


"So you're telling me that finding Agnola is difficult?!" I said to the notes in front of me.

After Knox left, I came to the library to find the meaning of the oracle. After an hour of struggle I finally decoded the oracle and the first thing it tells me is that finding the Agnola is a difficult task?!

"Let's read this again....So what this oracle says is that, The journey to find peace meaning Agnola is not facile which means is not easy and the fragments segregated into two only means that the fragments of Moon and Sun have been separated and instead of one it is been distributed into two people right?" I said to myself.

"What does warmth of spirit mean? Should I fry my soul in a frying pan to achieve the warmth of spirit? The journey will be full of toil and pain but the Chosen one will conquer it....Why does it say one why not Chosen ones or two? Dude, can't you ease our pain a little by using human language?" I said getting irritated.

"As for their appearance, I asked Mr. Smith a little about them when I visited the Palace two days ago. He said that mostly all the Agnolas have the same characteristics like golden eyes, silver hair and unmatched beauty, but now that Agnola is unknown there is a slight possibility for their appearance to change." I said to myself.

"I have silver hair...No, no Sabrina, snap out of it, there is no way. I don't have golden eyes which is the main characteristic of Agnola but...Silver hair is also an important characteristics....but I don't feel any type of mana or anything and I also have this lilac strand of hair so...Stop daydreaming and don't get ahead of yourself" I slapped myself for thinking nonsense instead of thinking about the issue.

"Anne is the main suspect right now. I suspect she is the half fragment of Sun. So now I have to find the other half which is the Moon...but how?" I questioned,

After another hour of sacrificing my brain cells I collected my stuff, put it in my bag and headed outside to return home. I came out of the library but didn't see Sir Ryan anywhere.

"Where is he? I didn't see Miss Aria too at the counter" I said but soon a thought came to my mind.

'Did they go off on a date or something?' I thought, smiling mischievously.

"But now that they are gone, what should I do?" I asked myself.

"Should I visit the market in the meantime? I mean I've never seen markets of this era so...let's go!" I got excited and left towards the market as the library was located downtown and the market was just beside the library so it wasn't much of a problem.

"Oh! let me leave a note...." I took out a page and wrote that I'm going to the market incase Sir Ryan returns and got worried. I left the note with the carriage coach who was standing beside the carriage.



I said looking around. The whole place was packed with people and stalls everywhere.

I bought some street food and tried them, they were delicious!. After looking around for a while I decided to head back since Sir Ryan might have returned.

"Let's go back now" I said and turned and suddenly an old woman popped out of nowhere making me bump into her, causing both of us to fall on the ground.

"Ahh! my back! Ohh!!!" the old lady exclaimed, she looked like she was in alot pain. I got up quickly and helped her get up.

"I'm sorry granny, I didn't see you" I apologized, even though it wasn't my fault but she is an old lady. Maybe she had a problem with her sight.

"It's okay, it's okay. It is my fault I suddenly came in front of you so I'm sorry" she apologized.

'*Phew* Thank God, she is not like the typical old ladies who blame others even if it's not their fault' I thought.

"Oh no, it's okay you don't have to apologize. It's not your fault either" I said to her, making her smile.

"As expected," she said while smiling, making me confused.

"What?" I asked.

"Nothing, it's just I'm happy..." she said.

"Why? because I apologized?" I asked confusingly.

"*giggle* No it's because the peace will soon occur and the warmth will soon arise" she said making me more confused.

'Peace? warmth? What is she saying? I can't understand a single word?...wait...!' I was confused by the old granny's words but suddenly a thought came to my mind.

'The Oracle!!! peace and warmth of spirit, both were mentioned in the oracle' the realization suddenly hit me and when I lifted my head towards the old granny, she wasn't there.

"What? Where did she go? She was here just a moment ago!" I said trying to find the old granny.

I was running here and there searching for the old granny but I couldn't find her. I was running around until I reached an old shabby alley.

"What the heck! Where did I run off to? Where is this? Where am I?" I questioned as I looked around and couldn't find anyone around.

"Great, just...great. How should I go back? I don't even know where I am?" I said to myself.

"Oh, Little Miss is lost?" a voice came from behind making me turn. It was a guy followed by two more guys, they looked like gangsters.

