
Chapter 22 - Rain of fires

Riven pov's on

-I DO NOT BELIEVE! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE? - I said as the big hand came towards me to give me a big bear hug.

-I'm asking. What are you doing here runt?- Vi hugged me tightly and gradually released me from her warm and tight embrace.

-I'm actually walking. I came to visit Syndra as usual. -Laughs. -And well, many things ended up happening that ended up changing my plans a lot. -I smiled again at her, my smile wouldn't close for a long time after seeing that woman. -Don't tell me you're here to sign the contract? -I asked curious.

Vi gave a hearty laugh and said.

-I'm here as escort and security, who will sign the contract is Cait! -She laughed.

-HEY VI! -A high-pitched voice shouted my friend's name.

The same girl with long blue hair that Ahri had mentioned earlier came running and jumped on Vi's back. She moved frantically on the back of the big pink-haired woman as she gave a few small, low squeals.

-Who is the white-haired dwarf Vi? -The girl asked as she rocked from side to side on Vi's back, interspersing with quick and frantic moves in her hair. I confess I felt a stab of anger when she called me a runt, but that's okay.

- Get down from there first. – Vi said the girl as she rolled her eyes, at that, the girl pouted, but obeyed.

I gave a light laugh and asked my friend.

-Who is she Vi? – I asked with a curious look.

-She's- -Vi was cut by the girl.

-THAT'S NOT FAIR! I ASKED FIRST! -She said a little sulky while giving light punches on Vi's arm.

-It's fine hell, now stop hitting me!- Vi took the girl's hands off her arms. -Jinx, this is Riven, a very dear friend. Riven, this is Jinx. My younger sister. -Vi gave a long sigh after saying the last sentence.

-Our. Didn't know you had a sister Vi! -I smiled to disguise my astonishment, I never imagined that Vi would have a sister. – Nice to meet you Jinx! -I reached out to greet her.

-Pleasure runt! -Jinx gave a few little jumps until he got close to my hand to shake it

Jinx looked at me with a mischievous smile and shook my hand.

She squeezed my hand, and then...

-THEY FUCKING! -I screamed.

-What was Riven? -Vi asked worried as everyone began to stare at me inside the restaurant.

-ARE YOU OKAY? – Syndra got up from the bench to better see what happened.

- N-Nothing n-no people, II'm fine, I just got a little shock. -I gave a forced half smile to everyone who looked at me in the restaurant. While I held my wrist with the other hand, Syndra sat back down on the bench, thus glaring at Jinx with a serious look and a hint of anger.

As I recovered from the little scare, I could see the skinny woman lying on the floor, dying of laughter by the way.

-JINX! -VI shouted infuriated.

-Oh, what was it? It was fun Vi! At least a smile. – She said while lying on the floor.

- Oh, hell bro! What did you use this time? -Vi said in an angry tone.

-ZAP! -She raised one of her hands and showed a small metal plate stuck in one of the gloves she wore.

-Great! -Zed yelled as he slapped his hands on the table and stood up to see Jinx's toy.

Jinx quickly got up and yelled.

-MONKEY! LOOK VI! THERE'S A MONKEY THERE!" She got her pink eyes wide as she pointed at Wukong. While Zed was completely ignored.

Jinx ran to the table and started running her hands over Wukong, she rubbed the fur and gave light tugs, as if checking if it was really real.

-GREAT! -She seemed very excited about that. And well, I'm glad she found it a distraction so I could talk a little bit with Vi

- Is she always like this? -I asked while laughing at Wukong's frightened and awkward reaction.

-Usually she's worse. – Vi said. -Now tell me. Who are your new friends over there at the table? I'm curious to know who the other people are capable of putting up with you Leprechaun. - Vi said mockingly.

-You can laugh pink tractor, you can laugh. But wait until the day the Leprechaun here is going to shove a pot of gold up your ass. -I spoke in a mocking tone as I stared at her with half-closed eyes. -But I will gladly introduce my friends before I do this with you Velcro glue. I gave Vi another mocking smile.

Vi held my hair and lifted me a few inches off the ground.

-AI Ai Ai Ai Ai! -I spoke while trying to get rid of those hands that, at least today, were real.

-Don't forget that I also know how to play Gnome. -Vi gave a sarcastic laugh next to my ear. She gave me a victorious smile as she lowered me back to the ground, and after I had been slapping her hands a lot and complaining, Vi finally let go of my hair, so I spoke in a sad tone.

-Evil! -I pouted as I ran my hands over my white and aching locks.

I decided it was time to introduce my friends, so we walked to the table where people were meeting and the table where Jinx was laying on top of people to get to Ahri.

