
Rank up.

A few moments later I got a message back from

Vincent and Tabitha.

"Jaron Helstea, we will always worry about you, but we understand that you want to finish the journey. Please continue to be safe and come home quickly, we miss you and we love you."

A smile graces my face as I run the words through my head again. Then I see a woman heading towards me from the gate.

"Are you Rez? The guild master would like you to come back to the guild and debrief him on what happened. Please follow me." She says and waits for my response, which I just nod and follow her back through the gate. Arriving at the guild, I'm immediately escorted to Kaspian's office, as soon as I enter the escort walks out and shuts the door.

"You can remove the mask, no one can see you here." As I remove the mask, I guess my face betrayed my emotions more than I though based off the wince from Kaspian. Too much hiding my expressions behind the mask has resulted in not controlling my facial expressions.

"I'm sorry about what happened Jaron. Can you tell me everything that happened?" I give a nod and retell everything exactly as it happened, not leaving anything out. The range of emotions also cross his face, but eventually he just settles on a slight frown.

"I see, Maverick Marceau. He was never one of the good ones, but I never imagined he would pull something like this. Very well, I'll take care of everything with the families. Put your mask back on for a moment." I grab my mask from leg and place it back on my face.

"Emily!" He yells to the door, which quickly opens to the same woman that brought him to the guild.

"Yes, guild master?" She asks looking between us.

"Get Rez a new guild card. His rank is now AA." She looks shocked but quickly nods and bows out the room.

"AA already? Are you sure that's okay?" I ask him while removing my mask again.

"Once the rumors inevitably get out, people would be at my neck if I didn't promote you. Seriously, 100 bandits and you're surprised?" Kaspian says while shaking his head slightly with a wry grin.

"I suppose you're right." I concede easily. I mean I'm not too mad about ranking up to AA.

"Alright you can head downstairs and Emily should have finished your card by then. I'll see you hopefully at the end of your journey the next time." I just nod my head and walk out the door, at the base of the stairs I met Emily coming back up to give me my new card.

"Here's your AA card, Rez." Emily says while holding it out for me.

"Thanks." Was my only response as I grabbed it and left the guild hall. However before leaving back out the gate I stopped by the tea shop to pick up some more tea. For some reason I feel I'll need something calming while journeying with the Twin Horns.

On my walk back I had been thinking about revealing my identity to the Twin Horns mainly to clear up their suspicious, but I also really can't wait to see Jasmine's and their reactions when I reveal I'm Jaron before Arthur's adventure. Ah, momentary inconvenience for a very funny moment down the line, I think I can live with that.

Passing through the gate I head back to the square where I see the Twin Horn party talking to Mr. Zany, I approach and Mr. Zany's seems to notice a bit of tension in the air.

"What seems to be the problem everyone?" He asks looking at me for the longest before looking back to the Twin Horns.

"They seem to believe I killed our party and not the bandits." I stated bluntly and they all sputtered in disbelief while Mr. Zany looked angry for the first time I'd ever seen.

"What? No, it's just that it's really hard to believe that Durk died and you lived." Adam tried to defend, only to get a slap on the back from Angela and Durden.

"Ow! What the hell!" He yelled as he rubbed his back.

"If that's the case then I don't think your services will be required Twin Horns. After Rez's loyal service in protecting us and the caravan and seeing his power for myself, I'd much rather travel with him. Don't worry I won't put a mark on your guild cards since the job hasn't started." Mr. Zany spoke in a very serious tone that almost seemed strange from him. Angela stepped forward to try mediate the situation.

"Wait, wait please. We don't mean to start off on the wrong foot. We'd be happy to work alongside Rez, some of the members are a little touchy because we were all friends with Durk. Please allow us to guard you on the return journey to Xyrus." Angela finally finished with a pleading face. Mr. Zany looked to me to see what I thought and I gave him a nod that it was okay. A brief smile flashed on his face as he turned back to the Twin Horns.

"If Rez is fine with it, then so am I, but if I hear anymore of this nonsense I'm cutting you loose. Understood?" He really seemed like he could be noble in that moment with the presence he delivered that with.

All of the Twin Horns nodded and Angela spoke.

"Understood Mr. Zany. We look forward to this journey with you."

"Alright we are selling for a whole month here, so get yourself lodgings if you need it. The pay is still the same and you need to work out your rotations for protecting the wagons at night as they will stay in the square." With that said Mr. Zany walked back to where Katarina and Alaina were at the front of the wagons. Me and the Twin Horns stare at each other for a long second before Angela and Durden stepped forward.

"It's obvious Mr. Zany trusts you implicitly, so thank you for not denying our help." She says with a grateful smile while Durden give a similar nod.

