
Risk, a noble cause

Kaligo fell on the bed, and with a creak of springs, she took him into her arms.

He raised his right hand and strained it a little.

-This body is insignificant, I will be taken to the Legion only in the unit where people who have nothing to lose risk their lives for a good monetary reward, but for such a high reward, there is a high fee, people there die much more often than in other units.Kaligo sighed and lowered his hand.

"Why don't we create a new body?"

We just need to get enough resources, and subject your body to certain loads.

-Do you really think we can compete with those monsters that are in elite squads?

Yes, even to the people in ordinary detachments, we are like the moon.

Not only is their physical strength at the limit, but now some have shown the ability to magic.

-So, don't whine, now we'll get this skinny ass up and clean the house, then we'll solve all the cases in order.- Ekyutem began to collect garbage around the room, which forced Kaligo to join in the cleaning.

Soon the garbage was finished, but it remained to wipe everything from the dust and put it in its places.

To do this, Kaligo took a bucket of water in the bathroom and threw a rag into it, soaked it with water, he set to work, soon the house was clean and the smell of freshness wandered through it.

-Now you can do other things. The ekutem returned back to Kaligo's chest.

- Yes, we need to get more money as soon as possible.

- You wait with the money, first we need to drop out of your school.

"But why?"

-You will not be able to live a normal life with me, like an ordinary schoolboy.

-You're right, but what should we do?

- Let's go to the suicide squad, they pay well for high risk, you yourself recently told about it, this is enough for us to last a couple of months.

-We will easily be killed by creatures from the other side, I think the risk is not justified.

- Okay, Kaligo took it, but in a couple of days, as soon as you howl from hunger, you will start tearing them for meat with your bare hands, using only your teeth.

Trust me, Kaligo, I will protect us from the creatures, come on, let's risk our ass once, and then we can live in peace for a couple of months on the rewards and eat everything that our body wants.

-I persuaded you, and when are we going to go there?

"Right away."

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