-SAW! SHE IS A CAT! LET'S TAKE HER HOME! – Jinx said as he finally reached Ahri.

-Actually, it's a fox. – I told her.

-Cat. -She looked at me while making an angry face.

-Don't fix it. -Vi gave me two pats on the shoulder.

I cleared my throat and started talking.

-Personal! I want to introduce you to a very special friend! Now with all the pleasure in the world. This is Vi! Piltover's shoe! -I spoke with a proud smile on my face.

Vi punched me in the arm.

-Hey Fuck! That way I'll be without an arm. How am I supposed to catch my pot of gold with one arm? -I spoke while massaging the injured area.

- You're a Leprechaun, do your magic! Now do your part right and I won't hit you. Sucker. -She crossed her arms and made her famous possession.

I sighed in defeat and then said.

-Now no kidding guys. - I cleared my throat. -This is Vi, the second commander of the Piltover precinct. I stretched out my hands to show Vi.

-Much pleasure! -She gave that beautiful smile, which honestly, was one of the most beautiful I had ever seen. I think I was putting one leg over the other side of the force from so much walking with Vi.

-Much pleasure! – They answered together while Syn just waved and smiled slightly.

- Then. Now I will introduce the other rights. -I smiled and started the other part of the presentation. – The monkey is called Wukong, and for sure, he is the most educated person I have ever met in my entire life.

-Much pleasure! I am delighted to meet such a beautiful young woman. -He said with a sweet smile on his face as he stood up to kiss Vi's hands.

-What love people! -Vi said in a sweet way while Wukong gave him a kiss on his right hand.

- The little fox over there is called Ahri. -I pointed to the beautiful hybrid that was with Jinx hanging on one of her big tails.

-Hello! -Ahri was waving with one arm and with their long shaggy tails, The ones that survived Jinx's attack to tell the truth.

-IT'S A CAT! -Jinx spoke while moving his legs, which were up by the way.

Vi smiled and waved at the "kitten".

-The other two men are Yasuo and Dedão. - I spoke in a lower tone of voice and close to her ear so that the others would not recognize them by name.

They didn't even see that I was talking about them. I was upset about that.

-Why are you talking so low? -Vi whispered close to my ear.

-Because apart from the hybrids, everything here is outlaws. -I whispered again and she laughed.

-Excellent! I didn't know I was back in the gang.

-So it is! Now that wonderful white haired woman over there is my beloved Syn. I pointed to Syndra who was already looking at me suspiciously.

-The much talked about your best friend Riven? - Vi asked.

-That's right! -I confirmed nodding.

- Nice to meet you Syn! -Vi smiled.- But wait. Am I not your best friend too? -She said in an offended way, while placing her hand over her heart.

-You're his idiot too. I love them both equally. -I made a heart for the two.

-I think it's good! -Vi said in a smug way while Syndra gave a light laugh.

Syndra smiled wider and finally greeted her back.

-Very pleased I saw. I've heard a lot about you. I was already curious to meet Piltover's so-called pink tractor. -She laughed.

Vi chuckled and then asked me.

-Hey, what are you talking about me? I hope it's just a good thing huh!-She laughed and I replied.

-Only good stuff, I swear! -I blinked and showed her crossed fingers

The girls and I talked for a while, until Vi asked me.

-Now tell me what good these people did for them to be at large? That one doesn't look like she's done something bad to anyone. -She pointed to Syn as she finished talking. She looked very curious when she whispered it in my ear.

-Yasuo, descendant of a family of swordsmen and such. He is accused of killing his guardian, who by the way was on the council. We smother the name a little more with the thumb there, maybe because of the thumb you don't know it. But he's Zed, the shadow master who made all that fuss in Ionia a few years ago.

-What uses that forbidden skill isn't it? -She asked.

-That's right. -I replied.

The two stayed talking while Vi stared at them. Then she told them.

-Excellent! I liked the boys. They looked at each other and turned their attention to Vi as they dropped their mugs under the table. - Hi distracted. -Vi put his hands under the table and approached his face of Zed and Yasuo to speak. - I just wanted to say that I heard about the shadow ninja case. Much of Valoran has heard of you. -Vi winked at him.- It's almost a legend. -She laughed.

-I think that's good. It is not? Zed chuckled as he took a sip of his beer.

-Well, depending on the place. Your head must be worth a lot. -Vi laughed. -I liked samurai hair. -Vi winked at Yasuo.

Yasuo nodded and raised his glass of booze to Vi.

-Now there's only one person left to finish these bland presentations on Ionian terrorism.

I got up close to Vi again and started.

