conquer them.

Batman can fight toe to toe with Superman with his wits and skill alone can't he?

So who says I can't do the same?

And with that the sword starts to form exactly to my imagination.

A slightly curved, grass green, surprisingly sharp sword with a darker green handle.

It fit perfectly in my hand.

"I'm not even a little tired…"

'This is all I had to do? It was this easy? It feels like something's missing. Like some big hurdle I was supposed to cross to be able to do this. Do I really only have to be a little mad?'

It felt anticlimactic.

Maybe anyone else would have a hard time doing it?

I mean I've suppressed my negative emotions for so long, letting them out on purpose is easy.

Am I just made for this power?

Before I can settle my internal thoughts I feel a shift in the air.

'Seems like it's about that time.'

I look down seeing my form start to turn into pedals, a telltale sign that I'm about to wake up.

'Now I just have to hope that these bitches are insane enough for my plan to work.'

I take one more deep breath.

'Come on now, no pain no gain.'

"Let the games begin." I say forcing myself not to cringe.



I was bored, high, and tired and decided to start writing again. Be happy.

Any comments, concerns, or suggestions feel free to leave here.


I feel like I should say more after leaving for a year.

But I honestly don't care.



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