
Chapter 10: TYLER

I should've known that that shit wasn't gonna work. She let me have my way for all of four or five strokes before she reached down between her legs, rubbed her pussy long enough to get her fingers wet, and then went after my balls.

I shifted my feet on the floor, making room for her little hand as she rolled my nuts around as if she was milking my shit. My boy got harder, longer in ten seconds flat and every last thought left my head.

I had to hold onto her hips to stay buried inside her when she started moving her hips wildly back and forth on my cock. The noises, those fucking noises made the sap rise in my balls and I fucked harder, deeper, pulling my strokes at the end so as not to hurt her.

She still had trouble sometimes taking my length like this when my cock was iron hard and hungry. But she liked it. I let my hand rest on her tummy as I plowed in and out of her, like I was afraid to shake my son loose.

"Fuck baby, how is your pussy still so tight?" I thought for sure with over use her pussy would loosen up around my dick but that shit didn't seem to be happening anytime soon.

I had a real dilemma on my hands, I love doing her doggie style, but I love having her tits in my mouth when we fuck. I slammed into her just a few more times before pulling out and switching up.

Laying back on the bed, I pulled her over me and sat her on my cock before pulling her chest down so I could reach my goal. "I can't wait ‘til there's milk in there." Just the thought made my dick leak inside her as she ground herself onto me.

If anyone had told me that doing my pregnant woman would trip my trigger every time, I would've laughed their ass to scorn. But nothing turned me on more than the thought of what I'd done to her. The fact that a part of me was even now growing inside her. It was for this reason that I'd already made up in my mind to breed her ass again as soon as this one dropped. She didn't know it but I planned to keep her ass knocked up for life.

I came on that thought with her tit in my mouth and her pussy juicing all over my cock. Her head was back and her mouth open in a silent scream as she rode it out, getting all she could out of my still hard cock.

When she dropped like a stone onto my chest I wrapped my arms around her and whispered words of love and admiration in her ear until she fell asleep. I didn't rush to leave, but waited until my cock shriveled and slipped out of her, making a mess on the sheets. Time to go hunting.




I listened to my brothers in the background as they ragged on each other, and gave thanks for that little bit of normalcy. For an outsider looking in you would never guess that we were in the midst of hell. That for months we've been embroiled in something dark, something that we were only just starting to fully understand.

We've spent many a night like this after putting the girls to bed. This was our time to put our heads together and try to get to the bottom of it. During the day we divided our time between our construction business, and doing everything we could to insulate our women from what was going on.

It was hard keeping them unaware of the extent of what we were dealing with, but they were never gonna know. Not if me, or my brothers had anything to say about it. As far as we're concerned there're just some things a woman shouldn't be a part of. This shit was definitely one of them.

Some people, including our women, think that we're archaic; we've all heard it enough around here trust me. But after seeing the things we've seen in combat, and having firsthand knowledge of some of the darker elements at play in the world, they're lucky we don't bundle them up in cotton balls and lock them away somewhere safe.

"Mancini seems to know a lot more than we do, which begs the question how?" It looks like we were ready to get down to business. After returning from Lyon's place for the holidays we'd done an intent search on the elusive Mancini and found nothing. Which in itself told us a hell of a lot.

Since pooling our resources with the others we've uncovered a lot more than we would have if we'd kept going on our own, even with all our own Intel. But as fast as we discover one angle, another blindsides us out of left field and it just goes on and on.

We've also had to deal with the women and their meddling. Something happened at Law's that had unleashed their annoyance gene and only seemed to get worst since our return from Lyon's. Where before it was easy to just tell them to stay put and they'd listen, or at least pretend to, now they weren't so easy to placate. There've even been instances of outright mutiny. Which is no small cause for concern.

I know my little hellcat is the worse of the bunch, she questions everything, wants to know all. Since I started taming her I've broken her out of most of that shit though. She knows to be my woman, there's only one-way, mine. And though she had a hard time of it in the beginning, she's been coming along just fine thank fuck. My dick couldn't survive much longer if I had to wait for her to toe the line.

I heard Tyler throwing around ideas as to who Mancini could be. The man himself had not been too forthcoming in that one meeting we had, but we knew enough to know that he was well trained and very well connected. "Maybe he's a mobster, he did say he was Mallory's cousin."

"I doubt it, he might have those connections as well, but that guy is deep under. Whoever he works for has him well insulated. I thought we were ghost, this fucker is a phantom." The admiration in Logan's voice was evident, and that was a hard thing to come by.

If this guy is half of what we suspect, then we'd really stepped in it now. We'd made some inquiries on the down low after deciding that it might be best to keep our association with him in the dark for now. The very essence of the way he'd presented himself told us that the man wanted to remain hidden. But we hadn't come up with shit.

Meanwhile he'd only added salt to an already festering wound with his assumptions, which seemed more like fact coming from him. The discovery that some of our nation's most trusted denizens were behind this shit didn't sit well with men who'd put their lives on the line to serve and protect.

It wouldn't be so damn frustrating if we could get a bead on exactly what it was we were dealing with, but there seemed to be more than one fire burning out of control at once and the shit all seemed to be geared at us.

It was anybody's guess what else was gonna fall into our laps next. The thought pissed me the fuck off. This wasn't supposed to happen, we had put it all behind us or so we thought. This was supposed to be our golden escape after putting in the time.

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