-Now my favorite Vi so saying! I present you with great pleasure. Syndra. The Sovereign Delicious and Dark. I stretched out my arms and pointed at her. Syn just looked at me with disgust.

-The most feared woman in all of Ionia. It's an honor to meet you Sovereign. I've heard a lot about you too, I hope you're as strong as the legends that haunt you say." Vi bowed slightly. "And Riven, I think you mentioned something about her, but I don't remember. -Vi raised his arms and made a face of "it's life.". -But she doesn't seem at all to be who she is. -Vi laughed.

-That's true, she doesn't look at all. -I crossed my arms and stared at Syn.

-Less people. Way less. I have nothing dark, right. Check it out! I'm drinking beer in a bar during a peace festival. -Syndra laughed. -And I like kittens too. She snapped her fingers and blinked, then picked up her mug of beer and took a gulp. Then she slammed the mug down on the table. -But yes, I'm as strong as people say, and if you doubt it. Until later. -She winked at Vi

-Gamei on it. Is enough. Vi pointed at Syndra and she returned it with a straight hand. -You have quite a gang Gnome, you can do a lot of damage. - We laughed at the comment of the big one.

-But of course, slum dwellers. I'm small, but I'm bad tomboy! -I spoke to her in a proud tone. - He left Piltover and only found a bandit to keep you company, godfree. The girl here has a nose for bad things. -I spoke.

-I'm a slum dweller. And you are also a Leprechaun. Do not forget that! -Vi laughed.

-Truth. But I won't forget that. It was from there that I developed my super begging ability. - I spoke.

-But right, just to finish here boring and boring presentations, I didn't have to present that there. -Vi pointed to Jinx who was thrown on top of Ahri. Vi took a deep breath and said. - That autistic girl who is lying on top of the fox is my little sister. She's called Jinx, she's a drug user, she's a pyromaniac with a hint of schizophrenia. It was responsible for most of the explosions, arson, and extreme damage that Piltover suffered over the past few years. And well, it turned out to be almost worse than my old gang. By the time Jinx appeared again, Piltover looked like a battleground, from so much destruction she had wrought.

Jinx just held up his hand and made a right one.

-Now tell me what she's doing here? -Syndra asked.

-You didn't want to kill her? Zed asked as he finally finished his beer.

-Well, she might as well have gone to death row a while ago. But since she was my sister and all, Cait thought it might be possible to use her gift for shit to collaborate with the police. -Vi laughed and put his hand on his forehead. -In this, she undergoes several medical treatments, several tests and the fuck in fours to have to take more medicines than old people in nursing homes to see if she stays lucid for at least two hours a day. And of course, to see if your madness subsides a bit. Anyway, we're trying to help her become a person who can go out on her own without causing an accident. And if everything goes well, she can collaborate a lot with the police, because she is very smart and strong. Believe me.

-Our. -Yasuo put his hand over his mouth and turned his face to the side after this comment.

-And answering the guy's question. -She pointed to Zed. -Yes, I wanted to kill her, so much so that I almost killed her when I caught her. I beat Jinx until he nearly deformed his face. But you know, Cait stopped me. -Vi gave a beautiful smile after mentioning his beloved's name. - I was furious to see my city that way, to see people without guilt being injured and brutally killed. And well, it makes me angry just to remember it. -She gave a weak smile then. – But at least everything is fine now.

-And did these treatments work? -Syndra asked again while the others just listened quietly along with their mugs of drink.

-Two weeks ago she tried to set our house on fire, and a week ago she threatened to kill our neighbors-Vi said with a sweet smile on her face.

-Are you laughing so you don't cry? -I asked.

-It's not to break her face. - Vi replied as she tossed her hair to the side.

At that, Jinx let out a loud, exaggerated, extremely thin laugh from under the table.

We settled again at the tables and the girls, after a long time of thinking and arguing, decided what they would order to eat.

After they asked for what they wanted, we settled into our chairs and talked about everything we could. We laughed so hard at the bullshit the boys were saying with Vi that I saw Syndra even cry and writhe on the benches, I saw Ahri get slightly intoxicated by her shaggy tails that bristled and swayed frantically from side to side. Apparently, the night was just beginning!

------ Time-break --------- An hour and a half---------- Leaving the bar towards the temples---

We left the bar and stood in front of the place chatting about random things while laughing at the mess Ahri made while she was drunk.

-BOOM! -She made the gestures with her hands.

-What is it this time? -Wukong asked.

-IT'S FIRE! BOOM! -She did it again. -I WANT TO SEE THE FIRE! -She screamed.

-SHE IS VERY STUCK! HAHAHAHA! -Jinx yelled along.

