
CH 52: No Name [13]

{[Last Time in Tainted Desire]}

"Whatever," I murmured dismissively as I reached for the pen, and started scribbling nonsense words over the papers the guard provided, my attention fully on the sexy bookworm between my legs. Hermione flinched with the words, and tried to pull back, surprised by our surprised voyeur, but my iron grip didn't allow her to pull back. She was stiff around my shaft, but it wasn't something that would stop me. I pressed at the back of her head even harder, forcing her to swallow more of my shaft. She still didn't react more, so I dropped my pen for a moment, and slapped her breast, my left hand still over her head to prevent her from pulling back.







It proved to be a good decision, because shocked by the sudden slip in the physical dimension, she started to struggle. But I didn't let her to, even when she was tapping my leg panickedly. I gestured the guard, mouthing him the sentence I wanted him to say. "She is a feisty one, sir," he said with a leer. "Maybe I should help you a bit."

"Thanks for the offer, but no need," I said to him, amused by the way she lost her desire to fight in an instant. "She is smart enough to know which boundaries not to push when her family's safety is on the line." I smirked in satisfaction to an effective strategy, then pressed her head once more, reminding her that she needed to move if she was going to be successful in her role as the desperate daughter of a family under threat.

Soon, she started moving in her own volition, her lips dancing over my length. It wasn't as enjoyable as it could be, as her movements were still mechanical with little passion behind them, her stress overwhelming the enjoyment she felt despite the assistance of the potion. But since she was once again moving by her own will, I was free to use my left hand for more useful things than forcing her to move.

My fingers slid down to her neck, dancing on her sensitive skin. I could feel her out-of-control pulse on my fingertips, pumping crazily despite the challenge they were feeling to bring things under control. It was good, harder her heart pumped, more effective the potion was going to be.

I let my fingers to slide even lower, until they met with the edge of her tank top. It was tight, but its fabric wasn't exactly strongest, so it barely resisted my finger from sliding inside her top. My fingers found the edge of her breasts, the thumping of her heart tickling my fingertips. She stopped once more, but this time, it was barely a stagger. With everything else that was going on, caressing the edge of her breasts was simply not that important.

But it wasn't true for my next action. Not willing to waste the excellent position they had, my fingers slid lower on her torso, until they slipped through the barrier her bra tried to provide. With that, she froze, but I chose to squeeze her nipple between my fingers.

I was expecting her to react negatively, therefore giving me an excuse to punish her in front of the guard, but surprisingly, she just returned the task in her hand, or more accurately, in her mouth. I was surprised at her obedience, I had been expecting more resistance from her. Maybe I had been more successful than I had hoped.

Of course, it was just an excuse for me to push even further. I dropped my quill for a moment, and reached for the letter-opener on my desk, charmed for sharpness but without the ability to cut the living tissue. The perfect tool to help Hermione undress, I decided as I placed it on her back. I pulled my left hand from inside her bra, but still inside her tank-top, pushing the fabric away from her skin. I dragged the edge of letter-opener over it, and her white top fell apart in two pieces, sliding towards the ground without any support.

That managed to cut through her concentration.

She pulled away, leaving my shaft, wet with her spit, to dangle freely with a shine. "What-" she tried to say, but I was ready. I used my free hand to grab her by the cheeks, preventing her from saying anything more, while I mouthed her to play along, trying to convince her that it was just a ploy to convince our peeping guard. I kept eye contact until she gave a resigned nod, then raised the letter opener once more. Three slashes later, two on the straps, and one on the hooks, her bra followed the same path with her top.

Her arms rose, too late to catch the bra that slid away, but quick enough to hide her breasts away after the sustained glimpse they allowed. "What are you waiting for," I asked with an abrasive voice as I swapped for the quill. "Go back to your work."

"Yes, sir," Hermione murmured. I would have believed that it was just an attempt to maintain the role, in particular, fixing the damage her earlier actions caused. But surprisingly, the fleeting expression in her face was different, suggesting a more honest, a more primal reaction. Her arms were crossed over her chest, trying to hide her breasts, but nevertheless, she leaned forward, capturing my shaft once more.

I quickly scribbled a few more signatures before asking the guard to take them away, but leave the door open when he left. I wanted to test just how deep her submissive streak went. The guard did so, leaving me alone with Hermione, who was too distracted with her new situation to notice his disappearance.

The time to test her limits was finally here…

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