
Send Him Running 

Luke looked at us, confused and suspicious all together. I remained in my seat while Atlas scurried away from me like I had the vilest disease. I scoff in my mind. Talk about changing face that fast. It was a good thing that I snuggled deep into my chair when the kiss happened. The distance made us look like we were just chilling out, no monkey business. Somehow, the thought of it made me guilty.

My eyes fell on Luke, and I found him shivering in his own skin. The idiot walked under the snow in nothing but a sheer shirt and some pants. Without any haste, I moved from my position, stood up, and draped my knitted coat over his slump shoulders. I even brush the droplets of snow sitting on his blonde hair. I manage all that with my left hand.

My brain can't fathom the anger I felt at the thought of this idiotic man. Trudging the snow without proper coverings. He is human and is prone more to the cold than we were werewolves with high heat.

"Are you an idiot? Why would walk you under the snow without any thick clothes? Are you trying to kill yourself, you dumbass!" the sudden burst of emotion startled Luke whose in a daze. Atlas, on the other hand, looks at me with surprise. I shrugged their reaction and focused on Luke looking so meek right now.

This idiot man is the same man that my mate loves. The same man that made Atlas fight the bond. To say the least, this man meant something to Atlas more than my poor brain could imagine. If something happens to him, Atlas would be devastated to the underworld and back. I cannot take the thought of him going through another struggle again. I think Atlas had enough to last him a lifetime.

"I was frantic. I was looking for Atlas outside for an hour—" the sentence was not even finished when I gave give him a withering look. So that's the reason for it. My eyes watered from the realization. I've been talking big about how I wanted Atlas to be happy and keep his relationship undisturbed, but here we are. Luke is fucking insecure.

All the hecking time, he always seems confident about his place beside Atlas. If I'm wavering about not pursuing my mate for myself, Luke's unwavering resolve about Atlas was shaking. How unfortunate of us to love the same man. He is also fighting the best he can. The deal we had scares the hell out of him.

"Shut up!" I shouted in frustration as I tried my best to sound intimidating. "Don't ever be careless about yourself. You know someone's going to be devastated if something unfortunate happens," my voice turns soft at the end of my words. I guess you really can't be happy now and not be hurt at the end. I was having a nice time with Atlas, kissed him, even if it was accidental. I was so happy stroking his hair, and now I ended with this realization. I'm already causing a rift in their relationship.

I stole a glance in Atlas's direction, and he is still looking at Luke and me like we are a weird combination. That I, his mate, caring for his lover is something out of a fairy tale book. "Take that knitted coat," I commanded and walked out of the gazebo quickly.

I did not even notice that I was so quick with my steps that. I was running out of the place and reached the mansion in no time. I took one more glance in the gazebo's way, and I could see two silhouettes entwined in a passionate embrace. I grabbed the door to the mansion rather roughly and bumped into someone's hard chest. I cursed in earnest. Why can't I have my way just once? Why did this chest have to block my way?

Overcome with emotions, I slumped into that person's chest and cried my heart out. To hell with looking tough and hiding weakness, I'm going to cry for now.


I don't know how I managed to get back in my room last night, but one thing's for sure, I'm not going down for breakfast with my eyes swollen like I've been punched a couple times. Currently, I'm glaring at the person pounding on my door like there's no tomorrow.

Vienna came to my room quite early with my head stuck in my pillow. I told her that I wouldn't be eating breakfast since I was dead beat from the travel, and she understood. She told me that she would tell Kalix instead where the kitchen is since the lively man was already out and about, checking the furniture around the mansion. Also, Vienna tells me that it will be a self-serve breakfast. I just need to find the kitchen. She left after my thanks.

Now let's talk about this pesky man behind my closed door.

"Shut it!" I yelled at the door, and the pounding stopped. I waited for a few seconds. And, when it seems like it was not going to happen anymore, the pounding came again, stronger this time. Dang it, Kalix just won't stop.

"Mavis, it's almost noon. You need to eat," the sickly, energetic voice grated my nerves. Is he done roaming around the mansion? I know I'm being rude right now, but I can't let them see my eyes. To avoid lashing at the good-natured man, I breathe deep and count to ten.

"Kalix, I'll eat later." I calmly told the man, who went silent. Is he gone? I burrowed in my sheets again.

"But, you don't know where the kitchen is," Kalix replied with genuine concern in his voice that it was so difficult for me to be mad at him. I huff in surrender, better compromise because I'm getting a feeling in my gut that this is going to go on forever if I don't yield.

"I'll link you later to find the kitchen," and that was that end of it. I only heard Kalix's popping 'yup' and he went on his merry way. I rolled back to bed and tried to go back to sleep. I was crying late last night.

My eyes were so heavy, and I only wanted more of a quick shut-eye.

