
Chapter 8- Emotions


It's been five weeks since the exhibition and I still can't seem to let go of her thoughts. Her beautiful face has been etched in my memory and it's the only thing constant for me now.

Xander has been teasing me endlessly about her and it's becoming annoying. I really need to get over my shit and be productive.

I walked out of my room, simply dressed in a white Tshirt and a black blazers, my hair perfectly styled to accentuate my facial features.

Xander was also dressed and having breakfast when I got to the kitchen.

"Good morning Nanny" I greeted our housekeeper with a smile as I picked a plate of pancakes, topped with syrup.

"Good morning Mr Josh, sure you had a wonderful night rest" Nanny replied sweetly, placing a cup of warm milk before me on the dinning table.

"Sure did ma'am "

"What time is your appointment?" Asked Xander,looking up from his plate.


"Alright...I trust you to secure the deal and make us more shit tons of money" he said smilling.

"Do you ever think of anything else besides money??"

"Why should I? Money makes the world go round buddy....right nanny?" He said looking towards the kitchen counter where Nanny was busy cutting vegetables.

"You are very right Mr Xander, money is essential" she answered with a big smile.

" I'm sure you heard her Josh..so go make that money buddy"

"Like IAM your money making machine..right?"

"We work together to make it actually"

"Then let me sleep in today and you do the making".

" I didn't hear that Josh, catch you later" he said amidst laughter as he dashed out of the house.

" You know Mr Xander never loses to you" Nanny said with smiles.

"He's a big pain in my butt Nanny.

After a few minutes,I packed my plate and cup to the dishwasher, pecked Nanny on her cheeks as I said my goodbyes.

"Please take care of yourself" she told me.

"Of course Nanny" I replied as I also stepped out of the door to my car.

The time is 9am and I still have some time before my appointment at Orbit incorporations. Their Lead designer reached out to me after the exhibition about a possible collaboration, they want me to make paintings of their popular products which will be on display at a private exhibition coming up in some months.

It sounds like an interesting deal and IAM hopeful it will be a big one for us as well.

I drove to a gallery not too far from Orbit building to check out their designs while trying to while away the time.

At exactly 10:45, I pulled up in front of Orbit incorporations, picked up my portfolio and made my way into the lobby.

It was beautifully tiled with exotic furnitures here and there for visitors, I walked straight to the reception to make enquiries.

"Good morning, IAM Joshua Davis and I have an appointment with Mr Drey" I told the lady receptionist politely

She looked up from her computer and seems like she was star struck.

"Joshua Davis as in the Joshua Davis the Visual Artist? She asked again, excitement written all over her face.

"Yes please, same Joshua Davis...I...'

"Oh my God!! It's you!!!" She cuts in excitedly, half jumping on her feet as she held my hand lovingly.

I became shy, I get this type of reaction from the female folks a lot, talk about the perks of being a celebrity.

"I was at your last exhibition and all your pieces were magnificent...." She praised with smiles.

"Oh..thank you so much Miss...." I said trying to catch her name.

"Lucy" she offered sweetly, rolling her eyes seductively and licking her lips.

"Great, thanks Lucy..I appreciate your kind words a lot..I"

"Hello Joshua, welcome to Orbit incorporations" a voice said form behind me before I could finish, I turned and saw Drey, the lead Designer.

"Oh thank you Drey, was just about getting the directions to your floor" I replied, facing him, glad for him rescuing me from the seductive fan at the reception.

"I doubt you would be able to make it to my office in the next 30 minutes if I did not get here on time" he said jokingly, laughing heartily.

"You came right on time...saved by the bell they say" I replied with a small laugh as well.

We made small talks as we entered the elevator up to the twenty fifth floor where the design team office is located.

"I must warn you, there are probably a handful of "Lucy's" in here as well who cannot contain their excitement at being in the same space with Joshua Davis' he told me as the elevator dings and opens.

"I always manage"

Barely had we stepped out of the elevator when we heard a small cry of excitement and within a few seconds, many people were on the hall way, some standing by the door of their offices, beaming and smilling excitedly, some came outrightly at me for a hug and some requested my autograph.

I managed to make it into the meeting room where two other ladies were already seated.

" I told you..." Drey said laughing as he closed the door behind me, helping me to a seat directly opposite the ladies.

"That was unexpected" I said truthfully, heaving a deep sigh of relief while the others laughed heartily.

"Now, can we take a look at your collections? " Drey said after some.mimutes.

The meeting lasted for almost two hours after which I was escorted out through the private elevator to escape the mob of fans waiting for me outside the main elevator.

As I stepped out of the elevator to walk to my car, I saw her stepping out of her car and walking elegantly towards the elevator I just exited from, I couldn't help but stare, shes dressed in a simple white armless gown that stopped right above her knees with a black belt adorning her tummy and a black stilletoe,her hair flowing richly on her shoulders, the locks bouncing as she walks, she looks so beautiful.

She noticed me staring and stopped right besides me.

"Do I know you" she asked rudely.

"Of course you do, I was expecting the bill for your stained dress so I can make s replacement" I replied curtly, turning to fAce her.

"Oh...that was you? The painter?" She said making me seem so irrelevant.

"My offer still stands, let me know your preferences and a replacement will be sent within a week" I replied, not giving her the chance to relish in her rudeness. " And have a lovely day Ms Anderson".

Before she could say another word, I blew her a kiss and walked to my car. As I drove out into the main street, I can still see her in my side mirror, standing there, looking dazed.

I almost kissed her,it took a great deal of restraint to just blow a kiss and walk away.

"What the heck is wrong with you Josh! " I mentally slapped myself as I drove down to our office building, lost in the beauty of her face.


Cool right??

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