
Rewards & Orb’s Location

Ace moved at full speed, deep within the forbidden planes. 

First, it was for the side mission. Second, even if he didn't get this requirement, he would still choose to head in this direction. 

Because after this theft, he knew Paul would reveal this powerful disguising ability, and then the Grand Demon Duke would definitely lock down the entire arena and make sure he wasn't hiding there. 

Although he could've simply killed Paul and left him there, however, by doing this, he would only be doing Leona a favor. From the moment Paul died there would be no proof left against her. 

Even though the chances of Paul turning against Leona were almost null because of his insane love, it was enough to give her massive pressure from the Imperial Prince and the Grand Demon Duke as well the furious Life Demon Association. 

The Association President would definitely conduct a massive search outside the area, especially in those demon camps. 


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