

─∗ ⋅◈⋅ ∗─

"I'm sorry."

Izuna hugged her tighter and tucked his head into the crook of her neck.

He felt a similar heaviness in his heart. The same feeling he felt when he lost his brothers.

"I don't want you to get hurt."

Yuki felt her eyes moisten, "Why are you apologizing... It should be me." she turned around to face him. "I'm sorry Nii. I didn't want to trouble you."

Izuna knew her apology was earnest, but apologies weren't what he wanted to hear right now. When he'd hugged her, he could smell dried blood on her body. Before she turned around, he also noticed bloodstains on her tattered clothes. From all these years of battle experience, he knew what extent of injury could spill that amount of blood. It must have been a deep flesh wound that must've bled a lot. He naturally had sharp eyes so her injuries couldn't have gone unnoticed by him but he couldn't find any injuries on her.

'Did she heal herself that quickly?'   Even if she somehow managed to heal herself, she should have ended up with a deep scar. When he had briefly looked at her body while he tore off that shirt, he didn't find any form of a scar.

"Those shinobis that attacked you, did you notice which clan they all belonged to?"

Yuki knew there was no point in lying anymore. She had to come clean to him. It's just that she knew he would be really angry at her.

"I have no idea if they belonged to any clan... they seemed like bandits. But while I was traveling back to our estate, I noticed lots of Hanko clan shinobi. It seemed like they were searching for someone".

'Hanko clan?'

Izuna frowned as he started thinking. 'They were on friendly terms with the Hyuuga clan. So they wouldn't attack an Uchiha and especially no way they would attack her—the princess of the clan. They knew her since they also attended the banquet we hosted.

"where did you get attacked?" 

"T-the riverside," she whispered.

Izuna closed his eyes, suppressing the wave of anger rising within him.'Out of all the places that this girl could visit, it had to be that ONE place that was prohibited by father.'  

His head started aching at the thought of all the possible accusation that would be made at her for visiting that place by those damned elders. 

The last time he went to that place was to fight those bloody Senju's that were tricking Aniki. The memory made him even angrier.

'I have to calm down.'

"Yuki... Why in the world would you go there?" he asked, anger evident in his dark eyes.

"I... go there to collect medicinal plants." she replied, avoiding his scrutinizing gaze.

"AGAIN  with those herbs!" he snarled. His grip on her arms tightened as he found it hard to suppress his frustration.

"You... You are telling me you put your life and the safety of the clan in danger because you wanted to collect some HERBS? You know that place is prohibited!" he almost yelled. Izuna couldn't comprehend how stupid and irresponsible that made her look.

"Nii san i- it's not just herbs."

Yuki knew Izuna would get along with Hashi, but didn't know how to explain it to him. She liked Hashi... But she was scared. Scared of the chances of him belonging to the enemy alliance.

She never expected she could meet him again, so she never told about him to Izuna. Now that she already met him...'I have to tell him about Hashi.'

"I went there to meet an old friend. He's a nice nice person, I'm sure you will like him."

"No Yuki, you know nothing! He must be-"

"He saved me."


"It's because of Hashi-san that I'm alive. I was badly injured while fighting but he healed me." Yuki replied.

"..." Izuna remained silent for a few moments before asking again.

"Do you love him?"

Her eyes widened in surprise at this unexpected question. 

"N-No!! We are j-just friends" she quickly stuttered, but her cheeks turned a deep shade of red.

Izuna looked at the young blushing girl in front of him. He knew girls at this age tend to be air-headed, and fantasize about love and romantic relationships. But he never expected Yuki to be one of them. Love was a hopeless concept in her case. Her marriage is a very important tool, and father had thoroughly planned her engagement to the Hyuuga heir. There was no way in this world that he would let her marry any common man for love.

"Listen to me carefully, Yuki. You know father will arrange your marriage for the welfare of our clan. That's the sacrifice you must make for the sake of this clan." 

He watched her face for any signs of disagreement and continued "falling in love with just anyone will only cause you more heartache. Try to love your fiancee, he will be your future husband."

"He's not my fiancee yet." Yuki mumbled, feeling slightly agitated.

"But he will be." 

He was sure father has already made up his mind. Izuna didn't want Yuki to get engaged so early, but he knew why father was rushing it. Personally, he thought Yohako is a suitable partner for her. He was strong, level-headed, dignified and the next heir to one of the most respected noble clans. Though they were traditional, they respected women and were loyal. He knew Yohako would protect and cherish her.

"Yuki, you should head back to your compound. Ah! and you must meet Aniki after you get fresh."


Yuki felt really uncomfortable thinking about Madara. 'He already knows about my outings... What am I supposed to do now? How can I tell him about Hashi when he's...like this! '

She knew Madara would ask her about her decision, that is if she can accept him as her man. The very thought suffocated her.

'Should I tell Izuna nii about what happened?'

"Izuna nii... about Madara nii...I need to ask you something." Yuki mumbled. She felt as though her heart would explode any moment from nervousness.

"What about Aniki?" Izuna questioned.

"Yeah. What about me?" A deep voice rumbled from behind. 

Yuki quickly turned around to find Madara leaning against the door. His eyes sharply gazing at them.

'How long was he standing there?How much did he hear?'   She felt cold sweat forming in her face.

"Izuna.Father asked you to meet him." 

"Aniki.Did you inform father?" he asked, a worried frown forming on his face.

"No. Not yet." Madara replied,his eyes fixed on her. 

Yuki shivered, feeling the chill in the air.

"You have a lot of explanation to do. Young lady." Madara spoke in a low voice.

Yuki felt like her heart was stuck in her throat. She wanted to run away somewhere... Anywhere away from him. 

She looked at Izuna. Her gaze pleading for help. 

Izuna just shook his head. He knew it was best for her if Madara dealt with this matter.

"Yuki, meet me in my room." Madara ordered.

─∗ ⋅◈⋅ ∗─


'What should I do?'

Yuki let out a tired sigh as she sunk deeper into the tub. She ate a little before deciding to bath. It was already so late at night, but she was ordered to meet Madara in his room.

'I need to hurry!'

Yuki cleaned herself. While doing so she thought of all plausible excuses she could give him. But her mind felt conflicted. She already told Izuna so much, which was sure to reach Madara's ears... If she lied, the consequences might be even more severe.

After she was done cleaning herself, Yuki wrapped the towel around herself and walked towards the dresser. Usually, she could find clean nightgown placed neatly on her bed by Hemiko at night, but today there were none.

'Where's Hemiko?'

Yuki stiffened. She forgot about Hemiko. 

'Oh no... What did they do to her?'

─∗ ⋅◈⋅ ∗─


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