
36. Test

"Ehhhh. Me? Perhaps you misheard sensei. I am fuinjutsu genius. FUINJUTSU! An average genius one. Not kenjutsu." Hoseki tried to avoid the fight.

"Cut the crap! I watched your graduation exam." Shikaku not gave a chance to refuse the fight.




Holding his black bamboo with one hand, Hoseki took his stance to fight Raido.

"Hey hey.. You really don't want to take out a blade? This is real fight though." Shikaku shout out.

"I refuse." Hoseki gave a short answer.

The act of using a stick to fight a blade is act of provocation against his opponent. Even though Shikaku knew and didn't approved the attitude, he didn't say a word after hearing Hoseki refusal and decided to ask about it later on.

"Then start." Shikaku commanded.

Raido immediately run for an attack after Shikaku's command. In fact Raido felt insult by Hoseki attitude, so he tried to win the fight.

The fight happened for a quite long time before it was stopped by Shikaku. From the start to the end, Hoseki acted defensively while Raido did the offensive.

Even though Raido attacked aggressively to take down Hoseki, his attack was kept being parried and avoided by Hoseki. This unchanging step, was repeated over and over. Shikaku saw this and understand that Hoseki had no intention to go offensive. So he stop the fight.

"Enough both of you."

"All of you sat down." Shikaku called for Asuma and Kurenai to sat down with Hoseki and Raido.

" I have to say, when I got the task to lead a team it was already a headache. In the end I stuck with four of you while others get three. I guess it is going to be a bigger headache. So, I thought of one brilliant idea."

"Usually, a team will consist of 3 genin and 1 chunin or jonin leader. While we are now 4 genin and 1 leader which is me. So, in order to maintain the formation of 3 and 1, I had decided to put a deputy leader position in a team." Shikaku start to smile.

"As a deputy leader, he or she will has the highest command in the team after me and has the right to choose any mission if you are given a choice. While other has to follow his or her lead. How about that? " Shikaku introduced his idea.

While the genins were fascinated by the ideas, Hoseki claimed," Sounds like you are trying to release yourself from your duty. After all, it sounds like a lot of works to me."

Hearing the claim, Shikaku smile widely. "Perhaps you are right. But, if you didn't take the position, those 3 beside you will take one. How about it? Taking command from Asuma or Kurenai? Or taking commands from Raido?"

Hearing that they could command Hoseki, Raido and Asuma eyes were shining immediately.

Seeing the reaction, Hoseki shiver slightly. A cold sweat came out suddenly.

"And one more thing, the one who will be a deputy leader will decide, how to divide the reward from mission or task that you will do." Shikaku added.


Hoseki eyes immediately shine. The determination aura came out.

Not only Asuma and Raido. Even Kurenai and Shikaku felt a shiver

'Perhaps it was a mistake to add that! ' Shikaku had a bad feeling about it. But he still decided to go through with the idea.

Hoseki had decided to take up the position. The offers are too appealing to be refused. Besides, he refused to take order from Asuma or Raido. It gave him a chill when thinking about it.

Meanwhile, Asuma and Raido also didn't want to take order from Hoseki. So all of them pumped up except for Kurenai. She timidly refused the position.

Shikaku was happy to see the boys are pumping up.

"Okay, as a deputy leader, you must pass a test to prove your capability. A leader should be strong and smart enough to lead a team."

"Then let start our test now. You see this coin. Try to take it from me and the deputy position is yours. As a leverage, I won't move more than 1 meter radius where I stand. Now let's us begin" Shikaku wave a coin which tied to a string.

" Wait, wait. How was taking the coin will prove capabilities?" Hoseki asked.

"Who knows? This is my test. My rule. Take it or leave the position to others. Now no more questions. Lets begin. "

Hearing that, Hoseki didn't ask anymore.

Hoseki, Asuma and Raido move out to snatch the coin right away. While they knew very well it will be hard for them to get it immediately, they moved out to test how deep the water is.

After a short while, three of them got filled with bump and bruises. While Shikaku promised that he won't move out of 1 meter radius, but his shadow isn't. When three of them were approaching, they stay out of the promise range and throw out many jutsu and kunai to snatch out the coins.

They end up keep doing range attacks on him which really got on Shikaku nerve. He sent out his shadow and caught them. After some beating he threw them out and laid on the floor waiting for another tries.

As for the coin, he hang it on his neck.

Hoseki retreated to revise new strategy. Asuma and Raido did the same.

While they were thinking their own strategy, they heard a shout on Shikaku direction.

Hoseki saw Kurenai was hold by Shikaku, hanging on his grip.

"Genjutsu heh, I thought you don't want to participate in this test. It seems you do. Well the more the merrier. Now Fly" Shikaku throw her out on air.

Asuma came out and caught her.

After some thought, Raido move out to attack straight away on melee to grab on the coin but again went to be send flying by Shikaku. Then others also made a move on their own.

Asuma and Kurenai decided to team up, while Hoseki hesitate whether to use his ultimate move.

After a short while, the scene on the field was very fascinating with 3 boy and a girl were send flying over and over.

When the evening came, Shikaku made a hand sign. 'Poof' a swift bird was summoned. He write something on a piece of paper and tied on the bird leg with a pouch.

"Go to ***** shop and buy me some dinner, will you." Shikaku sent the bird away and turn to the kids.

"You need to be faster, none of you will go home tonight if we don't settle this test. Don't think of going home just because I didn't move from this spot or you will be sent back to academy by tomorrow ." he took out a bottle of 'water' and drank it.

After short while they still failed to snatched the coins and the swift bird returned with foods.

Shikaku made some hand sign and his shadow expand widely toward his surrounding. Then he sat down and eat gracefully with one hand while other hand still holding the shadow.

The kids who wanted to take advantage of that moment, immediately sat down hopeless.

Seeing this, Hoseki smirked and took out a scroll and open it seal. 'Pooff' a cup-instant noodle and a glass of water were out.

Hoseki heated out the water. He poured the hot water into the cup and sat to wait.

"Ch..ch..cheateeerrr!!!" Asuma, Kurenai and Raido shouted.


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