-And you too. -Vi said with a face of pure disgust.

I came close to his ear and said.

- Good luck with her tonight. -Laughs.

-I'll really need it. -Vi answered.

Wukong stood around Ahri and Jinx's back, like he was their nanny, making sure they didn't mess up on those ten feet of street they were on. Yasuo and Zed just laughed at the situation, while Syndra was leaning against the wall beside me and Vi.

After several screams and fiascos in the middle of the avenue, Wukong decided it was time to take Ahri to a less crowded place. The furry gentleman said goodbye to the people and left pulling the little fox among the people that circulated there. Then, minutes later, Vi's new hextech toy started playing. She pressed a button and started talking to someone.

-Hi Cait! So, how was it there? Everything worked? Are you okay? -Vi asked excitedly, she was a very worried girlfriend, especially with Cait. -Right! Jinx and I are on our way! -She replied and quickly put the device in her pocket.

-What is it there? Syndra stretched to see the object in Vi's hand.

-Oh, that? Vi took the small device in her hands and showed it to Syndra.

-That's right! What is? Syndra looked very curious about that, and I confess I was too.

-That's a communicator. - Vi showed the object closer to us, in this, even the boys approached to see the news. -With him I can communicate with Cait, wherever she is. It's way better than those phones you see in train stations. It's the new fashion in Piltover.

-Wow! It looks really cool. -Zed said.

-And they are, they make it much easier! - I saw smile. -But using this communicator, the boss told us to go back to the hotel to find her.

-Oh! But already? -I pouted.

-Tomorrow we find a way to meet runt. Where are you staying?

-At the old woman's hotel. Right at the beginning of town. - Yasuo said. -Don't worry, it's pretty easy to find, especially with the old woman's tip. Yasuo snapped his fingers and pointed at Vi.

-Thanks hairy! If I don't find the place, I'm gonna break your face. Bags? -She winked at him.

-I'll be prepared for this incredible fight, Miss Vi. She crossed her arms and made a smug possession.

-Miss it's my dick. - She smiled.

- Strap is there for this! -I started to snicker.

Vi closed his eyes and stared at me.

-What's a brat? Syndra asked innocently.

-Forget it, I'll tell you another time. -I told her, which by the way, was the only one who didn't understand, since the boys were already doubling up laughing behind her.

-Thanks for today guys, it was a pleasure to meet you all. See you tomorrow. -Vi said.

We all said goodbye to her and I gave my big one a tight hug.

The only thing I found strange was that I haven't seen Jinx since Ahri left. Did she go along? Or did she go out to do something? Well, it doesn't matter, I just know that when Vi noticed, she was furious with her younger sister she wasn't around anymore. We laughed at the situation and finally said goodbye to my pretty pink-haired friend who stomped off after Jinx.

Because of the movement and commotion of the people around us, we decided it was time to go up to visit the temple fairs before watching the long-awaited rain of fireworks. After getting organized, we started walking again.

Syndra chatted with me as the boys followed us through the streets, and so we made our way through the people until we reached the grand staircase that led to the temples. We saw everyone holding the same little flags we got before the show in the arena, some women holding lanterns and other decorations in their hands. Syndra gave me her hand and with the other, she gently held her kimono so she wouldn't step on it as she climbed the grand stairs.

After we walked up two long flights of stairs, Zed began to pester Syndra as she tried to climb the stairs, he tickled her and rocked her from side to side.

-You're being very annoying you know? - Syndra said in a serious tone to him.

-I know, that's why I'm doing these things! He smiled his usual wide grin and took Syndra in his lap.

-Let me go, you bastard. NOW! -She struggled and tried to get rid of those big and strong arms that held her.

-Is someone talking to me Yasuo? I don't know, I'm hearing some sounds, it must be mosquitoes, right?

-IDIOT!-Syndra hit Zed's chest.

-I don't know Zed, I'm also hearing certain noises, and you Riven? Do you hear something?


-I'm crazy then. -Zed replied

Syndra crossed her arms and sulked in her lover's lap.

Zed insisted on carrying Syndra to the temple in his lap, and she was extremely red for it. While they were in that little fight, Yasuo and I talked the whole way.

-Do festivals always bring so many people together?-I asked as I looked around.

-Yes, they always gathered a lot of people. Most of the people here are from the villages farthest from the capital, so everything is packed. Ionia may look small, but it's so much bigger and so much more amazing than anyone imagines. -Yasuo gave a sweet smile.

-I hope that one day I can get to know this place even more, it always seemed amazing to me. -Smile.

-Are you enjoying it here? -He asked me.

