
Chapter # 10 The Business Deal

Brad was busy in his office suddenly his phone bell rings.

"Who is there" Brad ask

"Its me Kevin, I have arranged everything you asked Brad" Kevin replied.

"Really, You arranged them within 48 hours its Amazing Kevin" Brad shouted with Joy.

" We don't have much time. There are some people in my gang who are now became informers of the police. They regularly inform them about our activities. Luckily I also have some loyal people in police department so I counter them easily. But I don't know how long this will work? so I want you to take delivery of your toys as soon as possible " Kevin was looking worried. Its clear he was furious about police raid on Eastwood dock.

"Oh Yes, I understand. we will come today and take delivery of our order" Brad was so thankful.

"What about payment" Brad asked

"Three million dollars" Kevin simply replied.

"What? are you crazy, I really don't have so much money" Brad shouted.

"The things you asked are not easy to find and it is more dangerous to bring them here. I have to buy locava police, made arrangement for safe delivery, keep things in a secret safe house. These all factors are also added to price" Kevin explain like a professional business man.

"But Kevin still its too much price" Brad Cry again

"If you can't buy no matter there are so much buyers in the city. I will sell it to them" Kevin was not in a mood to give any discount in price.

"Look Kevin my friend, I only have two and half million dollars in cash" Brad told Kevin in a very week voice.

"OK give two and half million now and rest of the amount will be credit on you. But remember you have to pay it within a month" Kevin softens the payment conditions.

"Thank you so much Kevin, I will pay the rest of the amount as soon as I receive payment from my clients, Bye" Brad was now relax Kevin solved his big problem.

"Bye" Kevin replied and hang up the phone.

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