"Like I said before I know of your party and that you do good work. I wouldn't deny strong people due to a minor misunderstanding, I look forward to traveling with you all." I said and began to make my way to my position to look out over the wagons. Later that night I found out who would be my nighttime watch partner, Jasmine Flamesworth.

I won't lie that it hurt when they suspected me for bad intentions at first, especially Jasmine as she was my favorite character after Arthur. If I hadn't found such harmony with the sword I might have taken up dual daggers, as her style of fighting is one I like the most. Which I kind of based my normal swordplay around, fast cuts and slashes while also using my speed and flexibility to overwhelm an opponent.

So I can't lie this was one of the first times since coming to this world that I was actually a little nervous. The good thing about Jasmine though is that she is not much of a talker, which means way less chances for me to do something embarrassing. I had decided to do my normal meditation as I usually do when I'm on watch.

A couple hours had passed when either she worked up the courage or got bored, she spoke to me.

"AA Rank." Was all she said and turned my head toward her slightly and nodded.

"How did you know?" I asked in return.

"Rumors." Was the short response and I was beginning to see how this could be annoying.

"About my fight as well I presume." I inferred, as if there are rumors about my promotion then surely the fight has already started circulating.

"Mm." She gave a slight hum in the affirmative, and looked up at the sky, I followed her line of sight. I generally found myself looking to the sky in this world as it's so different but still very much the same. I was no astrologer or any such thing, but I always enjoyed looking at the stars in past life as well.

We sat for another few minutes in companionable silence just watching the stars, when her curiosity got the better of her once more.

"What's your core stage?" I side eyed her again, I guess this was the Durk running off on them as usually not many adventurers like to tell their core stages, especially the higher rank ones.

"Approaching light yellow." Which was true for my silver core as well, my solid silver had a brighter silver showing through various cracks and wouldn't be much longer. Jasmine went wide eyed and fully turned to me.

"How old are you?" The words while innocent sent a pang of hurt through my chest, as they reminded me of Naomi. I could only give a pitiful chuckle and respond the same as I did to Naomi.

"Heh, old enough to be an adventurer." I said and I could feel my eyes warm from the emotions, and I looked up at the sky again. Partly to feel the calmness that comes with looking at the stars, but also to prevent any tears from leaking down my face. Jasmine wasn't too pleased with my response but she noticed my mood had changed with the question so she didn't push further.

"I'm sorry." Was all she said seconds later.

"Ya, me too." I let out a labored breath and went back to meditating. We didn't talk after that, and eventually traded out with the next couple of watchers. We had been put in a rotation of duos since there was only 6 of us at the moment. Our replacements were Durden and Helen who talked to Jasmine briefly before taking up their positions.

Like this a month passed in Etistin, me and Jasmine weren't always watch partners, as I eventually took watch with each of the Twin Horns and even the 4 new adventurers that joined us. Some more talkative than others, and one seemed to be a fan of mine. I honestly didn't pay too much attention to the new recruits to our traveling troupe, but one apparently was there the day I kicked Marno and ever since he wanted to meet me.

Suffice to say he didn't get the engaging conversation he hoped for, but he did tell me about all the rumors going around about me. Thankfully my ability to use wind and sound mana hasn't got out, but it was now unofficially known that I was a lightning deviant who could use bright blue flames that blinded the eyes of non mages. Well I guess I couldn't expect all the wagon drivers to keep a lid on it, I imagine they let it slip because they were so happy to be alive.

The enthusiastic adventurer was named James, he was also a new adventurer having only been active for a year and just ranked up to B rank after he progressed to light red. Which is honestly pretty impressive compared to the average human mage. Thankfully though he was content with just talking and not waiting for my response, so while still annoying at least he didn't expect a response to every nonsensical thing he said.

November 1st was finally here and with it snow even in these coastal cities. Thankfully my outfit also protected against the cold, but poor James was huddled up in the back of the last wagon with chattering teeth. Deciding to have pity on the kid I produce a slightly dimmer blue fire ball in my hand, that show instant warmth on his face.

"Thanks Rez, that feels so good!" He said with a bright smile on his face.

"I won't always be here to be a personal heater, you need to learn to circulate your fire mana through your body more efficiently. Augmenters are made by the efficiency in maneuvering the mana through their body. I saw his eyes light up and he begin to practice willing his mana around his body, and yes he was a fire augmenter. Which is one of the reasons he stuck so closely to me as he aspired to be as strong as me.

Night came quickly with the longer nights and shorter days of the winter, and we were all huddled around a campfire that I was keeping control of. I could keep it small but also have it produce the same heat as a larger one, which also served another purpose of strengthening my conjurer magics. Eventually though Adam stood up and asked me a question directly, or it rather came out as more of a command.

"Hey, Rez lets have a spar to warm up our bones." He said while doing some stretches.

"I'm quite warm, but thank you." Came my reply which gathered some chuckles from around the campfire and caused him to slight stumble in his stretches.