Although, when I shut my eyes close, I suddenly remember the person I cried my heart to last night. Gasping, I shot up from my bed, disturbing my splint at the process, and groan in pain. I'm smacking myself in my mind. The carelessness in me is so fucking thriving. It took a moment for the pain to ebb, and my mind went back to the chest I borrowed last night.

That person was kind enough to let me shed some tears. He was kind enough to wrap his arms around me, to console me. He sent me back safe to my room. I was having a breakdown last night that I did not even get his name. Humiliation is not enough to describe what I'm feeling right now. Because of these thoughts, sleep escapes me.


I have decided to forego sleeping and find myself roaming the hallways. It's my second day in this pack, and since it's past noon, I'm guessing everyone's busy with their jobs. The hallways were again deserted, and it was so quiet. I had just rounded a corner when my hunger made itself known.

Right, food, I better link Kalix because I can't see anyone to ask for directions to the kitchen. My growling stomach could put anyone to shame.

Eyes beginning to gloss over, my attempt at linking Kalix was halted when I heard footsteps coming my way. I turned around, and there was Luke. He's looking brilliant today. My total opposite. Should I greet him? I was spewing nonsense last night and I kind of accidentally kissed his boyfriend.

"How convenient. I know you're hungry. I'll lead you to the kitchen. Atlas was busy with arranging a pending ceremony, so you'll have me today." I don't know when it all changed. We are so awkward with each other now. Before meeting Atlas, we were comfortably interacting. We can easily talk to one another, although we just met.

Now, it boils down to these awkward starters.

Smacking my lips, I tried to smile for him, "I'd appreciate it. I can't find Kalix." Luke gestured at me using his head to follow him, so I inched closer. I lagged a few steps behind him. I noticed that Luke slackened his pace so I could catch up with him. Now, we walk side by side.

"Thank you for last night," he started, offering me a congenial smile. I'm close to fidgeting at this moment. Is he going to start talking about what happened last night? My goddess, I hope not. I offered him my own smile.

"Don't think about it." We went silent after that. I can't think of any more to talk about. We walk for a few minutes, and I find out that the kitchen is a lot closer than I think. The wonder must have been on my face because Luke offered me an explanation.

"That was the same expression I had when I came here. It was so hard to find the kitchen. I got lost a hundred times only to find out that there's one on every floor. I labored the stairs every day just to get to the first floor when there's one next to my room," he narrated with a smile. The thought of it was amusing, so I shared his fun. It would have been the same for me, not a hundred times but the same thing.

"What do you prefer for breakfast, though? It's past noon, then it's brunch. I made sure to have everything here for the pack members. I also made sure they've got plenty to choose from. I hope you'll find whatever you like to eat this morning." Luke thoughtfully said with his open, friendly face.

He is deeply assimilated into this pack. I can tell that he is serious about his role. Luke must have been through a tough time keeping up with everything and assuming the role of a Luna.

"I sure well, "I replied, and Luke opened a similar door with an intricate design. We went in together, and it was nice of him to point to me where things were. I went ahead and used their kitchen to cook some simple brunch. Some ham sandwich and bacon were enough for me. I partnered it with some cold beer. True to Luke's words, the fridge was overflowing with well-organized food.

After preparing my brunch, Luke was doing the honors of informing me about the pack activities today. The weather was also bright this morning despite the beginning of the winter season. I offered him some of the food I prepared, but he opted for some granola bars. He was done having lunch.

"Mavis, I gotta be honest with you." I groan in my mind. Does he have to do this when I'm in the middle of eating? It's not that I'm mad. I'm just hungry. I slowly chewed my sandwich and looked at him. He was not looking at me but at the obsidian island counter.

"You don't have to worry about me or my feelings. This thing needs to be done. You do what you have to do. I can endure it. You don't have to feel bad or anything for me. I'm a grown man. I can handle it." He solemnly told me, and I was forced to swallow the piece of the sandwich I just bit into without chewing at all.

"I understand." That was all I could say. Reaching for the cold beer in hopes that it would quell unnecessary thoughts.

"That's great to know," the solemn look is now gone while he smiles at me with sincerity. It took me back to the time when he asked me about the shop's direction. It was innocent and all nice. "Anyway, I have your jacket back in my room. What do you say about getting it and we can visit the training grounds? We don't have much scenery in this pack territory, but we got gorgeous falls here." The excitement in his voice almost got me but won't it be awkward with us two?

"We can visit the falls after the training grounds. It might be winter, but that falls is lukewarm all year round." He continued, and I finished my sandwich. I savour the last of my beer as I listen to him blabbers.

"Can I tag along?" I whipped my head around and ended up spilling my drink all over the person's shirt. I'm such a freaking klutz!

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