
Reflections and Machinations


The second semester is underway, and for the life of me, I can't figure out where it all went wrong! I was in an ICW in Morocco. When I got back my office was a mess. The reason being the monitoring devices placed on or around young Harry. They had all self destructed.

I went to go check on 4 Privet Drive, and found nothing there. Apparently, the house had blown up due to a gas leak! I asked Arabella Figg, for more details but she didn't have anything else to add.

I changed and went to the police and fire departments. According to their report, there was a gas leak due to an unproven device of some sort being fitted to the gas main. The build up of static while in the kitchen area of the house must have set off the explosion. The three bodies showed tremendous shrapnel damage from pottery, glass and kitchen utensils.

Three bodies! There should have been four!

The results from DNA records showed that it was the Dursley's. But that begged the question, where was Harry Potter?

No one knew where Harry Potter was. Until a few weeks later when the fisco with the Ministry was brought into the light. Very few people read the business section, my self included, so as the Black fiasco went on, more and more people were talking about Gringotts recalling their loans.

A bit more digging and I found Harry, with a fortune at his beck and call, and no remorse for the lives he's upended.

An that bring me to the man he is today. A man, for I have, regrettably, stolen his childhood from him.

An arrogant recluse, to some. A vengeful Lord to most. It is the simple way the first greetings are always made by him. Addressing everyone with their titles. Very few have been able to move past this. The young Ms. Granger, Professors Sprout, Flitwick and McGonagall and Madame Pomfrey being the foremost at Hogwarts.

There are others in his personal life. That not many have access to.

*Lucius Malfoy*

Generations worth of effort all washed down the drain!

All we have left is the bare minimum to keep up appearances. My ass was in Azkaban for two years. Narcissa did her best with the little authority I'd given her. In all honesty, I'm thankful she didn't sell out House Malfoy to House Black.

Mainly because she couldn't. But I am unsure that she didn't try. After what House Malfoy has put her through, I'm surprised Draco is even alive.

There is no love between us. Whatever modicum of respect she had for me is also gone. I can see it in the way she looks at Draco and me.

There is talks with Lord Black to annul the marriage contracts and marriages of both of his cousins. Narcissa is looking forward to it. I could hold onto her, just to spite Sirius, but Lord Potter will take it out on my son.

Calling him Harry doesn't seem right. He is a Lord through and through. He looks through you. As if you're nothing but another imbecile come to like his arse.

I've seen a similar look on the dark lord, on his countenance, it's quite intimidating. On the face of a child only eight years of age, it's very disconcerting.

I'm just trying to build back up to point where I can serve when the dark lord does return. Hopefully then, all will be set right with the world.

*Lord Black*

Harry is a right arse! I can't have fun when I go out anymore. Everyone is scared of me!

Can't say I didn't enjoy the feeling for the first few weeks. After that it became annoying. Everyone walking on eggshells trying their very, very, best not to offend me.

Turns out House Black has very few friends, and even fewer allies.

I don't see how Harry can live like this, a boy needs to have friends that can go on adventures! I asked Amelia to ask Susan about Harry. He spends the days in class or in abandoned classrooms alone! When asked about what he's working on, his usual reply is "not much." After which he packs up and leaves. And isn't seen until the next class.

The man is a hermit! The Prongslet a hermit! This will not stand! I shall endeavour to teach him the finer point of being a Marauder.

*Gabriella DuPont*

Lord Potter needs to come to America. The sheer potential in that boy! Wasted on these ass-backwards-shit-eating-inbred-douchebags.

For all intents and purposes, they're still stuck in the middle ages. And thanks to Dumbledore, drag the rest of Europe down with them.

I am a patient woman, but there is only so much stupidity one can put up with.

I know Harry plans to travel to other schools to see what the world has to offer, and I highly encourage it. I can be his protectorate in the Americas. The name DuPont has significance in Europe and considerable sway in the new world.


The mysteries of human stupidity continue to baffle me. How is one supposed to pay for congestion? The British government is run by morons!

Short chapter.

Life got in the way.

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