
Chapter 7: Class President

"Sorry to drop this on you guys but, we need to pick a class president," Eraser Head said in his usual lazy drawl.

"ME! ME!"

"I wannaaaa"

"I should be class president!"

"As class president, I'll make it so that the girls must show their cleavage"

My face darkened at Mineta's words. Why would anyone say this type of shit out loud. I'm getting a headache being around him.

"Everyone, quiet down! To be class president, you will have to shoulder heavy responsibilities, you cannot just elect yourself president without knowing of this and having your fellow classmates complete trust thus, I propose... A VOTE!" Iida said righteously, his hand pumped into the air.

"Huh? But we barely know each other"

"Yeah, and everyone'll just vote for themselves," Kirishima said with a shrug.

"That's exactly why we should vote then since the one with the most votes will be the most appropriate for this position! Don't agree sensei?"

"I don't care, do what you want but it needs to be decided by the end of the day" Aizawa flopped back into his sleeping bag and went to sleep. That looks pretty cozy actually.



"EEEEEEEH! I GOT 4 VOTES!" Geez, quiet down Midoriya. It's just the main character plot armor, don't make a big deal about it.

Iida slumped in his chair cursing that he got zero votes. Oh well, it's not like anyone would vote for you considering that the first impression we get is that you have a stick the size of All Might's fist up your ass.

Surprisingly, I got 2 votes. I turned to look at Mina and Kirishima as they both gave me a thumbs up and some cheeky grins. It's kinda heartwarming, thanks guys. I gave them a rare smile and turned my attention back to the front.

Midoriya was elected as President and Momo as Vice-President, much to her chagrin of course. After a few classes, we had a lunch break and the soon-to-come press break-in and the stealing of the class schedule. How did that even happen, isn't this place filled with heroes and a variety of quirks? No one detected them? Whatever, I'm hungry and Lunch Rush always makes the best of anything.

Finding a seat, I sat down with Mina and Kirishima as well as Momo who surprisingly joined us.

"So how d'you feel about being Vice-Prez?" Mina asked.

"Well, I was hoping to be Class President actually, but I can't reverse the votes," Momo said with some disappointment evident in her tone.

"Well Vice-President is still really good," Kirishima said, stuffing his face with rice balls.

"Yes. It's still a good position" I comforted her while nibbling my food. This tasted really good, how is this free? Lunch Rush is now my new favorite hero. No doubt about it, the man is a genius.

"Thank you" Momo manages a smile at our words. We chatted for a bit until the siren started wailing startling Mina and Momo, making Kirishima almost choke on his food.

I sigh. My delicious meal has to be interrupted by some no-good villains and the nosy press. Whatever, I'll just wait for Iida to do his little hero stunt and smack into the emergency exit sign and continue eating.

"C'mon Ryu, let's go" Mina grabs my hand and we started pushing through the crowd. People are trampling and sticking their elbows into my sides. This is really getting uncomfortable.

"Mina" I call out but I see no sign of her. Huh? Wasn't she holding my hand a second ago?

"Mina! Where are you?" I call out to her but my voice is drowned out by the screaming. Trying to get a look over the crowd, I get smacked in the head by another student. Okay, this is really getting on my nerves now.

I try again only to get an elbow in my ribs which sends a piercing pain through me. Alright, time to end this nonsense.

Activating Rashomon, I step over the crowd and make my way to the doors. I slam my fist shaped Rashomon in front of the crowd, sending out a shockwave and catching their attention.

"Oi oi! Stop making such a ruckus. You're getting on my nerves. Look outside and you'll see it's just the press that breached the academy gates. Stop acting like animals and calm down" I growl, making the crowd back up. Seriously, I wasn't planning on doing anything but it was getting out of hand.

Landing back on the ground I rub my chest where I got struck by that elbow. When I find the bastard who threw that elbow I'm so gon-

"Ryu that was awesome!" Mina tackled me into a hug. I was momentarily stunned into silence. This was unexpected.

"Yeah dude! The way you calmed everyone down was totally manly!" Kirishima said as he hooked his arm over my shoulder.

"Yes, you neutralized the entire mob. I wouldn't expect anything less from you" Momo added with a smile.

"It was just getting annoying" I said, waving off their compliments. Iida would've done it sooner or later. It wasn't anything heroic like that.


"I don't think I'm worthy of being the class president, and seeing what Akutagawa did back in the cafeteria, I think he's more fit for this role. So I propose that he be class president" Midoriya said to the class, looking at me with determination. Are you picking a fight with me little man?

"Yeah, he totally calmed down everyone in the cafeteria in style! It was totally manly" Yelled Kirishima with Mina echoing along with him.

"Yeah, it was pretty intimidating," Denki added.

"Fine, whatever. Akutagawa is the new class president from here on out. Let's get along with other things" Eraser Head said with a frown.

Oi, who said I wanted to be the class president? I don't wanna have responsibility for this rowdy bunch. Bakugou is way too much of a headache and I might just kill Mineta with all the perving he does. He's literally ogling Momo right now.

I sigh and swallow my complaints. It's not gonna get through to these blockheads. When they decide on something as a class its set in stone. Well, I guess I'm the class president. Prepare for my tyranny. Kneel before me and whatnot.


Maerdy Note: Today was terrible. I got drenched by the rain on my way back home. I felt like I was the sole female of a g***b*** video. It was terrible. Give me sympathy headpats thx. Now lemme go finish my assignments, cya

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