
First week, shit

*Mallorca, Sunday 8 September 1991*

"No matter how pretty she is, someone, somewhere, is sick of her shit."

These immortal words of wisdom rang through my head as Rachel started up the hi-fi on full volume and started dancing on the balcony, on a Sunday morning. She's lucky she's pretty, and has firm tits larger than her head. Stupid bint snorts cocaine like a vacuum. She's a good shag, tight cunt, but beyond that, two brain cells fighting for third place.

I got the fuck out of Hogwarts at the first opportunity. That was Friday night, after class.

If you thought Slytherin was for dark families and 'evil' people, you got another thing coming. The badgers are vicious, vindictive and violent. You don't hear about them getting into shit. One, because there are no witnesses. Two, no one wants to admit they got wrecked by a 'Puff. Case in point, a Gryffindor 5th year got handsy with a fourth year. She straight up shanked the fucker. No spells, screaming, or drama. Just multiple stab wounds. His friends found him and took him to Nurse Pomfrey. He lied about getting into a fight with a Slytherin 7th year.

Now I was a witness, unfortunately. I was manhandled all the way to the Hufflepuff common room, forced to sit down and wait for her friends to come. I told her I wouldn't say shit, acting all scared and shit, what else was I supposed to do? Anyways, I got branded, and honest to god, red hot brass brand.

Used to torture and pain, I didn't scream. My eyes, promised vengeance. The surge of hate, rage and anger, caused the 5 girls to be engulfed in blue hot flames. A few older students were on standby, just incase, according to them it was early but I was now officially a wolf.

A 5th year student or older, can induct a younger student into the wolfpack. Yes, it's a cult. Basically, to the rest of the world, they are badgers, to the select few who know, it's a group of ambitious, ruthless and connected individuals whose job it is to look out for fellow members and keep each others' secrets. There is no application process, it can be done for whatever reason the senior student deems the inductee worthy. It binds the inductee to the pack.

Melissa Montfort, overreacted and inducted me because, she wanted to keep her stabby tendencies secret. The rules were the standard secret society oaths and such.

That was Tuesday.

For the rest of the week I was kept an eye on. Making sure I didn't something stupid like trying to tell a teacher.

The spice girls were in the infirmary. Remember the blue flames, well they started at their crotch and spread from there. Sine Discrimine Violentiam.

Lucky for them there is magic to fix them up, physically at least.

Coming back to this hoe, now dancing on the table in the veranda. She was supposed to be my date and alibi. A 'problem' needed taken care of, and I couldn't be in the country. Hence this bitch. I saw her in a club and asked her out for the weekend. Now I'm stuck with her until tonight.

The villa that I've rented, yes legally, was booked for me by Victoria. She's taking on more of an admin role. We're just good friends now. She's not looking for a relationship or sex. She enjoys her work, I give her space. I found out that she wants to setup her own tea shop. So I gave her the run of the pub in order to understand and figure out the business. She soon figured out that the hospitality industry is a shit show.

Now she's more like my secretary/personal assistant. The money's better. And she now oversees a quarter of London. Our territory organically grew from Hyde Park to the Northwest. Running an operation right next to Buckingham Palace isn't too hard. Running a large operation next to Buckingham Palace is. Also compartmentalizing the operation helps.

Samantha runs the whores. Victoria is my underboss. Bernard and his boys are the enforcers. Adam and Veronica run the pub, they're werewolves. Christopher and his vampires run the drugs and counterfeit operation.

Victoria and Samantha are the only ones who know a bit more than Bernard. The muggleborn wizards and magical beings know a whole lot more. Morality goes to shit when you're hungry, shunned and poor. I gainfully employ them and in turn we rake in the dough.

It's only a matter of time before the magical side gets involved. I have contingencies in place for that. Honestly it's better to prepare for the worst case scenario than have to scramble last minute looking for a solution. It's not always possible, but every once in a while something you expected does happen, it's a wonderful feeling when you have a plan in place for things like that.

I did not plan for Rachel to go off the rails. Don't know her last name, don't really care, I just need her to shut up for a minute so I can think. She's already set me back £10,000 in nose candy. Her blood sample will help in my future research.

As I was contemplating my recent life choices, she sprayed the room with prosecco.

Actually I need to know everything about her. She will be a good test subject, once I graduate from Hogwarts.

Looking at her, jumping around, tits hanging out, I decided to turn her out before our flight back to London.


I got to Heathrow at 19:30 it took me two hours to get out of the damn airport. TWO! now I only have a few hours to look into the operation and restructure. My investments and trades are going as planned. Still need to find a way to connect my HUD to the market servers. I can connect to the brokerages just fine, for now, and sending emails and calling works too. But I would like order flow data as well. Well I'll wait for a few years. It'll eventually be available to clients as well. Also having a few hundred million in my account gives me preferential treatment from the bank. Connections on the muggle side of things are actually very important. I need to fund a few MPs' election campaigns. A bit of meddling and I'll have advance warning about any investigations that include my name.

That reminds me, operations in the States also need expanding. Only on the muggle side though. Dealing with their aurors is frankly a pain in the ass. Goes to show how seriously they take their security and separation from muggles. Internally, they're just as corrupt as everyone else.

Now to check up on the pub and what's been happening whilst I've been away. I've honestly set it up to the point where you would have to stake-out the pub for a month to even begin mapping out my movements. That's not going to work, I have a police scanner and their comm frequencies. Poor bastards.

There was a honey trap by the local plods for one of Bernard's boys recently. Didn't work though. One of the muggleborn wizards used Legilimency and figured out who she was. But damn did they get a good read on the guy, she was everything he fantasized about. Which led to an internal inquiry and review of who yapped. It was his brother. He talked a bit too much at a college house party trying to get off with some broad. His brother paid him a visit. Now he sells our shit in London's universities and colleges. Just small scale stuff about a kilo of weed a week. I mean he's done selling that by the end of Tuesday. Need to move the delivery to Wednesday. Possibly increase it. But he needs to put together his own crew.

Let's see how he holds up for now, he was fronting like he was hard to fuck a broad. Fuck as many as you want, just don't get fucked.

I dealt with similar problems well into the night.


I got back to my room at 04:00. 3 hours of sleep and back to the grind.

I really don't understand putting an adult into a child's body. The brain is developed, the body is not. Either they sync up, or you end up an uncoordinated flailing mess. Not to mention the hormones and knowledge of what is actually out there in the world. Thankfully I have the SHOP and a method to regulate my urges and impulses. I honestly believe I would've went all Genghis Khan and started a murder spree, or become a depressed and unresponsive patient in a mental ward. My condition before I escaped from the Dursley's would not have led to any positive and desirable outcome. I don't know what Hermione has planned in this world or what I'm supposed to do after Hogwarts, but I'll do my best.

My personal goal is to master Alchemy. It is the epitome of magic and science. The vast possibilities to create new things, to make the world in my image, to leave my mark. I want that.

As I drifted off to sleep, my absence and reappearance was not unnoticed. Dumbledore got a little message in his tower, the paintings of past headmasters will probably tell him. And the senior Wolfpack members. Hufflepuff was discreetly looking for me over the weekend. Losing Harry-fucking-Potter because one of your house mates jumped the gun was a pretty shit scenario. The Wolfpack brand can be undone, and once someone is free from that, they cause a whole slew of problems for the pack.

When the seniors noticed I still had the brand, they left me alone. For better of for worse, I was one of them now. Let's see if they deserve my membership.

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