
Chapter 5: Friends, Part 5, Seven Years Ago


Some hours later, the level of the bottle has dropped considerably.

“So, you’re by yourself, working the clubs. What happened to your wife?” I ask, then as his face falls, wonder if I should have.

He takes a swig of his whisky. “We weren’t what you could call compatible. I didn’t realise how much so until our daughter left home for University, then she couldn’t get away from me fast enough. Twenty-odd years of marriage and she was gone, just like that.”

Oh, crap. I really shouldn’t have asked….

“Oh…. Sorry, I shouldn’t have….”

He shrugs and takes another gulp of his drink. “It’s not your fault, is it? You’ve nothing to be sorry for. You’ve had the sense to keep yourself single.”

“Do you see your daughter?”

“No. Marlene took all the money but told Georgetta that I was refusing to pay any maintenance. I’d gone for a clean break and paid her off all in one go, but Georgie doesn’t speak to me now. I pay her University fees. Perhaps one day she’ll come round.” He looks glum, playing with the glass. “She’s happy in her new life I think. No need for her to pay for the sins of her parents.” Another mouthful of whisky. “Now I live unencumbered.”

He starts to stand. “I’d better be getting back,” he says, “while I can walk straight….”

Too late….

“…. Thanks for your hospitality.”

“Where are you staying?” I ask, trying to steady him with my hand on his elbow.

“The Imperial.”

Not a good idea. You’ll get mugged or robbed or run over in the state you’re in….

“The Imperial? That’s right across town. It’s too far to walk at this time. Why don’t you sleep in the spare room for the night? You’ll enjoy the walk more in the morning when you have a clear head.”

“Um, that’s a very good offer. If I’m not in the way, yes, I would like that. Thanks.”



I wake to the smell of coffee. Staring at the ceiling for a moment, I try to line up enough brain cells to remember where I am.

Oh, yes….

Pulling on my pants, I head for the bathroom. Michael is already up, doing something in the kitchen. “Morning,” he calls. “Breakfast?”

“Sounds good, thanks.”

“If you’ve got a hangover, you’ll find something in the bathroom cabinet.”

“Thanks.” In fact, I don’t have a headache, but I am a bit woozy. Michael serves me with plenty of coffee and orange juice. “Omelette?”

“I don’t want to be in the way. I need to be getting on.”

“Me too. I’ll be out of the door in fifteen minutes, but it’s as easy to make omelette for two as for one.”

“Thanks, then.”

Over breakfast, he says, “So, how do you want to play it, with the investment? You’re the one with the money, so the ball’s in your court. I assume you would be wanting security of some kind?”

“The building itself would be the security.” I ponder for a moment. “Are you free later today to visit the agent with me? We can go through the motions of a viewing on the building, but then put in an offer to get it held for you; stop anyone else buying it from under you. Then we can talk to the lawyers about the paperwork.”

He beams. “Sounds great. What are you looking for on terms?”

“Interest payable at 2% over base. That gives me a return and you some leeway. How long are you looking for?”

“How does five years sound? With an option to pay back early if I can?”

“Fine. Deal. The lawyers can dot the i’s and cross the t’s.”

And we shake hands, Michael looking inordinately pleased as he downs his breakfast.

“Mmm…” he mumbles, through a mouthful of egg. “How long are you in town?”

“Just for a week this time. Why?”

“Thought you might like to visit the Club again. There’s a cute little blond who turns up there regularly mid-week. And she’s dropped a few hints about which way her tastes run.”

“Really? Sounds interesting,” I smile. “And you think we might….?”

“Mmm…. Yes, I think we might.”



In the Club again, James leans back against the bar, all nonchalance. “You never have any problem pulling them in do you,” he comments. “Women throw themselves at you. I’ve lost count of how many I’ve seen you with.”

“Well, that one over there’s looking at you.”

His eyes scan the room. “Where?”

“Over there. Tall girl, long dark hair, rather a large nose.”

“Ah, yes. Got her.” James tips his glass to the woman who is very obviously checking him out. “I don’t think that’s a large nose. Well defined, yes, but not large. It just makes her look a little…. Venetian.”


“You’ve seen Klimt’s paintings?”

“Ah, yes, I get you. Yes, she does look a bit like that.”

The woman has locked eyes with James. She’s not bad-looking at all, with a decent figure and strong features. She wouldn’t be for a man who likes them small and dainty, but I know by now that James, for all his Dom inclinations, likes them feisty. A strong woman simply stirs his appetites.

A glass of wine in one hand, she makes her way across the room, zeroing in on James, who waits, sipping at his own drink.

“Hello,” he says as she arrives, a smile on his eyes, not reaching his mouth.

“Hi,” she replies, “I’m Debbie.”

“Hello, Debbie. I’m James, and my friend here is Michael.”

“Are you…. waiting for someone?” she asks.

“We are, yes….”

“Ah.” Her face falls. She looks disappointed.

He continues, “…. but we didn’t know who she would be. Might it be you?”

“Ah….” She smiles and nods. “It might at that.”

“There’s just one thing….”

“Oh? And what’s that?”

He jerks his head sidewise at me. “We come as a pair.”

“Is that right?” She turns her attention from James and looks me over, seeming to like with what she finds. “Is that right?” she repeats. “I think I can live with that.”


We walk her to the Dungeon, James beside her with his hand resting on the small of her back, just enough to ‘possess’ without straying into ass territory.

She walks beautifully, with an upright bearing and poise, using her height in a way that many tall girls don’t. I like that. And because she holds herself well, it makes the most of her figure. It’s not spectacular, but, so far as I can see while she’s still dressed, she’s lean and firm; ‘handsome’ probably describes her well.

We stand, James behind her, me facing her. She’s dressed very simply, at least from what we can see right now, in a plain ‘little black dress’. James rests his hands on her waist as she looks up at me, her lips parted in invitation and I lean in to kiss her, only lightly for now. I want to get the measure of the girl.

She smells sweet and flowery, some perfume I think, but not what I had expected of her. I’d thought she would opt for something deeper and more musky. Still, it suits her and as she opens her mouth to mine, I run my tongue over her lips, enjoying the feel of her soft warm flesh on mine.

“Any No-Nos? Debbie?” I ask.


“There’s two of us and we enjoy…. a lot of things. Is there anything you don’t want to do? Or for us to do?”

“I’m not keen on rough anal.”

“That’s fine,” comments James. “That still gives us options at either end.”

Her eyes roll. “What are your safe words, Debbie?” I ask.

“Why? Am I going to need them?”

“You are if you let him near your ass.”

“Fair warning.” Sucking in her cheeks, she looks away.

“Yellow and Red,” says James. “Yes?”

“Yes, Sir.”

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