
Chapter 5: What A Young Lady I Ever Found

Now the time comes when Alone starts to earn on her own. She becomes more independent and is gaining confidence slowly. After many hurdles and hardwork , she is counted one of inspiring teachers. In the beginning when she is appointed, she refuses to go to middle classes , instead she prefers teaching juniors but she doesn't know that junior students are observing and straight forward. She wears only the two white dresses she has the best in her closet and nothing else. Alone is asked by young minds why she wears only these white dresses and only these two. She's asked why she has a pastic like chin( as she only applies vaselline on her face . In the beginning she is irritated by such questions, but with the passage of time she starts enjoying all this lill stuff by lill minds , Alone never stops studying . She starts loving to teach , gaining more confidence and exposure, so she decides to study human ( child )psychology and education . Looking at her potentials and intelligence , the principal tells her to join English as Masters as a private candidate. Here Alone is happy , once more starts believing her own self , being more confident, now starts using fairness creams also instead of Vaseline for herself with the money she leaves fir her picket money , with the rest she supports to feed the family.This pocket money is worth. Sometimes used for her creams, sometimes for her admissions and sometimes for her lill brothers' trips . Alone doesn't want her brothers skipping their trips like Alone herself. So she supports whenever they need it.

One day one of her brothers wanted to go on trip with all classmates and it was their teacher's order so he couldn't refuse , the father had no money and Alone holding tears in her eyes tells him to have the money she has for her pocket.

The brother is thankful to Alone.

On another occasion the other brother was asking money from father for school party dress , the father refused but Alone helped the brother by giving him the gold studs from her ears which she made from tuition. The brother gets happy and Alone too.

Time passes she completes her education, the Army sent her to different areas of the country to train her and to make her confident and strong and for best exposure. Here again luckily she proves herself really intelligent and inspiring teacher and gets the best of many different merit certificates and diploma.

Time passes her younger siblings got education and proposals start for her sisters , instead of her , because everyone knows that she earns for the family . May be Alone is not that beautiful as her other siblings. She's getting experienced and well educated and more mature but there may be some other criteria to marry a Pakistani girl.She manages to help marry her younger three sisters instead of her and spends life with busy schedules and tuitions and teaching . Alone is so famous teacher that all officers sent their kids for tuition to her.

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