
Chapter 115

The Yohan First Horde, Ikarush, almost destroyed the entire forest near them. Trees and lot of trees were taken down for the construction of their fort, which they were tasked to do by their chieftain. It is to be built in order to have a nearer resting point to the Burning Sands in case war breaks out between them and the Ereian Kingdom.

"Make this ditch deeper!"

"And stop slacking!"

"Who did the digging here!?"

"Why is it narrower than the others!?"

Sakh'arran was furious at the work of his warriors. They have been taking shortcuts at their work and not doing what they were supposed to do. The measurements are always lacking, which made him grit his teeth in anger. 

"Sheesh... Why is he so strict? It's not like there are bigger creatures than those lazy bums." a Yurakk commented as he glanced towards the ogres who were noisily snoring away with no care of what was going on around them.

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