-Loving would be the correct word to use at this point. I have never seen a city and a country so cheerful and well decorated, it even seems like a dream. And speaking of beautiful things, I really want to see the so-called rain of fireworks, it seems to me to be a great attraction.

-Well, if you so want to see the rain of fireworks, I know the ideal place for that. -He blinked. -Would you like to visit my favorite place in this runt city? -He laughed.

-Only if you stop calling me a runt. -I blinked and held up a finger, showing that that was my only condition.

-Understood! Would you like to accompany me to watch the beautiful fireworks... Riven? He paused and then looked at me with that seductive look.

-Much better. And yes Lord Yasuo, I would love to accompany you. -I bowed and he reciprocated.

We laughed and then I spoke.

-Idiot. I twisted the corner of my mouth to say that word.

-What? I treat you that way and you repay me that way? You deserve a little punishment! Yasuo grabbed me by the neck and then started rubbing his fist over my head.

-Tátátátá, GOD! LET ME GO! -I slapped his arms until he released me.

He gave a nice laugh to hear and went back to walking.

We played pinching and squeezing to the bottom of the stairs, and when we finally got there, we saw all the stalls packed with people, just like the temple, so Yasuo looked at me and said next to me.

-Find me a way to get food and drink, meet me here on the stairs in ten minutes. OK? -He spoke softly.

-OK! -Smile.

Meanwhile, Syndra was finally put down by Zed.

-Thanks. -She said a little sullen.

At that, Zed just patted his head.

-Sorry about before. -He spoke with an embarrassed smile.

Syndra just stared at him. So I saw that this was my time to leave the scene.

-Well guys, I'm going to take a look at the stalls and such, right? I'm starving, holy shit. I'll meet you at the hotel later, okay? Even more denied. I spoke quickly as I put my arms around Syndra and Zed's shoulders and quickly said goodbye to them. But before I completely left their side I patted Syndra on the shoulder and walked away from them both.

-B-BUT! COME BACK HERE! -Syndra spoke embarrassed.

-DO NOT WORRY! EVERYTHING WILL BE PRETTY. -Laughs. -I GOT MY MONEY, OK? -She put her hands on her waist and saw that her little purse was no longer there.

And quickly I went towards the stalls while she just showed me that beautiful middle finger.

I saw that it was high time to let the two talk, she deserved that time, she deserved to enjoy the best way possible that night, and there would be no better way to enjoy it than being beside her beloved, right? And that was exactly what I was going to do that night.

I ran away and went straight to a food stand next to me, that smell was in the air, it made me completely crazy. I went to the stall and squeezed among the people around me, at least I saw an advantage in being a runt, I mean shorty.

I infiltrated the people and reached the barrique bench.

I saw several and many cookies, sweets and many other super attractive snacks in front of me, my mouth came to salivate with all that wonderful sight. After seeing the tent attendants and cooks run around to fill orders, I was finally served by a small girl with slanted eyes and black hair.

-I want three cookie boxes and two drafts. You have loot, don't you? -I asked

She just nodded and went straight to get my order.

It hadn't taken her long and she already had my order on the wooden counter.

-Five coins. Please. -She said and held out her hand.

I twisted my mouth, and this time, I was forced to hand over my five coins. I paid and got my things and left to look for Yasuo.

I went straight to the stairs to wait for him, sat down on the last steps of the stairs and placed the little white cookie boxes beside me along with the bottles of loot. After settling myself on those steps, I took a small box and opened it. That warm and fragrant steam that came out of that little box made me crazy, WHAT A GREAT SMELL!

I didn't know if it was hot or not, I just grabbed a muffin and stuffed it whole into my mouth. How delicious! I must have looked overjoyed as I ate that.

I sat on the stairs enjoying those delicious cupcakes while waiting for Yasuo's bride to arrive.

I must have eaten half of that box while waiting for him, meanwhile I was having a beautiful view of a part of the city, I saw many people going up to the temple. So after a while, I got bored of looking at people, so I decided to look at the sky, and well, I was mesmerized when I looked at that immensity. The night was pleasant and every now and then I felt a light breeze hit my face. The sky was clear and very starry, but there was a long white trail that took up a large part of the sky, she as if they were thrown brightly in the sky.

-Wow. -I spoke quietly.

My voice already represented how impressed I was.

I was snapped out of my trance when I heard a noise beside me. I quickly turned around, however I got discouraged, unfortunately it wasn't Yasuo.

A girl with short brown hair had sat beside me, she stared at me and I stared back. So I decided to go back to watching the city and the sky while I also went back to eating my muffins, but I saw that my movements were being watched. I glanced sideways at the girl who had sat down beside me, saw that she was looking at my muffins. I wasn't sure if it was curiosity or hunger.

