
The disastrous start

The first thing on the agenda had been to make sure that the fox would have a fantastic time with him overall and the central theme was the best place to visit for the same.

Their city's central theme park was unique and well known all over the country for it's fantastic seasonal display and the autumn theme was one of the most beloved ones among the visitors. The red and orange mixed well with the still somewhat fading heat of the summer to give a wonderful and warming experience.

Not to mention, he just knew that the white theme of the fox would mesh well with the colours all around them.

But since the fox's expression still showed his hesitancy, Kaito had to rely on himself to make it fun for Noah.

The car was parked right outside the central park, in the paid parking lot but the other showed no sign of getting out of the vehicle, even when Kaito held the driver seat's door open for the other. Those lovely blue eyes just looked up at him in confusion.

"What are you doing? You need to get out of this too. When I meant that we should come here, I meant it as the two of us" Kaito scolded the other in a soft and indulging voice. He did not want the other to think that he was angry. But at the same time, he did want the others to take him seriously.

The resulting blank look did get on his nerves a little, but he managed somehow to contain his voice that wanted to command the other inside his own head. He did not want to spook the other at all.

"I'm not allowed to show myself in public. Master said to keep a low profile" Noah replied, his voice showed that he was not going to break at all.

Kaito let out a sign at the first failed attempt but he was not giving up. He had faced this type of situation with Noah before, at the start of their relationship when the other still thought of himself as a slave.

He could crack it with some persuading. But he only hoped that the other would amend this time and actually cooperate a little.

"But you are also in charge of my safety, aren't you? What if I get attacked there? Didn't grandfather order you to protect me? And I'm also asking you to come with me" and there was the conflicting expression he wanted to see.

It was really subtle, a small crack - barely visible on the surface of the mask the other had donned, but it was there nonetheless. Now all he had to do was carefully navigate around the edges till the whole thing gave in.

"Then, please refrain from going to such places. We also need to hurry up to our destination" The fox tried to make his voice sound like a logical idea but at this point in time, Kaito was too far gone to consider anything the other said anyway.

Once he had made up his mind, there was no changing it for the better or worse.

"Nope, you are coming with me and that's final. Now hurry up and get out of there or I'll make this an order from my side" and he had won. Kaito knew the other would obey as long as he believed that he was being given an order.

Was it underhanded? Yes

Did he care at all? No

He had commanded a kingdom and played the political game before and he knew that sometimes being sly and underhand saved you far more effort than to do this the right way.

He did not consider the consequences this would have for the fox once this reached back to his grandfather because the moment was perfect as it was and when one was emotional like Kaito, they stopped to think.

The fix finally stepped out, his white skin and hair reflecting the sun's light and making the colour look even fainter if possible. Was it the bleaching effect of the sun's rays so potent that it had worked in seconds or had the other always been this pale?

His memory could not compare when he looked at the actual thing.

"Master Kaito, shall we go?" the omega asked and now that they were out, he noticed the lack of scent coming from the other. Like this, he would surely think that it was a beta he was facing.

This was so reminiscent of his past that he almost stopped walking.

"Master?" the fox asked, his voice cautious and the alpha turned toward him, a small growl building inside his throat.

"What happened to your scent?" His voice had the unsuppressed growl Kaitp had missed since he woke up this time. It had been an essential part of his identity in his first life and his mind actively poked at him to do more.

He ignored that part for the time being and focused on the omega in front of him who had tensed.

"My scent? I don't have one, I'm not allowed to have one. Master must have mistaken it for the incense that was burning inside the palace" Kaito knew a lie when he saw one and the other was lying.

But why would the other lie about such a thing? And to him nonetheless?

"I know what I smelled back there. Don't try to change the subject. Is it a scent blocker? Magic?" Kaito asked, his scent rising rapidly and much more powerful than any time before in his life.

Somehow he had grown more powerful in the past few days but he could not remember doing anything special except the three days of fasting when the heat had consumed him.

Had that small thing produced such amazing results? He was not sure but he would like to know it all the same now.

His scent must have become too strong and irritating for the others because not only the omega in front of him tensed but also the others in the vicinity. It was disturbing enough that one of the guards actually made his way toward them, despite all the discomfort he had to face.

All he received for his efforts was a growl in his face and a somewhat distraught person right at the alpha's side.

"Sir, if you can't keep your scent in check then, I would have to ask you to leave. We don't allow feral people inside with normal customers" the other tried to be smart with his words but that just irritated the alpha more.

He would have taken a bite out of the scentless worker in front of him (no doubt on the blockers) and let his newly acquired, still weak alpha venom do its job had it not been for Noah actually bowing in front of the other an apology.

"Forgive the young master. I apologise for the trouble that we are causing here" that was what calmed the alpha down but not in a good way.

Somehow, it did not sit well with him to see his accompanying omega bow down to a no-name guy like that.

His alpha did not like this at all.

But the more rational side of him said to back down and solve this and it actually overpowered his alpha since its emergence was still new and shaky. The shock had been enough to knock the sense back inside his brain in the meantime.

And then a little bit of regret settled in, just a little bit though since the omega had to be the one to clean his mess up.

He should have taken care to not do anything unnecessary but he had lost himself in his instincts. He had forgotten that he was virtually a stranger to the other in all but name and thus had no right to demand this type of sensitive information from the other.

"Sorry, I'll take care" Kaito finally forced out and he could see that the employee did not look satisfied with his attitude. But the other refrained from saying anything, no doubt because of the polite omega in front of him, just gave him a look.

But it was clear that no one wanted any drama over what had happened and so they all separated as soon as the matter was resolved. The only ones who were left behind were Kaito, Noah and the employee who finally showed them the way.

After paying for the tickets, the pair finally entered the theme park and right as Kaito had thought, it was full of trees with various shades of autumn red, orange and yellow.

The fun was just about to start and he would make it fun - no matter what it took to accomplish.

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