
Thriving Crisis

Stumbling to his feet, Caden wiped off the blood seeping out of his nostrils, a hostile look in his eyes. The dark shadows in the sky was starting to conceal the full moon.

"Wow, here's the knight in shining armor" Caden said, his tone dripping with sarcasm.

"I was going to kill her if you hadn't showed up" Caden continued. Pissed, Yuka attacked him using his magic. Caden was up in the air, Yuka's dark magic strangling him. Caden gasped for air as it squeezed his body and stole the air from his lungs.

"Don't do it"

Yuka stiffened at the sound of Hazel's pained croak.

"Do it, I dare you to" Caden gasped. Annoyed, Yuka threw him across the yard. Caden hit the ground hard, and passed out.

Yuka had a stoic expression on his face, his lips set in a grim line. Without saying a word, he walked towards Hazel who was sitting up slowly, her hand clutching at her throat. He scooped her into his arms and left the pool.


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