Suddenly, I hear a snoring, and the girl quickly put her hands on her stomach and her cheeks instantly turned red.

I couldn't contain myself and giggled. And that's when I thought about doing something I had never done before.

-Take it. I looked at the girl and extended my arm towards her with some muffins that were still left in that little box.

She shook her head and said.

-Thanks, but I don't want to. -She tried to hide it.

- That's not what your belly says. No problem, take it. -I gave a sweet smile and offered again.

-Thank you lady, but I don't want to. She gave the same sweet smile.

That's when I got angry.

I took the girl's hand and placed the box on top as I said.

-I know you want now to have this shit here and eat. -I spoke while punching that damn box in the girl's hand.

The girl was scared at first, but in the end she accepted.

-Thanks girl.

-You're welcome. -I spoke while resting my elbows on my knees and holding my face.

I waited a few more minutes and the girl said.

-The girl's hair is very beautiful. -She said with a very beautiful smile.

-Thanks. Yours is too. -Smile a little.

A few seconds later Yasuo arrived and spoke.

-Ranky? -He was a little away and then he spoke louder.

I turned quickly and said.

-I'M GOING! -I got up quickly and gathered our things.

After getting everything, I looked at the girl and took a coin out of the bag.

-If you feel more hungry, buy another one later, even more little girl. -I smiled and patted her head.

-Thanks girl! -She said with a smile on her face.

I got close to Yasuo and he didn't say anything about what he had just seen, he just smiled and said after a while.

-Let's go?


And finally we were going to see the fireworks.

Yasuo was holding two red handkerchiefs full of drawings and lines in his hands, I didn't understand what it was for, but I would ask later.

Yasuo walked ahead of me and I went quietly behind him. We passed behind several stools and came to one side of the temple that had some ropes with a sign hanging on it, and on it was written. "Don't go over," in this, Yasuo said as he tied the scarves to his clothing belt.

-Make silence ok? From here entry is not allowed.

-OK. - Is he taking me to the sucker by any chance? Does he think I can't read?

We passed under the ropes that signaled that passage was prohibited and followed the side of the temple. We walked through some bushes that were on the sides of a fence. We walked a little farther and Yasuo stopped in front of me and said.

-Now we'll have to go through the woods. Are you okay?-She ​​spoke gently.

-Are you taking me to retard man? What's wrong with going through the woods?

-Nothing. - Yasuo raised his hands in surrender. -I thought the maiden didn't like the bush.

-I've been living in the middle of forests and bushes for almost three years, I don't mind spending another half hour stuck inside another thicket. -I shrugged.

Yasuo chuckled and said.

-Come, let's go this way.

He turned and looked sideways, jumped over the small fence that separated the temple's surroundings from the forest, I did as Yasuo did and jumped the fence, we entered the undergrowth and I followed him faithfully.

It seemed that he knew the way very well, because he didn't even bother to look for trails or clues to get there, whatever the fuck he was taking me to.

-Where are we going? -I asked in a low voice.

-We're going to an almost abandoned temple. -He laughed low. -It's a temple where monks gather from time to time, to pray together and some things I don't know, to tell you the truth. At festive times this is almost abandoned as they meet once every three or four months.

-And why are we going there? -I asked while twisting the corner of his mouth.

-Because that's where you have the most beautiful view in the city. And like I said before, that's my favorite place in this town.

-We would be allowed to go there?

-No. -Yasuo laughed.

-So it's great. -Laughs back.

Yasuo then took my hand, said nothing, just held it gently and smiled silently. I closed my eyes for a few seconds, then smiled along with him. And we went like this for at least fifteen minutes, until we got to that place.

When we arrived, we came across a stone wall about two and a half meters high.

-So, how am I going to climb this beautiful? I haven't created wings yet! -I laughed mockingly near him.

-Who said we're going this way? Let's go up in a much cooler way! -He laughed and walked away.

He walked for a few more meters in front of me, which thanks to the beautiful full moon that shone in the sky that night, I could clearly see where he was walking.

A few meters ahead of me, Yasuo was moving a tree, as if he was checking something. I approached and saw that he was fiddling with small wooden boards nailed to the trunk.

-Shall we climb the tree?

-Uhum. -He said while still testing the firmness of the small pieces of wood. -Ready!

-But how do we go up with these things here? -I raised my arm and showed the food and drinks.

-No wonder I brought this. -He took from the belt of his clothes a big red scarf with a beautiful dragon drawn in its middle.

-You're smarter than I thought. -Smile smugly.

-You have no idea what I'm capable of. -He said as he took the food from my hand and wrapped it in the big handkerchief.

