
Surveillance? Not at all

- Kaligo, stop.

- What do you want?

- We and your friend will have very big problems.

- I trust Luther, he's a tough guy, but he knows his business.

"Not that.

- And then what?

- When we were chatting with Luther, it seemed to me that someone was standing outside the door.

"Damn, what are we going to do now

- What, what.... GET RID OF THE WITNESS.

- So, don't drive, no more carnage, I've had enough.

- Yes, I was joking, but I still want to eat it, and the problem should be solved.

- Maybe you really just imagined it?

- Maybe, maybe not, so that you can make a Caligo? If you need to denounce?

- I don't know.

-Reports can be made without personal presence, but denunciations, xxmmx people like to do them in person.

- So he's now

- That's right, now he will try to get out of the office as soon as possible, then we will devour him…

- We will grab no "eat", and then we will think what to do.

- Shh, it seems he

The same person who met us came out of the office building, went outside, looked back and hurried to the car standing at the bus stop.

Kaligo, trying not to make noise, thought to follow him, but he saw the light from a small LED bulb.

- Camera, we can't pass without being replaced.

- No, there is no need

- I mean

- I stole his battery, hehe

- When did I manage to

- It doesn't matter, now if he doesn't stay here, it will prove that he knows something.

Ekutem's expectations were not met, the white collar only swore and went back to the office

- Damn paranoid

- Don't relax, you idiot, you have to be on your guard, but I don't see the point anymore, so let's go, let's go to the store, ugh to the store, we need to buy groceries.

- What other products?

- And how are you going to build a body capable of resisting those abominations? Everyone shut up and let's go

- As you know, slimy

- Fuck you…

Siguiente capítulo