
Trading One Nuisance for Another

{This story is ready to read on my P-a-t-r-e-o-n. If you wish to read ahead then the link is https://www.p-a-t-r-e-o-n.com/easyread. Be sure to remove the dashes. I hope to see plenty of you there and enjoying this novel.}

~~~(POV: Ulysses Kennedy)~~~

~~~(Date: September 30th, 2025)~~~

~~~(Time: 7:45 AM)~~~

~~~(Location: Holden High School Gym)~~~

I'm now able to practice in peace. It's been three days since they announced that the NBA is allowing me to skip college. The fallout from the announcement has been severe, but that's not my problem.

I'm getting what I want, and whatever the NBA has to deal with because of this isn't something that I need to concern myself with. However, something unexpected has happened, and I'm a legitimate fool for not seeing it coming. The college scouts are gone, but now NBA scouts are flooding the bleachers to watch me practice this morning.

They're staring at me right now as I sink my shots. While the NBA draft is determined by luck, you can project where you'll be landing in the draft. Apparently, many of the worst teams in the NBA are tanking even harder now that I'm eligible for the 2026 draft.

I'm going to a bottom-tier team, but when I win. It'll make it that much more impressive. My ultimate goal for my first year in the NBA is to win the NBA finals and win finals MVP. I want to mark myself down in history as the youngest player ever to win an NBA championship and finals MVP.

I'll be a few months younger than Magic when he did it. I hear the gym door open again, and it's more ESPN reporters. Now that I'm NBA bound, ESPN is a lot more interested in me than they originally were, to begin with.

I silently sigh to myself, and to my absolute delight, Hannah walks in behind them. I immediately stop what I'm doing, and I wait for her to come over. "I'm really glad to see you... They're not leaving me alone. Everywhere I go, they're there waiting to talk to me." Hannah calmly smiles and comes in for a hug.

We've overcome the height problem in a way. We've resorted to me just picking her up for a hug. It's nice to feel her wrap her legs around my stomach and bury her face in my neck. We haven't gone all the way yet, and all we've really been to is some really hot makeout sessions.

I'm being honest when I say that I'm afraid to go that far. As tall as I am, my penis is quite long and thick. When it's hard, it gets even more so. I'm not going to put a number on it, but it's in the double digits. I don't want to scare her off.

She pulls her head back, and we are looking face to face as she is wrapped around me, and I have my arms wrapped around her. "Don't worry. Your sugar momma is here." She's older than me by a couple of months so that technically makes her my sugar momma.

Even though sugar mommas are older and are wealthier, she likes the phrase for our relationship more. "You want to do something after school today?" I'd love to do something after today, and that means I'm going to skip practice to do it. I think I'm allowed one missed practice to be with Hannah.

I need a break from all the scouts watching, and this is a perfect way to do that. "Let's go to the ice rink. They have it set up now." She smiles as my idea is one that we haven't done yet. For my 17th birthday, Ellie got me a pair of blades in my size.

So I can go ice skating when I wanted to after they opened up the rink. She brings her lips into mine, and we share a couple of kisses. I lower down, and she is now looking up at me. She starts to walk towards the girl's locker room, but not before smacking my butt. She's much more confident when it comes to public displays of affection.

I can't help the small blush from forming on my face, but I get back into practice. Hannah is going to practice in the gymnastics area before school herself. It's attached to the gym but in a separate enclosed area behind some doors.

I turn back to the basket and head for my basketball. My mood and energy are much higher than they were before. I don't want to say it, but she makes me feel a way about her. I've never felt for a girl. Everything is going really great between us. I'm not looking forward to when she and I head in different directions. I'm not into long-distance relationships.

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