-I'm dying to find out. -I blinked.

-And by the way, it won't be long before that happens. -He smirked as he was bent over rolling the drinks this time.

-How many business did you bring? -I asked when I saw him wrapping the second handkerchief in that makeshift bundle.

-Two. I paid a coin to make a makeshift bag. -He chuckled as he gave one last knot.

He picked it up and put it on her back, tying it in a big, tight knot at the front.

-Ladies First. -He made a bow and gently pointed to the tree.

-Idiot. -I mumbled.

He bent down a little and made a little foot with his hands as he gave a light laugh.

-Humph! - I snorted as I accepted the little help of that mere mortal.

I braced my foot and then he lifted me up. I held on to two pieces of wood and steadied my hands, made a small effort and climbed one more step, thus reaching my feet on the other pieces of wood. I climbed three or four more steps and was already in the treetop. I took a few small steps and saw a large branch in front of me, which was so long that its tip almost lay on top of the temple's golden fence.

I was so distracted looking around the temple that I hadn't even seen Yasuo climbing the little nailed ladder. I felt his warm breath on my neck, and I just had time to completely shiver.

Suddenly, I felt his arms gently wrap around my waist, he hugged me and gave me a light kiss on the neck. And well, I honestly didn't know what reaction to use at that moment, whether I should turn around and grab him for another kiss, whether I was embarrassed and walked away, whether I was embarrassed and just enjoyed the hug.

Holy shit head think. AND THINK FAST!

So I used the first option, which by far was the best for sure.

I took advantage that his face was close to mine and I turned gently towards him, I advanced on top of him I put a hand on the back of his neck and pulled him close to me, when he was close enough I put my other arm over his shoulder and hooked my fingers in his hair and pulled him in for a kiss.

A voracious kiss that involved lust, desire and love.

Yasuo put his hands on my waist and squeezed hard, but not hurt. I pulled his hair harder and he responded to that action by placing his hands on my ass. He squeezed it long and hard, thus forcing me to stand on my tiptoes. The kiss only lasted a few more seconds, much to my sincere disgust, so I lowered my feet and stared at him while our faces were still close together, I rose again on tiptoe and bit his lip to end that moment.

-The night has barely started yet, calm down. He chuckled mischievously as he slapped my ass.

-I like to start things off in style. I gave a smile as mischievous as his and walked away from him towards the temple.

I walked towards the big branch that was in front of me as I gently tugged on Yasuo's hand. When I reached the end of the branch, I jumped and landed on the floor of the great temple. Looking from that point, everything looked even bigger, from the structure of the building to the size of the courtyard.

-That was a training center, wasn't it? -I asked while Yasuo came down from the tree.

-It was, a long time ago. I got to train a while ago here with the staff. That's why there are those woods nailed to the tree.- He said as he approached me.

-So that when you arrived late no one would bar you? -Laughs.

-Exactly. He blinked and snapped his fingers as he pointed at me. -It's been a long time since they opened this place for training, and it was like I said, they just open the place for some monks to say their prayers inside the temple and then leave. So this one is kind of abandoned, well taken care of and clean, but nobody uses it. He held up his hands and made a dubious expression.

I laughed softly and then asked.

-Then why did this handsome man bring me here tonight? I crossed my arms and stared at him.

-To show you the best view in all of Ionia. -He crossed his arms and imitated me.

-Then show me the sight of that stallion, before I lose the will to see the fireworks. - I turned around and started walking.

-I'm going, miss. -He came running and picked me up in his lap.

-LET ME DOWN YOU LITTLE SUN! -I yelled as I shifted in his lap.

-That's not how it's asked. -He pouted and put me on the ground.

-Idiot. Humpf! - I snorted.

-You're boring, you don't know how to play. -He bent down and dropped me on the ground while making an expression of sadness, then he quickly bent down and put me on his shoulders, thus making it difficult for me to escape, what I was left with was some punches and moves in the legs so that he would let me go . which was in vain by the way.

While that was going on, I decided that at least I could look at the view from that place as he carried me.

The large temple that stood in the center of that environment was really huge, the walls were high and full of carved and carved details, its architecture was beautiful, and speaking of width, I could barely see the back of that structure, it was so big she was. The yard around it was gigantic, its floor was all made of cement and in certain parts there were some designs, it seemed. I stopped paying attention to this area when Yasuo started down a small staircase.

That little ladder led to another training ground, much smaller than the one I was seeing, much smaller even. It must have been about two hundred to three hundred meters wide and look there. However its floor was with imperfections, holes and pillars jumped out of the ground.