"He's rather persistent as you know Rez, you might as well get it over with." Came the voice of Angela. Which brought a sigh to my lips as I rocked back and then popped up.

"Very well." I replied as walked out of the circle of wagons.

"No elements, I want to see your sword skills." Adam says and I just provide a nod.

"I wasn't planning on using any anyways." Which got some chuckles once again. Adam just huffed and we put some space between us, while Helen stood to the side as a sort of referee.

"Ready your weapons." Helen called. I pulled out my sword whose blade glowed in the faint fire and moonlight. Adam pulled his spear from over his shoulder and made a show of spinning it rapidly before stopping it against his shoulder.

"3 2 1 fight!" At the word fight Adam charged forward and I let him. He started with a series of jabs that I deflected to the sides before he spun and when for a sweeping blow at my legs. I leapt over it as it passed and he whipped it back quickly with another spin this time to my head. This time I swung to counter and saw him since when the spear rattled in his hands.

That's when I started my attack and went back to a normal spear grip blocking each swing between his hands on the spear. I started throwing in some feints and false steps to throw off his rhythm but he showed why he was an A rank adventurer with his smooth deflects and blocks. I stabbed forward and he tried to lock my arms with a twist of his spear, but I just knee'd him in the stomach eliciting a cough from him. When he hunched over I elbowed him in the back causing him to drop to his knees gasping for air.

I place the blade of my sword on his shoulder blunt side to his neck.

"It was a good fight, I haven't fought without magic for a while now. It felt refreshing, thanks Adam." As I walked back to the circle I could feel everyone's eyes on me and that when James ran up to me.

"Wow! That was amazing Mr. Rez. Can you teach me how to do that?" I look at him and notice his build, not thin enough for my speed focused sword style.

"No." I see his face fall, but I quickly speak again.

"I can't teach you to do that, but I wouldn't mind helping you improve with the sword." His face visibly brightened from my words and a big smile was on his face.

"Thank you, Mr. Rez!" From behind me I hear Adam.

"Did you do that on purpose? Let me lock your arms with my spear?" He asked while still holding his stomach. I give a shrug.

"I had at least 5 others ways I figured it would go and you just happened to pick the first one. It really was a fun spar though, I haven't had one of those in a while." Was my response to him and just turned his head to the side and muttered.

"Fun for you maybe." He muttered a couple more times before sitting in the ground. James immediately started speaking again.

"So what will you teach me first Master Rez." He says with a glimmer in his eye.

"Master?" To which he just nods furiously.

"Well every great swordsman must also be great at brewing tea, as well as appreciating it. So your first instruction is to brew us a pot of tea, also you should know that certain teas and the strength of them teas are better at different times of the day. I don't expect you to know this at the beginning, so I will drink whatever you make as long as it's good. Once you can brew and prepare tea to my liking, we can begin your sword training." I said while grabbing my tea set out and handing each piece to James as I spoke.

Everyone was looking at me with a strange look, but I just ignored them. If I'm going. To be teaching this guy how to fight, the least he can do his brew me some tea. James looked skeptical at first, but soon gained and eager look and began mentally taking notes.

"Lucky for you James it's cold this time of year so you don't have to learn how to cool down the tea properly without diluting the flavor." And with that the next hour was me giving James a rundown in the art of tea making and the things you definitely don't skimp on.

Water, tea leaves and love for tea. Tea can be enjoyed in any cup or pot, though I will admit it tastes much better in the recommended cups and pots. Though some may find it strange for a 20 something year old to have a 5 and a half year old as master, but who am I to complain. Besides they don't know I'm 5 anyways, to him I'm just a yellow core AA rank adventurer.


Author's Note

More interactions with the Twin Horns, as well as meeting one of the other adventurers that have joined their group. The others really aren't that important, and honestly I don't plan on making James that important. Just a quick character to fill some conversation.

Next chapter will most likely be a time skip to the end of the journey. We will then spend a month at home before heading out to the beast glades. Honestly don't know how many chapters I'm going to make on the beast glades portion, definitely at least 2 but probably not more than 5 before we come back again.

Still haven't decided if MC will go on Arthur's journey as I have something else planned, I'm just not quite sure how to execute it yet. Also I'm considering taking a 3-4 day maybe even a week hiatus, to read back through all the books and get caught up on the 8th that released not too long ago. I hadn't read through the books in a year, so a lot of the stuff I've wrote has been based off what I remembered and then researched by skimming those sections of the books. And since we are getting closer to where the story truly begins, I want to make sure I'm not missing anything.

If I do end up taking the hiatus there will be an announcement chapter uploaded, and it will be deleted once I'm ready to write again. Sorry for any this upsets. I guess I could try reading the books alongside my writing, but I don't know yet.

Thanks for reading.


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