
Omnibus aut nihil

After leaving the registration office, Kaligo and his companion walked towards the elevator.

Fortunately, the elevator was not occupied again and they went down as quickly as they went up.

This was not the floor from which everything started, it was the floor with mission announcements.

Large screens were installed on the entire wall, next to which there was a crowd of people.

Some were just looking at the tasks, while others had already chosen and received the number and went to the registration table, behind which there was a girl in the same white and gray uniform as the girl who accompanies Kaligo.

They moved closer to the screens

-Kaligo Swordsman, here you can choose a mission by teeth.

- Thank you

- Please, proceed.

- Yes, of course.

Kaligo began to look for a task for those who want everything or nothing.

But he never found a suitable option, and therefore decided to ask the attendant a question.

- Sorry, but there is not what I would like.

- How not, there are all guild tasks that should meet your requirements, what kind of task do you need?

- As I said before, I want to get into the suicide squad.

"Are you sure?" According to statistics, only less than 1 percent of those who participated in such missions remained alive, this is due to a very high level of danger, usually crowds of people are sent to such tasks so that at least one participant completes the mission, those who survived are well provided by the state for long months.


, well, then you are in a division called "Omnibus aut nihil"

It is not surprising that you did not find tasks of this nature, they simply do not publish them here, come on, I'll show you where you can join this squad.

- Good

And again they got into an empty elevator to take them to a suitable floor.

While they were driving, a girl in uniform used her phone to call someone unknown to inform about Kaligo's intentions.

After a while, they got out of the elevator and were immediately met at the exit by an old man who, like a century ago, should have crumbled like sand in the desert, but there was still life in his decrepit little body.

-Omnibus aut nihil?– The old man asked, but it was not clear to Kaligo who the elder addressed.

"Omnibus aut nihil," the girl replied convincingly.

- So young. – The old man shook his gray head.

- Is there a place?

- Yes, the last one was just needed.

- When?

- Right now.

- Do you agree? The girl turned to Kaligo.

"Yes," Kaligo said in a slightly uncertain voice.

- Then I'm leaving you, good luck to survive.

- Thank you, I had no plans to die.

The girl left, Kaligo and the strange old man were left alone.

-Look, youngster, guilds have weapons, but it's a pity not for people like you that are in Omnibus aut nihil, you, like hundreds of people, will have to fight for the salvation of humanity, without weapons.

Today you are going hunting as part of a group, for the larvae of demonic worms, do not think that everything will be easy, according to our observations, their Queen will soon have to return, the chance that you will all be killed is already known to be 99%

If you manage to kill a couple, we will consider the mission completed.

- Why not let us in with weapons?

And people's lives would be saved as much as possible.

-These creatures that climb out of the side takes only a tool made of a special metal that I extract from falling meteorites, and this metal is very expensive.

That it's cheaper to let people like you on the meat. But the reward for survival is worthy, because you not only perform the most dangerous tasks, but also help to explore the creatures.

A lot of sensors that will be installed on you will help our researchers to see how you are being hacked to pieces and, based on some data, invent more and more new ways to destroy the creatures.

Your task is at least to survive, to benefit society at least by sacrificing your miserable life.

- Thank you for calming me down, now it's much easier for me.

- Apply, and now we are going to land, everyone is ready.– the old man slowly but surely trudged towards the elevator.

Kaligo decided to keep up with the elder and also went towards the elevator.

Soon after they went down the elevator, they saw a large armored car filled with people like a herring in a barrel.

They put a "Bloody Uniform" on Kaligo

and put him in an armored car.

- Good luck, brat, I bet on you not to die prematurely.

"I'll try to live up to your expectations, you old bastard.

- hey, be polite.– the old man swore, but Kaligo no longer heard this, the door of the armored car closed and he set off to meet the embrace of death...

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