
Chapter 106 ─ Unpleasant Memories

Dear readers, we are about to finish the vol.

It's time to find out Livie's past and why she was reincarnated.

One thing I would like to say is, pay close attention to what happens here.

It's something very important, which can go unnoticed.

Another thing, I didn't watch any netflix drama to write this chapter, I wanted it to be much stronger and worse than Erselica's past.

That's right, Livie is Erselica 2.0, you freaked out huh?

So, it's not exaggerated or surreal this, it's real, it can happen, for something I read old forums when anime was just chinese monkeys and moms would burn your yugi and pikachu cards.


Today was a normal day like any other.

"What's with that notebook? It's really disgusting hahaha."

"How old are you to have that, a magical girl anime? How disgusting."

"I bet when you go to buy them you have to hide your face so the seller won't be creeped out by your age before your face."

Again Suguro and company were teasing me.

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