-You want to know what this is don't you? -He laughed and put me down.

She gave a weak laugh and said.

-Sorry for being so curious. -I spoke with a small smile.

-I don't see a problem with you being curious, that's a good thing. -He smiled and patted my head.

Right after they patted my head, I ran my hands through the loose strands of my hair, which by now should have been blown away.

-This was the area where the terrestrial monks trained, they manipulated the land to their advantage, and over time, they were increasingly rare to find. I was lucky to meet some people with this incredible gift, I even ended up making a great friend who is part of this group. -He laughed. -I liked to see them train, it was something wonderful. -Yasuo gave a beautiful smile when he remembered that. -But now they're just good memories I keep from this place. -He smiled at me and then said. - Come on, we're almost there, and it should be almost time to start the show.

-Let's go. -I smiled and took his hand.

We walked a few more meters and went down a ladder that was flush against the wall, and there was the last training ground, it seemed. It's a little bigger than the last one we'd just seen. Its shape was more oval and it had its floor in perfect condition.

Then I realized the beauty of that place.

It was like a platform, in front of me, I could see the mountains and a distant part of the city, and of course, see that beautiful sky. The place was an open area and contained a light, refreshing breeze. The closer we got, the more we could see the city, its lights, and we could even hear some of its music and of course, we could appreciate all the beauty of that city from above. It was as if that temple didn't exist looking down from below, but if you looked down from above, you could see everything around you.

I was ecstatic as I admired all those lights and some lanterns that floated across the sky.

-It's almost time. Come on, let's eat before it finishes cooling. -Yasuo said in a calm tone of voice.

When I realized, he had already untied his bundle and arranged everything on the floor, spread the two handkerchiefs one on top of the other and sat on top, he had a bottle of loot beside him and in his hand he held a box of cookies.

I quickly snapped out of my trance and sat down next to him, grabbed my cookie box and started to devour them all at once, and it wasn't long before I Yasuo finished that little cookie box.

I took a big swig from the loot bottle and wiped my mouth with the sleeve of my overalls, and to end that beautiful scene, I let out a burp that would make the trolls jealous.

Yasuo gave a hearty laugh as he finished down his last muffin, it was a hearty laugh with his mouth full, it would probably result in people drowning.

And well, that's exactly what happened.

I ended up laughing more than I should have, instead of helping my beloved friend, and of course I preferred to laugh until my stomach hurt.

After Yasuo recovered from that "drowning" and I recovered from those laughs. We face each other and smile at each other.

-You're so spontaneous, that's a feature that I love about you Riven. -He gave that sincere smile that fascinated me so much.

When I had thought to say anything. I heard the first pop.

It had started.

-COME YASUO! - I got up a little awkwardly and pulled Yasuo by the arm so that he would get up and come see me

I ran to the end of that platform and there I was, paralyzed, in a trance with all that glow I was seeing.

There were too many loud, bright and colorful explosions happening at the same time. I was just paralyzed as I admired the beauty of that event of countless colors and sparkles.

With each blink, there was a new sequence of fireworks and new explosions, in addition to being able to hear some of the music coming from the city, we could hear people vibrating with each fire that broke out.

He and I were silent, just watching the rain. So after a while, I saw that it was time to break that silence.

-Thanks. -I said as I continued to look at the fireworks.

-How it is? -He said as he came out of the trance.

-Thanks. For everything. - I smiled still looking at the fireworks, so I finally turned my face to face him. -Thank you for everything Yasuo, for everything. -I felt a lonely tear run down my cheek.

I wiped that tear away gently, I would hate to cry in front of him, but since I had already done that, I just kept smiling so I wouldn't spoil it anymore in that beautiful moment.

Yasuo just approached me with a happy smile plastered on his face, that smile wasn't like the other smiles he used to give, it wasn't mocking, it wasn't sensual, it wasn't that smile he gave when he was happy or when he was being honest. It was a smile of pure joy and surprise, a smile that overflowed with good emotions.

He just walked over to me and enveloped me in a warm, tight hug. He didn't say anything, just gave me a kiss on the head and just stood there, his head leaning against mine and hugging me.

In that moment, there were no bad memories, there was no remorse, there was no pain or sadness. At that moment I didn't see the past or the future, I just enjoyed that present. I reached my arms around his belly, held him tightly, as if when I let go, he would evaporate through my fingers.

I enjoyed that moment, the moment I was hugging the only man who made me feel alive again inside, the man who made me love again. The man who won me over with nothing but smiles, laughs and stories.

I was hugging him, under a beautiful starry sky and under a beautiful rain of fireworks, which by the way, that would be a moment, that I would never forget.

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