
Prince of The Night Sky (1)

Does he really trust us? Is it worth it trying to gain his approval? Does everybody else think the same way I do? Did he ever like us? Did he ever think we were friends? Were we… no more than just tools to him this entire time? 

It was impossible to find out without asking him directly. The facade that he had taken up prior to falling into hell was scary and I got to see it firsthand used on various people. Even the most powerful and influential people were no more than mere pawns to him and the fact that he is willing to risk his life makes the possibilities of his influence so wide that it could one day snare entire dimensions in his net. 

Feeling Nell's eyes disappear and her presence begins to back away, I shifted my eyes back onto the dark elf who looked to be brainstorming anything to try and recruit me. And, just as she began to bite her nail, I gripped her hand and gently moved it away, bringing my mouth close to her. 

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