'Shit' I cursed under my breath.

"Miss, do you need help? We are good guys, okay? We look like this but we are nice. I promise..." the man in the middle said.

"No, thank you for your kindness but I can manage on my own" I said and turned to leave because I don't want to stay even a second as they stench of alcohol.

Suddenly someone held my hand making me stop. I turned around and saw the same guy holding my hand with a disgusting smirk plastered on his face.

"Leave my hand" I said in a cold tone.

"Oh Milady, you're not scared at all," he said, smirking, making me disgusted.

"I said...Leave. My. Hand" I said as I tried to free my hand but his grip got tighter making me scoff.

"Are you tired of living?" I said coldly.

"You're quite a feisty one, huh?" He said and started to drag me and I was having enough of it. I was about to take action but a voice stopped me.

"Leave her."

I turned around and saw a boy around the age of sixteen or seventeen, his hair and eyes were covered and he was standing there with full swag.

"Hey baby boy, it's none of your business so shoo" the other man said as the boy let out a chuckle and said,

"I'm saying the last time...leave!...her!"

"This piece of-" "Hey!"

The man was saying but I cut him off.

"You boy, I can handle them. No need to interfere." I said to the boy while he looked at me blankly.

"Kids these days sure are troublesome" the man holding my hand said.

"You haven't seen my era's kids" I said.

"Huh?" he questioned while I just smirked. I twisted his arm, the one he was holding my hand with.

"Ahhhh!" he shouted.

I jumped over him making him fall and started jumping on him and witnessing this the other two men also came running towards me. I saw them from the corner of my eye and as soon as they came near me I jumped off the man making them stumble and fall over. I took the chance and picked up the stick which was laying near and started hitting them. The boy was just shocked to witness my bold actions since it is not common for a young eleven year old noble girl to beat up three fit men alone, in a dress.

Suddenly more men started to come out of nowhere and came towards me and slowly I started to take them down as well but with this little body I cannot handle so many of them, so I looked over towards the boy who was just standing watching the show.

"Hey you! Are you going to stand like a statue or are you gonna help me?" I asked, hitting one of the men.

"But you said you can handle them" he said, making me scoff.

'Seriously! If there were three or four I could, but there is a sea of them!' I gave him a 'Are you serious?' look, amazed by his dumbness.

"If I tell you to jump off a cliff, will you?!!" I shouted running from the men while the boy was silent.

"HELP ME, YOU IDIOT!!!!!" I yelled running in another direction and he nodded and came to help me.

After a while there was a pool of men laying on the ground while I was panting vigorously whereas the boy was calm.

"How are you so calm??" I asked to which he just shrugged.

'What hell is his problem?' I thought.

"Anyway I'm Sabrina and you?" I asked, first he was silent but then he spoke,


"Ci?" I asked and he nodded.

"What a unique name you have there." I said laughing awkwardly.

"So let's get-" "MISS???!! WHERE ARE YOU??"

I got cut off by Sir Ryan's shouting.

"I'M HERE!!!" I shouted back and turned back towards the boy named 'Ci' and found him gone.

"What the hell? Why is everybody disappearing right in front of my eyes??" I asked myself.

Soon after Sir Ryan came and escorted me back. First he was shocked by the pool of men laying here and there but I explained it to him excluding the fact that I also fought them. After hearing my explanation he just gave me a little scolding and nothing else....only a little.

And soon after we both started bickering. He was telling me to not go alone anywhere while the feminist inside me woke up and I started fighting for my independency.

"Miss, You are eleven years old!!!! You are too young to fight for women's independence!!!" Sir Ryan said, getting frustrated.

"Oh...you're right...hehe" I said awkwardly.

'Shit, I forgot the fact that I am still young to be roaming around alone' I thought, mentally facepalming myself.

After Sir Ryan calmed down, both of us returned home but little did they know someone was watching their cute fight from the shadows...

"So she is the one who will lead us to The Divine Healer?...You sure didn't disappoint me" said the old lady.

After we reached home I went to freshen up and join others for dinner. And after everybody went to sleep me and Mommy had a fierce sword battle in which obviously I definitely didn't win. After that we went to sleep but one thing was haunting me....

"What did the old granny mean by that?...."

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