
My Time

Ivan's Point of View.

When I saw her at the bar last night, I knew she had to be mine. When I tried to speak with her, and she blew me off with her attitude, I couldn't wait to get her home and fix that. She needs it. And soon, she will want it too. It will take time, and pain. It will be worth it. She will see.

When I pick her up today, for our date I hope she will he ready on time. This date better go smoothly, or I will have to give her her first punishment in public. That will not go over well.

*I will be there in 30 minutes, I best see you awaiting my arrival. * I press send. I don't bother waiting for a response. She will be getting ready. I hop in the car, and give the driver her address.

My driver slowly makes it to her block. The drive is agonizing. I just want to see my Dove. I haven't gotten her out of my mind. She's tall, which is great, I don't like my women short. Her hair is also long, and kept naturally curly. Her eyes are the most beautiful shade of chocolate brown, but with a golden ring around the iris. She's in shape too, which will be useful for later. She's the woman I've been searching for for a long time.

As we approach her building, she is not waiting for me. I check my phone, and theres no messages. It's only 7:29. I will wait for her. When the clock hits 7:31 I walk to her door, and knock. There's no answer. I try the door, and its locked. This will not be forgotten.

I pull my phone out and call Stevie.

"Hello?" Stevie answers.

"Is there a reason you were not outside waiting for me?" I demand from her. I try to hide my utter frustration from her.

"I do not, and will not be joining you." She replies. This is not happening, no one turns me down.

"Unlock the door, and we will discuss this like adults. Or I will force myself in. And do not pretend like you're not home. I see your shadow from the window." I hang up the phone.

I pull up my contacts list, and find who I am looking for. I then send a text to my driver. *Come up, I will need you to help bring her out.*

As Stevie opens the door, I see she's still in her sweats. Her roommate is sitting on the couch in her skimpy pajamas, staring at me.

"I believe she told you no to the date. Does 'no' mean nothing to you?" Tracy yells at me.

"If I wanted to talk to you, I would have greeted you." I turn to Stevie. "Get dresses, we have reservations." We will not miss them, I think to myself.

"No. I will not go with you. Don't make me call the police!" She yells.

"We can do this the hard way, or the easy way. The choice is yours." I see my man outside waiting for my signal.

If she wont come easy, I will have to drug her and Tracy in order to get her to leave. If it is, I will get to dress her, and I will be able to finally feel those amazing breasts, and suck on those nipples that I saw through her dress last night. My cock perks up just thinking of it. Not yet, I think to myself.

She doesn't move. I start walking towards her and say "Hard way it is."

Just before I reach her she turns and runs away. She tells me, "Fine!" I then hear a door slam.

I walk to the door, and send my man away. I will not be needing him yet. I grab the needles from him, just incase. I walk back inside. Tracy is staring at me.

"I don't trust you at all. Stevie doesn't like you. She said you creep her out." She tells me. God. I hate this woman. Standing no taller than 5'4", with short blonde hair with streaks of teal. She screams bitch. How my Dove can stand her is beyond me. When we are together, she will be finding better suited friends. I'll be sure of that.

My Dove comes out a few moments later. She wears a short, strapless black dress and red flats. She is tall enough that heels would put her at 6'6", too tall for a woman. The dress accentuates all her perfect curves. "Come." I say and grab her hand.

"If she is not back by 11. I will call the police." Tracy states.

"Calm down. I'll be home later. Love you, bye!" She blows a kiss.

Once we get to the club, I will go over the rules and hed future role. She will accept it. There will be zero room for discussion.

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