
Chapter # 50 Aftermath

Next morning everyone arrived at the port except Noah and his friends. When they didn't arrived after an hour, one of the crew member reached the building. The door was open he entered the building there was blood and dead bodies everywhere. A loud scream came out from his mouth. He came out from the building and ran towards the port. Soon everyone got to know what happened there. They all gathered around the building. Soon the news spread all around the city. someone informed Richard about the incident. The news shocked him but after few Moments he compose himself and called Alex.

'Boss did you hear the news?"He asked.

"No, What's the matter?" Alex asked with confusion.

"Noah and his friends have been killed at the Port" He replied.

"What?? this can't be, But How?" Alex went to state of denial.

"Just turn on the Tv Boss" He replied.

He immediately turn on the tv. Every channel was broadcasting the news of fifteen port workers along with their supervisor were killed last night.

"Richard tell me is John carpenter behind this filthy act" Alex asked with fury

"Unfortunately Yes. I have just received a message from Brad that it was John carpenter and his new assistant Donald with Ethan who did this last night" He replied.

"I will kill that bastard" Alex shouted with anger.

Few moments later he received a call from Kevin.

"I have heard the news that was really unbelievable and unforgivable" Kevin started the conversation.

"I will turn his flesh into minced meat Kevin" His anger was not coming down l.

"I have the same wish but fury and anger will not help us" Kevin tried to calm him down.

"I have got to know that John and his filthy clan has support from Carl Nelson and that's why he is not afraid of anything. Carl Nelson is one of the most powerful man in the country and has business all around the world. He can easily provide anything that John can ask for. The second and most important thing is that John carpenter was in serious depression and in dire need of victory against us. Because his last two plans were failed completely and he got huge loss of his man and reputation. So to maintain his reputation among his comrades he was in dire need of victory that's why he picked a very easy target for this purpose" Once again Kevin proved his intelligence by analysing the entire situation but he didn't know this was not John's plan actually.

"I will turn Sheraton into their graveyard, Kevin"He once again shouted with grief.

"Easy my friend like I said fury and anger will not help us" Once again Kevin tried to cool him down.

Do you have anything in mind?" Alex finally compose himself and asked.

"I don't, But I will surely make one which will not only avenge William's death but also your people" Kevin's voice was filled with vengeance. He still can't forget William's face.

"So what should we do now?" Alex asked.

"Keep yourselves calm. Let the police do their work. When the dust settled we will strike back on them" Kevin replied.

"Ok Kevin but this time give them a lesson they never forget" He was still in deep grief.

"Don't worry Bro. They will never forget. Now you should take some rest. Bye" Kevin then disconnect the call.

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