
Chapter 12: CORD

That night I kept her close, getting her scent and getting her use to mine. I saw the looks from my brothers and could easily read behind their questioning stares. They wouldn't have missed my proprietary actions, the way I kept all of them from getting too close to her.

I was more interested in the way she seemed to instinctively stay next to me. As if she too had felt the current in the air, that invisible force that was already pulling us towards each other.

"I hope you know what you're doing brother, she's young."

"Leave it Con." I wanted to tell him then and there that she was mine and to back the fuck off. But my control kicked in and I held myself in check. Only I knew what I felt and what that feeling meant. Only I understood what the fact that she made my dick stay hard the whole time she was anywhere near meant, or the fact that for the first time in my life someone made me want.

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